Open Your Heart And Expand Your Reality
A lot of people are working quite hard to ascend spiritually.
However, Ascension does not actually need a lot of work. Ascension is a natural process.
Your original nature is bliss; you are already there! You have everything within you, and it's just a matter of awakening!
When I say "awakening," I don't mean anything external like meditation or going on a retreat or doing some special thing; I mean awakening inside yourself—to find out what kind of person you really are inside. And then come back and live through that love, through that kindness, that compassion, and understanding toward others.
The fifth dimension is your innermost being; when you start living inwardly, not outwardly, then everything starts growing.
When your heart is filled with love, and the rose begins to grow on its own, you will begin ascending in five dimensions, becoming a fifth-dimensional human being!
There is nothing you need to do to get ascended; it just happens because your heart is full of love.
When your heart is filled with love, love starts flowing inwards toward you, filling all parts of your body, mind, and spirit with a golden hue of divine energy!
The whole universe has been created for love: for loving each other unconditionally; for loving each other as we are; for loving ourselves as we are; for loving all that we see around us—not just those things that inspire us or please us but all things—even the ugliest things in our world because it's not about beauty; it's about seeing the spiritual energy within them.
Love is the most important thing in life. You will never rise higher unless your heart is pure unless your mind is complete, unless you have love in your heart. That is why love will take you to the fifth dimension!
There are no sages, no sadhus, and no gurus who can help you if they don't have love in their hearts. Where love exists, everything becomes transformed, and so do you!
And once it has kindled in your heart, there will be no question of your leaving this physical body because that world, which exists beyond, is not even of the human imagination.
So if you have never loved yourself, start now. Start today. Start from this moment. Do you know why? Because if you do not love yourself, how will you love others? If you do not love yourself, all that is yours for giving will be a few grains of sand in the desert.
And when there is a knowing of what I mean, then let your heart start growing the grass of love and acceptance, and you will become the rose that radiates in the brightness of the sun—radiating yourself and radiating your love!
You can make your life beautiful. You can look at the world in a different light. You can be filled with love and compassion and suddenly see a new world within yourself and around you!
Begin to love yourself, and then begin to love others!
Love is power. It has the magic of changing everything the moment it enters into it. Attain heaven on earth through love, and then spread it to others before it's too late for them. Love never fails!
Learn to generate and absorb the power of love. If everyone is able to generate this power in themselves, to love the children and the whole world, then I am sure the world will be a beautiful place to live in!
There is this wonderful thing that comes to us when we take refuge in the divine love of God. We feel it and live in it. It gives us everything that we need, all the time, abundantly. We don't have to worry about anything anymore; it covers our every need with a smile and keeps on giving!
You are a soul. You are not this body. A small particle of the universe has come into this body and is making the journey, experiencing all that it can experience, learning all it can learn, and doing everything it can do. But it does not identify itself with that body and mind. This is a play for you—just a play!
I will conclude with this thought: "Dance to the tunes of life, and you are the richest person on earth!"
Being in love with life means that you can't sleep enough. There are enough sunrises, trees, birds, and clouds to go around. Until your eyes are stinging with tears of joy, that means you are alive! And life is an ocean of joy, fathomless.
"Love is the key to ascension." It's really that simple. If you're looking for enlightenment and total liberation, then look no further than love itself!
We love you dearly.
We are here with you.
We are your family of light.
We are the Galactic Federation.
Aurora Ray
Ambassador of the Galactic Federation
Copyright 2023 Aurora Ray. All rights reserved.