sábado, julio 25, 2020
Asara Adams - Archangel Michael - Energy Update - July 25, 2020
Archangel Michael:
"Greetings, Beloved Ones.
We send you blessings of Love and Light, in this Now Moment, and we invite you to open your heart to our message for you...
Currently, you are shedding layers upon layers of the old, third dimensional reality.
Many things might not feel the same way they used to.
Many things might not work the same way they used to.
You might not feel the same way you used to.
Your interactions might not be the same.
You might not feel like the same person anymore.
You are becoming a new human.
This is all a good thing, as you are crossing the bridge into the higher dimensions.
The key to successfully crossing the bridge is not to look back, but to look forward towards you new vision of you life.
We are here to tell you that the majority of humanity is now creating a magnificent Divine New Earth experience by way of their asking for the improvement.
This is an important part of the process at this time.
Another important part of this process is to hold Harmony and Peace in your hearts for as long as possible.
The vibration of harmony is neutralizing your current energy field in order to allow for Divine Love to enter your life.
So how do you hold the energy of harmony in your heart?
The first step is your intent and your asking when you start your day:
"I AM Divine Harmony at all times..."
Feel the feeling of harmony enter your heart and being.
Then, when you go about your day continue to make this statement as often as you can.
This will build a powerful momentum.
At first, you might not feel a big difference, but over time, little things will begin to shift into more harmony.
Then, bigger things will shift into harmony.
At any point, add the statement "AM Divine Love at all times..."
Feel the feeling of Divine Love enter your heart and being.
This process is vibrating into your world and into the Universe.
Every time you are making these statements, the Angels, Ascended Masters, Galactic Beings of Light and all Realms of Light are able to add Divine Love of Source to your world.
This will give you additional support and assistance for your ascension into the higher dimensions.
Know That All Is Well, Beloved Ones.
Welcome Home.
We are walking beside you, every step of the way.
Dear Ones, you are loved beyond measure. Always.
I am Archangel Michael and I bring you this truth.
Thank you, Archangel Michael!
Publicado por
Ángeles de Crystal

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AA MIguel,
Asara Adams,
Reporte de Energías