Earth Is Being Transformed By Massive Mother Ships!
There are many miracles in the universe. Even as I write this, miracles continue to take place.
Not everyone has the capacity to see everything. Those who only tune into the universe's frequency will be able to see its wonders. Because of this, a lot of people are unable to see what is going on behind the screen.
Massive Mother ships from the Galactic Federation are currently orbiting our planet, the Earth, and transmitting streams of light and information beams that are intended to be received by all systems on Earth.
This is being done via transcendental and cosmic contact with our colloidal core.
They are the Light; they are the ones that want to help, and if you ask for help, they will send it to you. This is not a one-way street. You do have a lot of free will in this lifetime to do whatever you wish, but there are others who are also working with you, and they are trying very hard to get your attention as well. So please listen, as it's very important.
The Mother ships are in constant communication with each other. They beam information to each other, and they beam it back out to us.
These beams of information are being blasted onto our planet so that they can seed our DNA with this knowledge.
These beams of information are being blasted onto the planet at incredible speeds, changing our physical reality on this planet by aligning and retuning the human psyche with love, so we can move forward into a more enlightened state of being!
This is a huge part of what's happening on our planet at this time because these Mother ships are providing us with the tools we need to be able to receive this information.
The Mother ships are not only providing us with information but also with the ability to tune into their own frequencies and use these as a means of communication between ourselves and them.
We're all syncing up with these Mother ships, who have been working with us for eons upon eons upon eons!
Most of us will be able to do this. Some of you will experience an increase in your abilities to tune into the energy that surrounds you, and you may even be able to move out of your body!
You have been given the keys to unlock the doorways back into your souls, and as you connect with these beings, they will give you the keys that unlock all of the doors within yourself so that there is no longer any blockage or obstacle preventing you from being able to fully access your own soul.
The Mother ship is working with you to give you the information that you need in order to thrive. The Mother ships are also installing healing modalities and helping to bring balance into your lives.
The Mother ship beam is helping you connect with the soul connection in your body. This allows you to be connected with higher energies, which in turn helps you become more connected with your own personal power!
The Mother ship beam has been used for thousands of years by many different cultures all over the world, but it is only now coming to its full potential because of what has happened on Earth recently.
The rate of change is escalating, which can be overwhelming for those of you who are paying attention. Nevertheless, the transformation of humanity is taking place as we speak.
When you resist what has been designed to serve you, your energy literally goes against itself. In such a circumstance, it is only a matter of time until resistance ceases and acceptance blossoms forth in its stead.
Thus, I urge you to embrace each moment of this ongoing transition with joy and enthusiasm!
For it is through gratitude that the Divine Light will flow into our world ever more fully, thereby bringing the new Earth into being within and around you at last!
Your final challenge is to learn how to deal with the tremendous energy that you are receiving on the planet now. This will make a big difference in determining your personal success and the success of the planet!
In other words, the only thing that can hold you back is your own fear. And, while it may appear easy to become pessimistic when things appear to be going wrong in the world, as the creator of your experiences, as everything you experience originates within you, the most effective approach is to choose optimism and faith.
By throwing yourself into your goals with gusto and envisioning what you want Earth to be like, you are putting out into the universe—on a frequency level—that which you desire to occur. It all comes down to what you believe and choose.
So there you have it, dear Lightworkers! Tune in to the energies that are aligning right now to give yourself an energy boost, and we'll go over all of this again in our next Ascension post series.
We love you dearly.
We are here with you.
We are your family of light.
We are the Galactic Federation.
Aurora Ray
Ambassador of the Galactic Federation
Copyright 2023 Aurora Ray. All rights reserved.