In this new episode of Stargates and Time Travellers, we will analyse sightings of UFOs in antiquity, which were known as flying shields, chariots of the gods, lights and flying rays. In fact, numerous painters of the Italian Renaissance included them in their artworks, as if they were a perfectly normal occurrence, thereby attesting to the existence of beings from the stars, or cosmonauts, who have visited us since ancient times… and continue to do so, in the present day.
Enoch’s mysterious teleportation experience is recounted in the Bible and worthy of note, including his contact with two celestial beings of great height, whose faces shone like the sun, just like their voices and magnificent clothes and, according to the description therein, they sat in seats made of crystal.
On a related topic, what can be said about the stories of flying carpets, which King Solomon and the Queen of Sheba had in their possession? What about the flying shield that accompanied Alexander the Great during his campaigns? A plethora of incidents have been recorded in Japan, Europe and the United States, in addition to well-known cases of politicians, ministers, presidents, princes, and famous singers and actors who acknowledge having had contact with beings from the stars. The same is true of other proven experiences that happen in the present day.
We will explore teleportation cases and discuss how portals are not only used by beings of Light, which is why we have to remain alert and watch out for the forces of darkness, represented by controversial Artificial Intelligence. What are its origins? What dangers are involved? Why do we need to be aware of our Sun’s ever-increasing activity?
Video by Alcyon Pleiades