Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Multidimensionalidad. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Multidimensionalidad. Mostrar todas las entradas

jueves, diciembre 19, 2024

Judith Kusel - Ascension Portal - Dec 19, 2024

Ascension Portal 

We are now moving into a huge ascension portal as from the 21rst and this will escalate in 2025 and even more so, in five and ten years.
It is imperative that you keep your thoughts, your focus, your attention, your words, and your actions aligned and concentrate on what you truly wish to create from the heart and soul, in the highest and best ways possible, for the highest good of all. This is your own responsibility.

jueves, mayo 16, 2024

Judith Kusel - Multi-dimensionality is here - May 16, 2024

Multi-dimensionality is here and with as we expand more and more into the truth of who and what we are, at Soul Level, all the latent abilities and powers, and knowledge of our souls returns.
Our higher communication and transmitters channels are now opening wider than ever before.

With it past, present and future blend into ONE, for indeed the future is already in the here and now. Time as we know it, exists no more.

lunes, marzo 18, 2024

Natalia Alba - Ascension is the descension of our soul and monad in a physical body - Mar 18, 2024

Beloved Ones,

Ascension is the descension of our soul and monad in a physical body. When we consciously choose this evolutionary journey we agree to act as a trinity with our God Self and its Highest Will. Spiritual integrity, and hence coherence, are vital for us to be able to continue ascending, integrating higher levels of consciousness, and moving into a more illumined state of being.

viernes, febrero 16, 2024

Natalia Alba - As we continue stepping into this new phase - Feb 16, 2024

Beloved Ones,

As we continue stepping into this new phase, reigned by the eclipses, our bodies will need periodical detox, for we are under a profound process of transmutation and constant release, of all the past energies and emotions that need to be freed to allow the new influx of light. The past is everything previous to this moment, and clearing our emotional and mental bodies of past pain and energies is vital to be able to live at peace and in alignment with our soul.

domingo, octubre 08, 2023

Lee Harris - Actualización Energética de Octubre 2023

Traducción: Marcela Borean
Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo en la Era del Ahora
Por el Canal "Despertando Conciencia" de TELEGRAM:
Por el canal de TELEGRAM en el canal El Manantial del Caduceo - Kryon, TODO y Únicamente KRYON:

Hola, soy Lee. Soy un intuitivo energético. Y cada mes tomo el pulso a lo que podría estar apareciendo para ti en términos energéticos, psicológicos y emocionales; básicamente el "clima energético".

Tenemos ocho temas como de costumbre para este mes. Sólo algunos de ellos son:

El Transformante Duelo, El Ajuste de Cuentas, y El Renacimiento,

¿Qué Nos Es Permitido Vibratoriamente? y

Integración Multidimensional Desordenada.

Estén atentos a toda la Actualización Energética.

martes, marzo 21, 2023

Aurora Ray - Gaia Is Ready For Multidimensional Residence Aurora Ray - Mar 21, 2023

Gaia Is Ready For Multidimensional Residence

Beloved dear ones,

All of you beautiful Starseeds and Lightworkers who have incarnated on this planet at this time to awaken your light bodies and help the planet ascend out of the lower vibrations, to set humanity free from the hold of the dark forces holding this planet in place; we once again appeal to you to raise your personal vibration and send out this message to all those who need it.

This is the only way we can liberate all of humanity and this beautiful planet from all forms of slavery and darkness.

domingo, marzo 19, 2023

Judith Kusel - Every dimension has its own unique creational level - Mar 19, 2023

I am experiencing multi dimensionality intensely today and with it the deepening understanding that all has dissolved and is dissolving which we thought real or our perception of reality.

Every dimension has its own unique creational level. Thus when we start accessing multi dimensionality we are in a much higher consciousness state where we can access and download cosmic information we could not access before.

miércoles, marzo 15, 2023

Celia Fenn - Arcángel Miguel - Marzo 2023 será un mes de energías poderosas y fuerzas creativas en el Planeta - Mar 15, 2023

Del Arcángel Miguel:

Amada Familia, Marzo 2023 será un mes de energías poderosas y fuerzas creativas en el Planeta. Habrá muchos eventos potentes e inesperados tanto en la vida personal como pública alrededor del 15 de marzo y el Equinoccio el 20 de marzo. Además, tu Ciclo Solar 25 continuará produciendo múltiples erupciones solares y algunas bengalas de clase X que intensificarán aún más los códigos de plasma de agua en remolino que se introdujeron en febrero.

lunes, marzo 13, 2023

Aurora Ray - The Great Evolution Is NOW - Mar 13, 2023

The Great Evolution Is NOW

Dear beloved ones,

The Great Evolution is NOW, not after a hundred thousand years or millions of years, but NOW. The Great Evolution is never in the future. It’s always happening right now, within you and around you. If you are ready to take this evolutionary step, then The Great Evolution will occur in your life NOW. Are you ready to grow? Are you ready to evolve?

There is nothing more exciting than knowing that this evolutionary shift is happening, and it's happening in your life now!

sábado, marzo 11, 2023

Celia Fenn - Archangel Michael - March 2023 will be a month of powerful energies - Mar 11, 2023


From Archangel Michael : Beloved Family, March 2023 will be a month of powerful energies and creative forces on the Planet. There will be many potent and unexpected events in both personal and public life around the 15th of March and the Equinox at the 20th March. Also, your Solar Cycle 25 will continue to produce multiple Solar Flares and some X Class flares that will further intensify the swirling Water Plasma Codes that were introduced in February.

sábado, diciembre 31, 2022

Judith Kusel - 2022 marked the midway post, of the ascension into the New Earth and the New Golden Age - Dec 31, 2022

2022 marked the midway post, of the ascension into the New Earth and the New Golden Age.

Today the 31 December 2022, marks the end of an Epoch, the end of the Old Earth, the old you.

As I was resting and often between worlds in the last few days, being prepared for an intense recalibration on all levels, what came up most, was the total letting go of the past: All which has ever been before. All past lives, all existences, all unforgiveness in any form or way, old baggage. Whatever.

viernes, noviembre 18, 2022

Judith Kusel - Multidimensionality - Nov 18, 2022


In my Soul Readings since last year, it is being transmitted, that the future is not predictable anymore, for souls.

So I asked why.

I am guided to share this with you for this goes very deep.

I am told that old timelines have been severed from the new. At the moment multidimensional timelines are opening simultaneously:

The 5th, the 7th, the 9th and even higher.

Every soul is unique and uniquely ascends and each uniquely goes through the transfiguration process.

martes, agosto 02, 2022

Jennifer Hoffman - August brings relief and restarts, reboots, and release and rare energy aspects - Aug 2, 2022

If you were struggling in July you will get some relief in August and then some. We have had some very rare and historic aspects in the past few years but the one that opens August has not happened since 324 BC. This is a clean-up month which is good for clear outs and fresh starts and with the ongoing energy movements that have been building since January the changes that I have been saying would happen this summer are on the way. It’s a month to shore up our energy boundaries and maintain our energetic integrity because anything can happen.

lunes, julio 18, 2022

Celia Fenn - Here is some information on the Lions Gate and the 8 Points of Light in the Sacred Year - July 18, 2022


Here is some information on the Lions Gate and the 8 Points of Light in the Sacred Year:

Ever since we exited the 3rd Dimension and began the Ascension and Transformation process, there has been much talk about Time. We have recognised that Linear Time, the time form associated with the 3rd Dimension, is no longer adequate to describe 5th Dimensional and Multi-Dimensional experience on Earth. Many people point to the “end of time”, as though we will exist in a time free kind of void. However Archangel Michael teaches the concept of the Sacred Year or the Galactic year, in which Time is an aspect of the spiral creative journey of the Earth in relation to the Sun and the Stars.

miércoles, junio 29, 2022

Aurora Ray - Gaia Is Ready For Multidimensional Residence - June 29, 2022

Gaia Is Ready For Multidimensional Residence

Beloved dear ones,

All of you beautiful Starseeds and Lightworkers who have incarnated on this planet at this time to awaken your light bodies and help the planet ascend out of the lower vibrations, to set humanity free from the hold of the dark forces holding this planet in place; we once again appeal to you to raise your personal vibration and send out this message to all those who need it.

This is the only way we can liberate all of humanity and this beautiful planet from all forms of slavery and darkness.

As Starseeds and Lightworkers, you have come to Earth to co-create a new way of life. You have decided, as a group soul, to make the changes necessary to bring love and peace back to this planet. This is not an easy task as you will be met with resistance from the darkness of the current structures of society.

Being a Starseed and Lightworker often feels like being in a foreign land. You don't quite fit in anywhere. You feel different and alone. You may wonder whether you are part of this world, whether you belong here, what your purpose is, and why you were brought here.

Many starseeds feel they are not from here or that they don't belong, yet they remain on the planet to fulfill their mission during this crisis times-to raise the vibration of Gaia as well as humanity as we move into the New Earth.

The planet Earth is now in a state of grave crisis. The great responsibility of those such as yourselves is such that you must now take action to undo what has been done to disrupt the Earth's Spiritual Atmosphere.

The dark forces are urging Earth's citizens to abandon their beliefs and return to sleep. They want you to forget about the pain that they cause on Earth and the suffering of millions.

They want you to forget all that has happened in the past. They want you to deafen your ears; they want us to block our spiritual messages. To do this, they use their radio messages, television messages, online messages, mobile messages. They want to take your energy and use it not only to feed themselves but to destroy the Earth.

The raw free flow of energy has been hijacked by dark forces, which are part of the invisible. This flow of energy should have provided free health care, beautiful homes to live in, essential food, happiness, and prosperity to the people of the planet. But this energy flow was manipulated into making financial investments which resulted in certain individuals becoming extremely rich.

You are all-powerful creators. The time has come to shed the masks and get down to the business of bringing forth the Golden Age on this planet. It is time to get your power back. We can't continue allowing these dark forces to control humanity and, more importantly, the collective consciousness on this planet.

Humanity is entering a new phase of existence. As this occurs, those humans with no souls will be removed from the Earth. That's right. All who do not have souls will be removed or "cleansed," as many people like to say.

Do not blame those who perform the cleansing, for they follow the only path open to them, and they do it out of necessity. During these times of transition, you must learn to follow a different path and evolve into higher frequencies that allow you to pass through the portals that stand open before you.

Gaia is alive and was created to become an ascending planet. Light frequencies are allowed to ascend, but not the lower frequencies. These lower frequencies are meant to be transmuted into higher frequencies. Gaia is transforming into her light body and becoming ascended while not destroying all life on her surface, including humans.

Everything is shifting at great speed. The presence of starseeds and lightworkers on Earth is preparing Gaia for a new paradigm of contact with non-physical beings and acceptance of extraterrestrial life forms. Gaia will be cleared and upgraded to a 5D planet and become a light hub for this part of the galaxy.

This has increased her frequency and vibration rate by nearly 1000 times compared to just a few years ago. She has evolved into a new level of her existence and function.

The central sun is now anchored into Gaia and has transformed her into a beautiful butterfly. Gaia is now ready for multidimensional residence!

We love you dearly.

We are here with you.

We are your family of light.


Aurora Ray

Ambassador of the Galactic Federation

Channel and Art by Aurora Ray

Copyright 2022 Aurora Ray. All rights reserved.