miércoles, marzo 15, 2023
March 2023 Energies Update ft. Arcturian Messages

sábado, febrero 11, 2023
domingo, enero 08, 2023

Happy New Year to us all as we move into a new, more expanded version of our reality! Of course, every one of us must set our own pace for when and where we choose to expand our consciousness into the higher fourth and fifth dimensional frequency of reality.
Just as there are different version of how we perceive reality, we are beginning to remember that WE are the creators of our reality! We are the creators of our reality by what we choose to think, what we choose to learn, what we choose to do, and how we choose to remember our dreams, our early childhood memories, our inner communications, and that which can only be perceived from within our Soul.
What is within our Soul is the component of our physical self who is actually our own Inner Galactic Being. Our Inner Galactic Being resonates to the many different frequencies of reality that flow through us, what we choose to incorporate as our "SELF," and what frequencies of Light and Love we choose to seek and hold within our physical body and our ever-changing Aura.
Our Aura flows around us all. Some are aware of this flow of energy and others are not aware of this ever-changing frequency of our innate Light Body that is always within, above and grounded below our physical expressions of SELF.
It is these invisible frequencies of our visible, third-dimensional body that work within our physical form to assist us to remember that we are much, much more than you have been told, or even remember.
These versions of reality change as our Inner Life changes and as we allow our Higher SELF to make contact with our own Physical SELF. Then, as we begin to allow our higher frequency thoughts, desires, memories, and perceptions into our third-dimensional consciousness, our physical body and the outer world around us begin to change.
However, in reality, it is not the outer world that has changed, but our own ability to perceive the higher frequencies of reality which exist in the higher frequencies of light! We often think of light as something that we turn on when we enter a dark room and then turn off as we leave that room, or wish to go to sleep!
However, only our physical self will actually "go to sleep," as our Higher Self eternally lives within the Light of the higher frequencies of reality. Of course, many people may not be ready YET to remember that they have a higher-dimensional SELF that resonates to the frequency of the higher third dimension, the fourth dimension, the fifth dimension, and beyond.
It is only our Higher SELF that is able to be fully aware of our ability to interface with the "knowing" of the higher frequencies of our physical self. In fact, the physical self resonates to a frequency of light that is much lower than the frequency of light that exists within our fourth-dimensional self, and especially different from the light in our fifth-dimensional self.
Each of the different frequencies of our physical body serves a different duty for the physical body. For example, our third-dimensional light represents all the neurological activities that keep our physical body alive in the third-dimension.
Many humans are only aware of their third-dimensional body. Therefore, many of us may not yet be aware of the higher frequencies of inner light that live within our bodies. When one is having a bad time, feels sad or victimized, our body can only "turn on" the lower frequencies of the body's Light.
On the other hand, when one has expanded one’s consciousness, our awareness of our own inner abilities, the mission which we chose to fulfill within this incarnation, comes into our awareness. Then, our body is increasingly able to perceive more of the many higher frequencies of light within our physical life and within our own physical form.
Very often this Light may be thought of as the mood we are in. For example, if one is in a very downward, even victimized mood, their inner light can become quite dim. On the other hand, if that same person is feeling love, strength, or even just searching for and/or living within a life that feels good, powerful, happy, and purposeful, that person can more easily awaken and recognize the FEEL of one’s own Higher Light.
One of the first things that this "inner Higher Light" shares with your body is that your emotions, thoughts, and aspirations become focused on assisting other beings as well as the living body of Earth which is often called Gaia.
Back when humans were “primitive,” some societies believed that there was a strong life-force in the planet and in many other forms of life. It was the "modern humans" who began to think of the Earth, Air, Fire and Water as things that they could just use at will for themselves!
On the other hand, many "primitive humans" thought of Gaia and all Her planetary elements as living beings of their daily the life and focused on assisting and protecting Gaia's living planetary SELF!
How did “modern humans” forget or ignore the that Gaia is a LIVING BEING and was a living being long before humans evolved?
Can we humans begin to remember our own ancient knowledge that is NOT attached to any pride, ownership, or other human limitations?
When will all humans evolve to remember that our lives are sustained by Gaia's planetary body?
In fact, we humans are NOT the owners; we humans just a part of life on Gaia's Earth. The only and crucial thing that Gaia needs from us is that we love Her Earth Body as much as Gaia Loves Us!
Within this New Year of 2023--AND BEYOND,
Gaia has ALWAYS loved and protected her humans!
Suzanne Lie, PhD

domingo, octubre 09, 2022
domingo, septiembre 04, 2022
sábado, agosto 06, 2022
lunes, julio 04, 2022
sábado, abril 23, 2022
jueves, abril 21, 2022
Suzanne Lie - Are there many worlds? - Apr 21, 2022
More and more, as we travel into Outer Space
We MAY be discovering that there are other realities
that exist in other areas that, THAT we on Earth, would call
"Outer Space"

sábado, abril 02, 2022
viernes, marzo 04, 2022
Suzanne Lie - Long Ago, but in the Future - Mar 3, 2022
The world that we have known so far seems to be growing more and more from the small tree of years ago into the HUGE true that seems to continue to grow and grow and grow!
This tree began as a small bush, but as we move more and more into the future this small tree is becoming bigger and bigger!
Of course, there are many part of our daily life that once seemed to be just a quick moment, grown larger and larger, just like the above tree.

domingo, febrero 27, 2022
Suzanne Lie - Gaia as a living Being - Feb 26, 2022
Gaia as a living Being
NOW is the time for us all to remember that Gaia is a living being. For far too long humans have only thought of our dear planet as a "thing."
What if Gaia was not just a "thing?" In fact, what if Gaia is actually a living being that is wearing a very different form from all the beings that live on her planetary body?
Of course, most of humanity has the need to think of being a human is the highest frequency of life form that could happen. However, what if the planet Earth was a living being?

sábado, febrero 12, 2022
lunes, enero 31, 2022
domingo, enero 16, 2022
domingo, enero 02, 2022
2022: The Year of Awakening, Creating & Connecting

viernes, diciembre 03, 2021
sábado, noviembre 20, 2021
Lunar Eclipse Energies: Update from Sue and the Pleiadians and Arcturians

miércoles, noviembre 17, 2021
Suzanne Lie - Give your self some credit - November 17, 2021

How are you all doing within this now? This is a very difficult time now, but I see that many people are doing their best to move through these challenges.
In fact, please give yourself the a pat on your back because you deserve it for moving through this time of great challenges. It is a time in which everyone needs to face the unknown in a way that many of us have never done before.

martes, octubre 26, 2021
Suzanne Lie - This is the When of the NOW - Oct 26, 2021

This is the when of the NOW
As the When and the Now interface with each other, there is a moment in which you meet with your conscious and your unconscious self to decide exactly "who is at the helm of the ship?"
It is in that moment that you will know that there are decisions that will soon need to be decided. If you wish to work as one person in which the when and the now will connect as something is preparing to begin to understand and accept you will have one experience,