Blessings Beloved Ones,
We are your Lyran and Sirian Forefathers. It is with utmost respect, appreciation, and love that we share this transmission, at this special time for you, Beloved Ones. You have ahead a wonderful time to open your eyes to Truth and begin a process of self-empowerment like never in your human history.
At this time of your human calendar, a cosmic union that we all celebrate, takes place in your Heavens - your Planet aligns with Sirius - our Home in a time that no longer exists within your current human timeline, in unison with Regulus. The essence and main purpose of this cosmic reunion, is to help you anchor, within yourselves, Truth and the power to keep choosing freedom and the joy of pursuing only that which brings you joy.
In a world where polarities are at constant play, as it was the main aim of your human plane, to help you remember the power of love, you are presented with the opportunity, for those who desire to ascend, to move beyond your human perception of fear and love, as dual energies, and find unity within the presented chaos that seems to reign in your Earth.
It has come to our attention the fear that many are experiencing in your Planet, at this time in which many of you are transitioning into fifth dimensional timelines of your future Earth Time/Space. Fear is lack of personal empowerment and sovereignty. Fear takes place when you are still programmed to believe in the lack of power you have to shift your current human reality.
Fear does not enter into a free mind. Fear cannot control a soul who resides in the remembrance of who you truly are, and the many possibilities that, even as humans, you all have, to shift timelines that you no longer wish to revive.
There will be those, who at this time, will feel extremely drained and sensitive, as they act as transmitters of energy. Those have as their main mission to filter the lower energies, especially of fear and desolation, that reign at the moment in the collective, for they are energy transmutators. Be aware of your mission, fear not the nature of it. For we assure you that it is within you the strength and vitality to carry on with the mission that you chose to do here. You all hold within all you need to overcome this phase, until this chaotic period in humanity ends.
As the essences from many stellar bodies reunite, during August, you have the free choice of uniting with them for the purpose of conscious co-creation and healing. We invite you to call upon the Golden frequencies coming, now, on your Earth, from the Golden portal, one you call Lion one, to allow the infusion of DNA correction codes onto you.
These Golden essences will help you in reassuring your new path. They will help you to stay in joy. For there is nothing more important than being in a constant state of hope, joy and gratitude for you to manifest the same blessings in your human experience. Remember Beloveds, if you cannot allow yourselves to be in joy, you cannot truly give anything to others, for all comes out of this loving state of being.
The frequencies coming to you during this month, are DNA activators, helping many of you who are under this conscious process of becoming sovereign free beings, into the awakening and retrieval of your millennial Divine Wisdom. A process that is vital if you desire to regain your Divine memories. Memories that will show you the Truth of the magnificence of who you are, and what you came here to offer.
These Solar frequencies carry new 12D DNA codes. If you have prepared your light vehicles, or are working on it, then you are one who will benefit from the integration of these essences that come from the centre of your Cosmic Solar Consciousness, although explaining it, will be limiting what cannot be named, but felt.
If you are struggling with liberating yourself from the many ties that you have previously created for yourself, or that others desire to put on you. Be brave Beloveds, for you all are being infused with the benevolent assistance, to reclaim freedom and begin to experience your human realm, in a purer, and unconditional way.
This is a unique time of your human history, Beloved ones. For there was never such a great opportunity for you to leave an old timeline and create your desired one. To take this quantum leap, you are also being assisted by many essences that will help you integrate the masculine and feminine, in a loving, and balanced way, for there is nothing you can create, if first these essences within yourselves, are not in love with each other, as it was at the beginning, and as it is meant to be.
Focus not only on the solar frequencies received, at this time, but also on the feminine ones that are coming from other benevolent sources and stellar bodies, for you to begin synthesizing all of who you are, and start operating as One.
You are ready to move into a more illumined level of consciousness. Yes, dearest one, you. Because if you are reading this message, it is not by coincidence, and it means that you are aligned with the essence of this message, and its healing codes for you to embody, consciously.
Only you can decode them and give them the purpose that you wish, for only you are the Creator, the healer, and the shifter of your own human experience, and so be it.
We, your Lyran and Sirian Forefathers, are here to support you in your path to enlightened and conscious evolution. It is our joy and duty as your Forefathers to take care of our children who are now beginning to remember their greatness, and beginning to walk as sovereign beings, as you too show the way to your own children.
By giving this quantum leap, you are no longer those children that you were once, walking blindly. You are now masters, conscious of your own power and experience, remembering new ways to become more love, and be of assistance.
We invite you to be who you are and share your unique, and precious, Gifts, Beloved Ones. Do not allow yourselves to fall into the many distractions that are meant to confuse you and entertaining you to full your higher path. Rise above the many tactics and delusions implanted by your human society.
Rise above all that is not authentic. For there was never a better time for you to choose to create your own way of living, one that shows what living within Divine Love, integrity, and compassion, truly means.
Be conduits of love.
Be conduits of harmony.
Choose to rise above all conflicts and present fear.
For you came here as beacons, and as such you shall shine, Beloveds.
It is with great love, respect, and appreciation that we have shared this message.
We appreciate you, and thank you immensely for your Presence, and assistance to All, during this time of transition in your Planet.
We profess infinite love and blessings for you all, Beloved Ones
Natalia Alba
Artist: A. Andrew Gonzalez