With this new episode of Stargates and Time Travellers, we celebrate our eleventh anniversary, since the publication of Alcyon Pleiades videos and documentaries first began. It is an altruistic project that strives to expose reality by shedding light on the truth, in order to help all those of pure and noble heart who yearn for an awakening, so that they can become aware of everything the ruling elite have hidden from us for centuries, including their deception and the harm they have caused humankind. Furthermore, the project’s objective is to show viewers that another reality is possible and that we find ourselves at a defining crossroads, like never before in history.
In this new episode, we would like to illustrate how great authors of the past left a record of celestial events, including the sighting of flying shields and chariots, as well as the apparition of armed troops in mid-air. These descriptions actually refer to the sighting of unidentified flying objects, now known as UFOs. Many occurred during the Roman Empire and in places like Egypt, Asia and Europe. Among the most famous accounts of UFO sightings in antiquity, we find references to the Vimanas of ancient India, known for emitting harmonious musical sounds.
On a related note, in modern times, there are numerous cases of close encounters with these evolved beings from the Cosmos, involving ship landings and interaction with their occupants, who have always wanted to leave a message for this humanity. Whether these contactees are unknowns or more renowned public figures, they leave us their testimony, as we continue to explore real cases of teleportation that are still unresolved.
Video by Alcyon Pleiades