viernes, julio 31, 2020
Jamye Price - August Ascension Energies – Building Momentum - July 31, 2020
July Review
July’s energy of Creative Power was combined with a lot of fast movement and deep stillness. Depending on your moment, your needs and your focus; it may have felt like one or the other, or even both. This is the multidimensional blending that is continuing to anchor more of your subtle divinity into the physical human experience.
July offered quite a bit of shift in the upper chakras, which in turn created a readjustment in grounding. Yet there is also a lot of energetic movement forward that will likely become clearer later this year. July also brought lot of activation of Divine Feminine energy within, which some may have experienced as healing from the past—some Earth, some beyond. Others may have felt creativity stirring, or movement within the back of the second chakra.
August Bridge
August feels like a bridging time, as if things aren’t quite moving clearly but there is a lot of preparation for manifestation. It is a time of great internal shifting, like the deep breath that pauses as it feeds your system. You may be noticing a lot of opposites, like the fast movement/deep stillness of July continuing.
The energetic focus Areon is bringing for August is Building Momentum. I was shown an ever-intensifying speeding up of the spiraling focus, which they have been talking about for many years. It just keeps building, and August is somewhat of a pausing, focusing, surrendering-into-the-flow kind of time.
As we reach an increased spin of the hourglass spiral, we approach the zero point, the implosion/explosion where the two opposites meet. An implosion/explosion sounds violent, yet it is happening constantly and is actually just change, which is sometimes chaotic, but it can be a release/release as well.It is a space of pure potential.
Key to spiraling through the path of Ascension is being well with change, to know deeply that all is well, because your divine nature is guiding you through the natural flow of Life—improvement. As you focus in August, know deeply that improvement is Building Momentum. That’s the Lightwork that is so necessary when things seem darkest or lacking hope. That spark of hope is within you and shining out even through your silence.
Infinite to Finite
August is quite an activation of the Infinite Mind, overlaying your connected nature with your separate and linear human experience. It will offer opportunities to follow your intuition, to feel into the inner subtle self and nurture change.
That Divine Feminine inner action will be a powerful creative flow in August. The Lion’s Gate activation shows us that the adept and malleable feminine realm within all of us nurtures and supports great change through service to the whole. While it may not be your only action, part of your service is your focus, your Building Momentum, of the improvement that you want to experience in this world.
Own Your Focus
There is such chaos in so many places around the world. Yet what I am hearing from many Lightworkers is that they are finding their neutrality within it and it almost seems surreal, as if it is becoming more apparent the polarization between experiences. The power that you are holding is invisible, yet you are the vehicle of Love’s manifestation on Earth.
Through this chaos, even if there are ups and downs, focusing on the improvement you want to experience is ever more imperative. Building Momentum is about amplifying your mental and emotional energy (your subtle bridge) to create a path of manifestation through you. These are powerful times.
As you Build Momentum in August, allow your Infinite Mind to connect you with the thoughts and emotions that increase your passion, courage and focus on your creative power. I can feel that September and October will be important times of change that will benefit from your increased momentum of LOVE in August!
Honoring John Lewis
In the US, Representative John Lewis died on July 17. This is an important energetic, as he was a major figure in the civil rights movement in the 1960’s, and a master of forgiveness. We are experiencing a huge shift in energies that isn’t always easy or clear, but necessary. His passing marks a big change.
We are feeling the effects of the August 2017 (Ignite Your Soul) solar eclipse energies that catalyzed great change, especially in the US since it was visible all across the land. As the Black Lives Matter movement, which began in 2013, currently stirs so much emotion, courage, deception and even fear; John Lewis’ passing brings a deep energetic shift that many Lightworkers may be feeling. Surprisingly, I learned about this energetic function clearly many years ago when Steve Irwin died.
John Lewis lived boldly. He stood proudly for what he knew was right, even risking his life; and he just as boldly forgave what was wrong. If you feel drawn, find some stories of his extreme forgiveness. It’s inspiring, stirring and leads me to the energetics that can help Lightworkers understand their power.
John Lewis held an immense power of focus and action that had many facets to it. Much of his focus was on equality, but it was even deeper than that. When someone dies, energetically that mantle is passed to many others that will continue the energies of improvement.
Some of you may have been surprised at how deeply his passing affected you. If so, that is an indicator that you are soul family that is to continue his example. How it manifests for you is unique to you. It may even seem like it is completely different from what he did, as my focus is clearly very externally different from Steve Irwin’s focus.
The courage that John Lewis held, is offered to you, Lightworker. It may look like more forgiveness, standing up for what is right, taking a chance on leading by example, or many other manifestations of courageous living and extreme forgiving. I have always been taught by my Guides, that no matter how insignificant an act of forgiveness, expression, creativity or connection may seem, it has a huge effect over time.
August’s energy of Building Momentum is a reminder that every thought, feeling and action you have is honored, valued and recorded by Life as part of the information of change that the universe responds to. You are cherished by Life, because you are Life. Let your Love flow through and Build Momentum for more Love to anchor here on Earth. Thank you for your service, Lightworker!
Have a powerful August! (because you will! ;o)
Publicado por
Ángeles de Crystal

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Divino Femenino,
Jamye Price,
Reporte de Energías