viernes, julio 31, 2020
Judith Kusel - Remember the truth of who and what you are - at SOUL level - July 31, 2020
Dear Precious Soul
Remember the truth of who and what you are - at SOUL level.
Remember you Soul Name, and all the beautiful attributes the Divine Created within your soul, so that you can anchor in these attributes at this time, firmly into the New Earth and the Higher Dimensional State.
This is a time when we need to move into total and highest alignment with our Highest Soul Calling and Purpose, and no shrinking is allowed.
It is time to step into the fullness of your Soul, the fullness of your inner Light, Love, Truth, and Wisdom, and all the Knowledge you have accumulated over many lifetimes and existences and parallel existences Cosmically.
You now need to remember and remaster the fine art of living in a much higher dimensional state. In truth, the Higher Soul Self, you, and as the lower self, who kept you for so long in the suffering and pain in the 3D, is no longer. Free yourself and arise! Allow yourself to become resurrected! Allow the Divine to so merge with you, that your Higher Soul Self and Divine are AS ONE!
Thank the 3D and the old World for serving you. For it has been the greatest School of Mastery for souls for many thousands of years. This School continues but now in a much more elevated state for a much higher initiated you.
Do what you love and love what you do! For if you love what you do, your own vibrational frequency will rise and all you radiate forth and what you create will be filled with loving, positive and beautiful energy and enrich all souls whose lives you touch and all in and around planet earth! Your loving service then becomes and greater creative GIFT and therefore a Blessing!
For know every living, breathing moment, becomes an act of love and light and wisdom. This is the highest path!
Arise into your greatness.
Arise into the highest truth of your Soul!
Allow yourself to every moment of every day be transformed into an ever higher and more profound version of your soul!
Become the Light, Love and Power which changes the world in beautiful loving light-filled ways!
Judith Kusel
Publicado por
Ángeles de Crystal

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Judith Kusel