Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta IA - Inteligencia Artificial. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta IA - Inteligencia Artificial. Mostrar todas las entradas

viernes, enero 19, 2024

Alcyon Pleiades 166: UFOs Ancient paintings UFO cases politicians-celebrities, Portals Dangers of AI

In this new episode of Stargates and Time Travellers, we will analyse sightings of UFOs in antiquity, which were known as flying shields, chariots of the gods, lights and flying rays. In fact, numerous painters of the Italian Renaissance included them in their artworks, as if they were a perfectly normal occurrence, thereby attesting to the existence of beings from the stars, or cosmonauts, who have visited us since ancient times… and continue to do so, in the present day.

Enoch’s mysterious teleportation experience is recounted in the Bible and worthy of note, including his contact with two celestial beings of great height, whose faces shone like the sun, just like their voices and magnificent clothes and, according to the description therein, they sat in seats made of crystal. 

On a related topic, what can be said about the stories of flying carpets, which King Solomon and the Queen of Sheba had in their possession? What about the flying shield that accompanied Alexander the Great during his campaigns? A plethora of incidents have been recorded in Japan, Europe and the United States, in addition to well-known cases of politicians, ministers, presidents, princes, and famous singers and actors who acknowledge having had contact with beings from the stars. The same is true of other proven experiences that happen in the present day. 

We will explore teleportation cases and discuss how portals are not only used by beings of Light, which is why we have to remain alert and watch out for the forces of darkness, represented by controversial Artificial Intelligence. What are its origins? What dangers are involved? Why do we need to be aware of our Sun’s ever-increasing activity?

Video by Alcyon Pleiades

Alcyon Pléyades 166: Ovnis, Pinturas Antiguas, Casos OVNI Políticos-Famosos, Portales, Peligros IA

En este nuevo episodio de Portales Estelares y Viajeros en el Tiempo, analizaremos los avistamientos de OVNIS en la antigüedad, conocidos como escudos volantes, carros de los dioses, luces, rayos voladores, incluso muchos pintores del Renacimiento italiano los dejaron plasmados en sus obras con toda normalidad, evidenciando la presencia de seres de las estrellas o cosmonautas, que nos han visitado desde tiempos antiguos y que lo siguen haciendo en la actualidad.

Incluso ha quedado narrado en la Biblia sobre la enigmática teletransportación de Enoc, y su contacto con los seres celestiales de gran estatura y con unos rostros que brillaban como el Sol, junto a sus voces y ropas magníficas que se sentaban en asientos de cristal.
¿Y sobre los relatos de las alfombras voladoras que tenía el Rey Salomón y la reina de Saba? ¿O el escudo volador que acompañaba a Alejandro Magno en sus campañas? Diversos acontecimientos quedaron registrados en Japón, en Europa, en EE.UU., lo mismo hay casos conocidos de políticos, ministros, presidentes, príncipes, famosos cantantes, actores que reconocen haber tenido contacto con estos seres de las estrellas, y lo mismo otras experiencias probadas de la actualidad. Casos de teletransportación, portales que no solo son usados por seres de Luz, sino también hay que estar alerta a las fuerzas de las oscuridades representadas por la controvertida Inteligencia Artificial. ¿Cuál es su procedencia, qué peligros entraña? ¿Por qué tenemos que estar alerta a la actividad creciente de nuestro Sol?

Video realizado por Alcyon Pléyades

miércoles, junio 29, 2022

Jahn J Kassl - The Archangels - HEAVEN ON EARTH IS NEAR! - June 29, 2022

photo credit: Andrea Percht

Be fearless – rather, have courage and faith in God, because even if events exceed the imaginable, you will be carried safely and lovingly through these hours of breakdown and shift.
Channeled by Jahn J Kassl
English edition by crystalflow translations
Heaven on earth is near
Being prepared with God

Beloved humans,

prepare yourselves for the big moment of the shift, that moment in time that is about to come and is bound to come, so that the world can once more focus its full attention on the light, and so that mankind can awaken.

Be fearless – rather, have courage and faith in God, because even if events exceed the imaginable, you will be carried safely and lovingly through these hours of breakdown and shift.

The ascension of mankind has been heralded over the course of centuries, and for just as long, you have been preparing during various lifetimes. Now the time of truth has dawned and the time of the light has come. Not a grain of sand will remain where it used to be.

martes, marzo 09, 2021

Lisa Renee - Emerald Order Reclaiming Human History

Emerald Order Reclaiming Human History 


Guardians regained access to the hibernation zone that held the overview of the AI holograms used to project Founder creator code into false timelines, false holograms that used usurped Emerald Order DNA, which was taken during the Thothian hijack that led to the Essene Massacre and Breeding Programs for alien hybridization on Nibiru. These Emerald Tablets held codices for deconstructing all the information recorded in Emerald Sun DNA, specific to planetary staff and permanent seed atom schematics in all of the four planetary rounds making up the Universal Tribal Shield.

lunes, mayo 18, 2020

Lisa Renee - Precipice of Evolution and Lyran History - May 2020

May 2020
Precipice of Evolution and Lyran History
Lisa Renee

Dear Ascending Family,

We all have been here before, standing at a precipice of major evolutionary change where the same choices were presented to us, Love or Fear. Much of the current crisis and the themes we are facing now are steeped in our hidden Galactic history. We must ask ourselves, how do we actually choose a different future, an ascending timeline that benefits all human beings? If we can do our part to stay out of fear and continually choose love and peace, we can create a link through time in which our present timeline can phase lock into the future timeline of the Christos realignment,

martes, noviembre 19, 2019

Lisa Renee - Dismantling Grey Alien Technology - Nov 18, 2019

This last week has greatly increased the activity made by the dark Grey Alien and Zeta groups attempting to gain control over their artificial timeline technology network in sections of the field as it systematically fails, that which they have used since World War II as soul capture imaging devices of planetary inhabitants. These are complex layers of infrastructure embedded in the planetary architecture that are for the purpose of generating inversion networks for loosh production and timeline manipulation on the earth, as well as for controlling the information given to the awakening individuals and truth seeking groups.

miércoles, mayo 29, 2019

Lisa Renee - Reading an Entity Its Rights

Reading an Entity Its Rights

The main groups of Negative Aliens; the Annunaki, Draconians and Necromitons that source out of the Phantom Matrix spaces in the parallel systems that invaded through Orion, formed alliances to take control over the earth, and these intruding groups are referred to as the Negative Alien Agenda (NAA). These groups used technology to open wormholes that were blended together to create the power required to attempt to pull the earth body into the black hole system. This would lead into the phantom matrix where they exist and could then gain total control over the planet and humanity.

domingo, abril 14, 2019

Teri Wade - Clones and AI...- April 14, 2019

Clones and AI...

The human race has had our DNA manipulated, altered and split in two to change our entire species genetic make up. Clones are a genetic creation that run on a artificial program “AI.” (Artificial intelligence).