lunes, agosto 26, 2024
martes, diciembre 05, 2023
domingo, agosto 06, 2023
The Phoenix Rises: Gaia's Golden Age Makes its Triumphant Comeback!

sábado, julio 08, 2023
viernes, marzo 10, 2023
Aurora Ray - The Time Of Transition - Mar 10, 2023

Dear beloved ones,
As you may be aware, the new time countdown began right now, when the Earth began to prepare for the final energy leap into the fifth dimension, where she already exists in her subtle forms.
The time has come, Gaia; the time of transition. On one hand, we are preparing for a new era in our evolution; on the other hand, we are witnessing an enormous effort towards global collective transformation.

lunes, marzo 06, 2023
Diana Cooper - Lady Gaia Meditation - Mar 6, 2023
1. Climb onto your magnificent unicorn and let it carry you down a shaft of pure white light into Hollow Earth, the vast seventh-dimensional chakra in the centre of Earth where every being, every civilization or culture that has ever incarnated is represented in etheric form.
2. Your unicorn glides with you through this wonderland and you can see magnificent dragons, people from ancient cultures, animals and many beings of light.

jueves, enero 19, 2023
Aurora Ray - The Golden Age Of Gaia : A New Earth Is Revealed - Jan 18, 2023

The GOLDEN AGE OF GAIA is emerging; the NEW EARTH is upon us!
The dark ages of 10,000 years are over!
The gods have returned!
The DIVINE SOURCE 5D ENERGIES that are currently overflowing on Earth are extremely powerful!
In the last few years, we have seen some shocking and unbelievable events in the world. The monstrous power of dark forces has finally come to an END!

domingo, enero 08, 2023

Happy New Year to us all as we move into a new, more expanded version of our reality! Of course, every one of us must set our own pace for when and where we choose to expand our consciousness into the higher fourth and fifth dimensional frequency of reality.
Just as there are different version of how we perceive reality, we are beginning to remember that WE are the creators of our reality! We are the creators of our reality by what we choose to think, what we choose to learn, what we choose to do, and how we choose to remember our dreams, our early childhood memories, our inner communications, and that which can only be perceived from within our Soul.
What is within our Soul is the component of our physical self who is actually our own Inner Galactic Being. Our Inner Galactic Being resonates to the many different frequencies of reality that flow through us, what we choose to incorporate as our "SELF," and what frequencies of Light and Love we choose to seek and hold within our physical body and our ever-changing Aura.
Our Aura flows around us all. Some are aware of this flow of energy and others are not aware of this ever-changing frequency of our innate Light Body that is always within, above and grounded below our physical expressions of SELF.
It is these invisible frequencies of our visible, third-dimensional body that work within our physical form to assist us to remember that we are much, much more than you have been told, or even remember.
These versions of reality change as our Inner Life changes and as we allow our Higher SELF to make contact with our own Physical SELF. Then, as we begin to allow our higher frequency thoughts, desires, memories, and perceptions into our third-dimensional consciousness, our physical body and the outer world around us begin to change.
However, in reality, it is not the outer world that has changed, but our own ability to perceive the higher frequencies of reality which exist in the higher frequencies of light! We often think of light as something that we turn on when we enter a dark room and then turn off as we leave that room, or wish to go to sleep!
However, only our physical self will actually "go to sleep," as our Higher Self eternally lives within the Light of the higher frequencies of reality. Of course, many people may not be ready YET to remember that they have a higher-dimensional SELF that resonates to the frequency of the higher third dimension, the fourth dimension, the fifth dimension, and beyond.
It is only our Higher SELF that is able to be fully aware of our ability to interface with the "knowing" of the higher frequencies of our physical self. In fact, the physical self resonates to a frequency of light that is much lower than the frequency of light that exists within our fourth-dimensional self, and especially different from the light in our fifth-dimensional self.
Each of the different frequencies of our physical body serves a different duty for the physical body. For example, our third-dimensional light represents all the neurological activities that keep our physical body alive in the third-dimension.
Many humans are only aware of their third-dimensional body. Therefore, many of us may not yet be aware of the higher frequencies of inner light that live within our bodies. When one is having a bad time, feels sad or victimized, our body can only "turn on" the lower frequencies of the body's Light.
On the other hand, when one has expanded one’s consciousness, our awareness of our own inner abilities, the mission which we chose to fulfill within this incarnation, comes into our awareness. Then, our body is increasingly able to perceive more of the many higher frequencies of light within our physical life and within our own physical form.
Very often this Light may be thought of as the mood we are in. For example, if one is in a very downward, even victimized mood, their inner light can become quite dim. On the other hand, if that same person is feeling love, strength, or even just searching for and/or living within a life that feels good, powerful, happy, and purposeful, that person can more easily awaken and recognize the FEEL of one’s own Higher Light.
One of the first things that this "inner Higher Light" shares with your body is that your emotions, thoughts, and aspirations become focused on assisting other beings as well as the living body of Earth which is often called Gaia.
Back when humans were “primitive,” some societies believed that there was a strong life-force in the planet and in many other forms of life. It was the "modern humans" who began to think of the Earth, Air, Fire and Water as things that they could just use at will for themselves!
On the other hand, many "primitive humans" thought of Gaia and all Her planetary elements as living beings of their daily the life and focused on assisting and protecting Gaia's living planetary SELF!
How did “modern humans” forget or ignore the that Gaia is a LIVING BEING and was a living being long before humans evolved?
Can we humans begin to remember our own ancient knowledge that is NOT attached to any pride, ownership, or other human limitations?
When will all humans evolve to remember that our lives are sustained by Gaia's planetary body?
In fact, we humans are NOT the owners; we humans just a part of life on Gaia's Earth. The only and crucial thing that Gaia needs from us is that we love Her Earth Body as much as Gaia Loves Us!
Within this New Year of 2023--AND BEYOND,
Gaia has ALWAYS loved and protected her humans!
Suzanne Lie, PhD

miércoles, enero 04, 2023
Aurora Ray - The Golden Age Of Gaia: You Are About To Enter Into The Magnificent Era Of Possibilities - Jan 4, 2023

You have been waiting for this time, for this moment of your life, and you have been looking forward to it.
It's time to be joyful and celebrate your new life journey!
Your time is coming. Your time is now! The new earth is here!
The Golden Age of Gaia has begun, and it comes with all the blessings of Mother Earth upon YOU.

lunes, enero 02, 2023
Root Chakra Meditation: Grounding into the Fiery Core of Gaia.

miércoles, noviembre 16, 2022
Pamela Kribbe - Mother Earth/Gaia - Abundance lies within - November 6, 2022
Dear friends,
I am Mother Earth. I am so happy to join with you on this day. I am the spirit that inhabits your planet, that pervades all nature, including your body and you. Please become aware of my energy, the Earth energy in your own body, and know that your body has a natural rhythm and wisdom. If you want to know the answers to your life’s questions, than please be aware that you can not truly receive them without connecting to your body.

domingo, julio 24, 2022
Aurora Ray - The Golden Age Of Gaia Is Returning Now -

The Golden Age of Gaia was a time when humans lived in harmony with nature and animals, and it will return again.
But first, we must learn to live in harmony with each other.
The Golden Age of Gaia is a term that refers to a period of time in Earth's history during which the planet was more stable and healthy. The term was coined by the French philosopher Pierre Teilhard de Chardin (1881-1955) and was first used in his 1921 book "The Future of Man."

miércoles, julio 13, 2022
Aurora Ray - BIG BREAKING: We And Our Planet Are Shifting Into Higher Consciousness - July 13, 2022

Ascension is a shift from the physical form into the higher realms of light. In the past, Earth has been in the third dimension of consciousness, where we have experienced duality—good versus evil, love versus fear, and so on!
The new energies coming forth are awakening us as individuals to go beyond this duality and embrace our connection with everything around us. All beings are undergoing a process of healing and upgrading their DNA and cells through what you might call a vibratory frequency increase, which will affect all kingdoms (including humans, animals, plants, and minerals) upon the Earth.

miércoles, junio 29, 2022
Aurora Ray - Gaia Is Ready For Multidimensional Residence - June 29, 2022

Gaia Is Ready For Multidimensional Residence
Beloved dear ones,
All of you beautiful Starseeds and Lightworkers who have incarnated on this planet at this time to awaken your light bodies and help the planet ascend out of the lower vibrations, to set humanity free from the hold of the dark forces holding this planet in place; we once again appeal to you to raise your personal vibration and send out this message to all those who need it.
This is the only way we can liberate all of humanity and this beautiful planet from all forms of slavery and darkness.
As Starseeds and Lightworkers, you have come to Earth to co-create a new way of life. You have decided, as a group soul, to make the changes necessary to bring love and peace back to this planet. This is not an easy task as you will be met with resistance from the darkness of the current structures of society.
Being a Starseed and Lightworker often feels like being in a foreign land. You don't quite fit in anywhere. You feel different and alone. You may wonder whether you are part of this world, whether you belong here, what your purpose is, and why you were brought here.
Many starseeds feel they are not from here or that they don't belong, yet they remain on the planet to fulfill their mission during this crisis times-to raise the vibration of Gaia as well as humanity as we move into the New Earth.
The planet Earth is now in a state of grave crisis. The great responsibility of those such as yourselves is such that you must now take action to undo what has been done to disrupt the Earth's Spiritual Atmosphere.
The dark forces are urging Earth's citizens to abandon their beliefs and return to sleep. They want you to forget about the pain that they cause on Earth and the suffering of millions.
They want you to forget all that has happened in the past. They want you to deafen your ears; they want us to block our spiritual messages. To do this, they use their radio messages, television messages, online messages, mobile messages. They want to take your energy and use it not only to feed themselves but to destroy the Earth.
The raw free flow of energy has been hijacked by dark forces, which are part of the invisible. This flow of energy should have provided free health care, beautiful homes to live in, essential food, happiness, and prosperity to the people of the planet. But this energy flow was manipulated into making financial investments which resulted in certain individuals becoming extremely rich.
You are all-powerful creators. The time has come to shed the masks and get down to the business of bringing forth the Golden Age on this planet. It is time to get your power back. We can't continue allowing these dark forces to control humanity and, more importantly, the collective consciousness on this planet.
Humanity is entering a new phase of existence. As this occurs, those humans with no souls will be removed from the Earth. That's right. All who do not have souls will be removed or "cleansed," as many people like to say.
Do not blame those who perform the cleansing, for they follow the only path open to them, and they do it out of necessity. During these times of transition, you must learn to follow a different path and evolve into higher frequencies that allow you to pass through the portals that stand open before you.
Gaia is alive and was created to become an ascending planet. Light frequencies are allowed to ascend, but not the lower frequencies. These lower frequencies are meant to be transmuted into higher frequencies. Gaia is transforming into her light body and becoming ascended while not destroying all life on her surface, including humans.
Everything is shifting at great speed. The presence of starseeds and lightworkers on Earth is preparing Gaia for a new paradigm of contact with non-physical beings and acceptance of extraterrestrial life forms. Gaia will be cleared and upgraded to a 5D planet and become a light hub for this part of the galaxy.
This has increased her frequency and vibration rate by nearly 1000 times compared to just a few years ago. She has evolved into a new level of her existence and function.
The central sun is now anchored into Gaia and has transformed her into a beautiful butterfly. Gaia is now ready for multidimensional residence!
We love you dearly.
We are here with you.
We are your family of light.
Aurora Ray
Ambassador of the Galactic Federation
Channel and Art by Aurora Ray
Copyright 2022 Aurora Ray. All rights reserved.

domingo, junio 26, 2022
Aurora Ray - The Challenges You Are Experiencing At This Time Are Due To Gaia's Ascension Process - June 26, 2022

The challenges that you are experiencing at this time on your planet, Earth, have been brought to you by Gaia's ascension process.
Your DNA is being affected as she ascends into a new location in time and space, and as she does so, your DNA is affected. This means that your DNA is being changed by her ascension, and it is also re-coding itself in response to the energies presented to you from other locations in space and time.

martes, junio 14, 2022
Pamela Kribbe - Mother Earth/Gaia - The Consciousness of Earth - June 12, 2022

Dear people,
I greet you heartily. I am your mother, the Earth, and I celebrate your presence here with me.
I encompass you all. Feel my presence as a consciousness that permeates all that lives on Earth. That consciousness is in you and in all that is around you: the minerals, the plants, the animals. I am in everything that lives. All that has taken material form is quickened and enlivened by consciousness from within, and I live in that consciousness and support it.

jueves, mayo 19, 2022
Aurora Ray - Gaia's Ascension Update - May 19, 2022

As I have stated before, the energies on Gaia are changing. Many things are happening as a result of the change in energy. One of these is that the core of Gaia is being re-energized, and this will create an acceleration in the changes that are occurring.
In this message, I again want to speak of some of the changes that are taking place as we near the completion of this cycle. I ask you to look at these things with a clear mind and an open heart.
• The energies of Gaia are changing. As a result, there will be some massive changes that will take place throughout the year 2022.

domingo, mayo 01, 2022
Aurora Ray - Gaia And The Evolution Of Consciousness - May 1, 2022

Dear ones,
The Universe is made up of light and its expressions as sound, frequency, vibration, and color. Each of us has an energetic signature, a vibrational imprint that makes us uniquely who we are, and we carry that same signature through every level of existence. Every object has a soul, too; everything is imbued with Spirit--a unique aspect of Source.
All energy is intelligent and sentient; it responds to the intentions we hold for it. It can be directed or undirected; it can be concentrated or scattered; it can be harnessed or dispersed. The use to which we put our energy determines the world we experience around us.

lunes, abril 11, 2022
Aurora Ray - Gaia's Ascension Update - Apr 11, 2022

As I have stated before, the energies on Gaia are changing. Many things are happening as a result of the change in energy. One of these is that the core of Gaia is being re-energized, and this will create an acceleration in the changes that are occurring.
In this message, I again want to speak of some of the changes that are taking place as we near the completion of this cycle. I ask you to look at these things with a clear mind and an open heart.
• The energies of Gaia are changing. As a result, there will be some massive changes that will take place throughout the year 2022.
• This change has been foretold in your ancient past, but it is not known by your current society.
• This energy change is affecting all aspects of your lives—physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually—as well as your planet itself.

jueves, abril 07, 2022
Sandra Walter - Gaia is Shifting, Body Effects: Preparing for the April 13-19 Influx - Apr 7, 2022
Blessings Beloveds ~
This is a level of expansion your heart has never felt,
your mind has never considered,
and your body has never experienced.
I feel the Kryst Realms are spot on with this message.
Personally, I AM feeling a brand new level of consciousness and heart center expansion. Brand new perspective and vision, partnered with overwhelming bliss, joy and compassion. And yes, occasional fatigue, spaciness and time distortions.