Remember that as we now step in the new Creation, that as this transition happens, a lot of the old stuff will come up.
All is in a process of disintegration.
It is an alchemical process, where the lower world and all it contained, inclusive of all your emotional baggage, and all the negative old karmic patterns and whatever was created between you and other souls, between countries and peoples etc. and by the whole of humanity through millions of earth years, is getting transmuted and transformed into a much higher frequency band.
The Alchemist literally changes the lower form - into a much higher frequency form, and through this the lower form disintegrates, and takes on no-form, in order to be transformed into a much higher and higher frequency creation!
As you are stepping into the new World now, know that a lot of what is still lurking there, deeply buried within you, that is of the lower density, and vibration, all which is there within you and programmed within you, will surface now at a rapid pace, so that it can be released and transmuted and you are then freed to move into your much higher and new vibrational state.
It is a process.
I was told that if this happens too fast our physical form would not be able to hold form - it would simply disintegrate. I was shown this last week, and I shared this in my webinar, that we now had two etheric spinal columns, and these etheric spines, are now assisting us to adjust to the much higher frequency and vibratinal state, as the spinal column acts as a tuning fork and literally tunes us into the higher dimensional states. There is far more to this, as those who attended my webinar will know - but suffice it to say, that we are being prepared to accelerate very rapidly now from the 5th into the 7th and even higher. Without the additional two etheric spinal columns we would not be able to hold form in any way anymore.
Be patient with yourself.
At times it will feel as if part of you is still functioning in the 3D holographic world, while another part of you is present in the 5D.
What is simply means is that one needs to be not OF the 3D anymore - you will not buy into the illusions, you will get caught up in the dramas, you simply now live your life in a different form and way than before, and are therefore are the Master of your own Life and New way of living.
Indeed, you choose not to get caught in the 3D dramas anymore, no matter what is unfolding there.
Be patient with yourself.
Be patient with others.
More than this, always get back into your heart space, and allow the Divine Power of Love to be your guiding light, your anchor and stay. It is the only way you will be able to navigate these immense changes from one form into a another form, one light into a totally new life and form of life now unfolding.
One single step at a time. Every moment a new unfolding, a new and more illumined you, rising to the fore, and ever day a new way of life forming in and around you! Embrace it! Nurture and love it into being, and explore all the new wonders it brings with it as you become like a child, exploring the new reality and new Earth in all her glorious unfolding in the 5D.
In truth each single step is a quantum leap into the Eternal One.
Judith Kusel