Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Espiritualidad. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Espiritualidad. Mostrar todas las entradas

domingo, agosto 25, 2024

Judith Kusel - Open your heart now to receive - - Aug 25, 2024

Open your heart now to receive and become as one with Divine Love and the Love you are in truth.

Allow this love to permeate all your bodies and fields and all that you are, so that you are held in a bubble of pure white energy with soft pink, blue and pure gold. 

Affirm: I AM Divine Love. I AM That, I AM. 

I AM Divine Love, in thought, in word, in deed.

I AM That, I AM.

We are now going through quantum shifts, where all which no longer serves our highest soul growth and good will simply dissolve.
More than this your heart and soul know the truth. Live your soul truth with love, through love and within love.

Call in Archangels Chamuel, Charity, Christiel to assist you and open your heart center even more, so that you can expand into ever higher levels of love and live this.

The Age of Love is here, risiding already in your own heart, the sacred temple of Love, within.

I AM Love, I Am Loved, I AM Loving.

Judith Kusel

Photo: All credit to the artist

domingo, agosto 18, 2024

Judith Kusel - When we have implicit trust in the perfect unfolding of the Divine Masterplan - Aug 18, 2024

When we have implicit trust in the perfect unfolding of the Divine Masterplan, and more than this, follow our intuitive guidance, our inner Seeing, Hearing, Knowing, and shut out the all the noise, the clamour of those who are still choosing the old existence in the Old Earth, new doors are opening and will open, as we are ready to step through them!

domingo, junio 30, 2024

Marilyn Rafaelle - The Arcturian Group - June 30, 2024

JUNE 30, 2024

Welcome to our message which is presented in love with the intention of assisting all who are receptive toward a higher level of spiritual awareness. The energetically powerful times of today offer opportunities for spiritual growth that have never before been available because the increasing presence of high frequency energy is forcing long buried densities of the past to surface and clear personally and globally.

viernes, junio 07, 2024

Judith Kusel - "Who am I, in truth?" is the greatest and most important question anyone can ever ask - Jun 7, 2024

"Who am I, in truth?" is the greatest and most important question anyone can ever ask.

We all have taken on so many personas, ego personalities, through my lifetimes on earth, and this was so reiterated by societies into which we were born. 

domingo, enero 28, 2024

Marilyn Rafaelle - The Arcturian Group - January 28, 2024

JANUARY 28, 2024

Greetings as we begin the new year of 2024 which is going to be a year of exposures and events that will help awaken many who continue to place their trust in beliefs that are now becoming obsolete. No person can remain hypnotized by illusions of separation forever because the reality of every person is God/Source/Divine Consciousness individualized.

domingo, diciembre 17, 2023

Marilyn Rafaelle - The Arcturian Group - Dec 17, 2023


DECEMBER 17, 2023

Welcome dear readers.

Much of the world is celebrating a holiday season while others continue to experience chaos, sorrow, and suffering, the perfect example of duality. Never forget that a necessary component of the ascension process for individuals as well as for earth is the clearing of dense and false energies. Energies long stored and often very ancient must first manifest in order to be seen and recognized for what they represent and eliminated from personal and collective consciousness.

sábado, noviembre 25, 2023

Shelly Dressel - Goddess of Creation - Conversation with Your Soul - Nov 5, 2023

This meditation came at the perfect time! We have now become accustomed to the higher frequency in many different ways. This channel gives you a chance to experience these frequencies and learn how to work with them.

In the beginning, the Goddess speaks about the collective consciousness and people’s empathic abilities. She states that everyone is empathic to a degree, it is about how much they pay attention to what is around them. The collective consciousness has undergone a massive transition over the past five to seven years and is much more in alignment with the higher fourth and fifth dimensions. The last equinox was the collapse of the third dimension, so that is no longer supported. We need to learn how to work with these energies so that they can support us.

miércoles, noviembre 15, 2023

Pamela Kribbe channels Jeshua - Coming Into Your Own Strength

Pamela Kribbe channels Jeshua

Dear beloved friends,

I am with you; I am your friend, Jeshua. I am like-minded in that, just like you, I am on the way to a greater consciousness, to more love and greater surrender, and so I am also on a path as are you all. There is no end to the growth of consciousness. Consciousness itself is infinite and so are the possibilities to experience, to grow, and to enter into ever higher levels of consciousness. This process brings joy to the Dance of Creation.

lunes, noviembre 06, 2023

Pamela Kribbe canaliza a Jeshua - El Hombre Prohibido en Ti

Pamela Kribbe canaliza a Jeshua

Queridos Amigos,

Soy Jeshua. Estoy con vosotros como hermano y amigo. Esta vez quiero hablarles acerca de la energía masculina y de como ésta se ha desconectado del corazón, y cuando hablo del corazón me refiero al núcleo de la creación.

domingo, octubre 01, 2023






<><> When we say, “You must seek to express unconditional love to those around you,” we mean the highest frequencies of love attainable for that particular level of Self-expression. The frequencies of love will increase in power and perfection with each more refined level of Self-consciousness you attain. Remember, we have often told you, “Pure perfection is only possible within the Essence of the Supreme Creator.” Every individual, fragmented Spark of Divinity from the greatest to the smallest will embody and project vibrational patterns that are less than total purity and perfection. Your goal is to integrate the highest frequency patterns achievable at each level of consciousness. When you tap into the wellspring of SACRED LOVE within the Seed Atom of your Sacred Heart Core, you will know without a doubt that the Essence of your God Parents dwells within.

domingo, septiembre 24, 2023

Marilyn Rafaelle - The Arcturian Group - September 24, 2023


Dear readers, with love and compassion we welcome you to our message. We are well aware that many of you are dealing with the effects of clearing old energy as well as issues that come with living in a three dimensional world.

It is a powerful and difficult time to be on earth but you were aware of this before incarnating. You knew full well that if you chose to incarnate it would mean descending into a soup of dense energy that would block your remembrance of who you were or where you came from. You choose to come because you wanted to serve. You knew that the higher resonating status of your consciousness and that of others, would add frequencies of truth to earth's three dimensional consciousness which in turn would allow access to increasingly more people.

domingo, septiembre 10, 2023

Marilyn Rafaelle - The Arcturian Group - September 10, 2023

SEPTEMBER 10, 2023

Greetings and welcome to our message, dear readers.

The evolutionary process is causing many to re-examine the choices and decisions they made in the past. The process is leaving many feeling regret and shame as they recognize some of these past choices as having been unwise, hurtful, and ego based. Whenever past actions are examined from a new and higher state of consciousness they will be seen with new eyes and in ways different from how they were previously seen.

domingo, agosto 27, 2023

Marilyn Rafaelle - The Arcturian Group - August 27. 2023

AUGUST 27, 2023

Welcome to our message dear readers.
You are all well aware that much on earth is no longer flowing harmoniously as it previously did, personally and globally. Countries and individuals struggle to maintain rules, regulations, ideas, and beliefs that have always been the accepted in attempts to return things to "normal". Present times have become confusing and often frightening even for those who are spiritually awake simply because so much is changing and often seemingly not for the better.

domingo, agosto 13, 2023

Marilyn Rafaelle - The Arcturian Group - August 13, 2023

AUGUST 13, 2023

Welcome dear readers. It is our intention that these messages flow to you on steamers of love that will help you to better understand and move through the chaotic aspects of the ascension process.

Know and trust that all is proceeding according to a Divine plan meant to evolve earth and all upon her out of the collective illusion that has held mankind in bondage for eons. In order to do this, erroneous beliefs that still support and maintain separation must be seen, recognized, and no longer be energetically fed. Everyone, those spiritually awake as well as those who are not, are starting to recognize the deception underlying so much that has been accepted as truth.

domingo, julio 23, 2023

Marilyn Rafaelle - The Arcturian Group - July 23, 2023

JULY 23, 2023

Dear ones, once again we welcome you to our message.

Many are tempted to doubt and question the whole idea of an ascension process and we understand this because in these times of increasing violence and misunderstanding between countries and individuals it is very easy to do. The ascension process automatically brings change but moving beyond the false belief system that has ruled the world for thousands of years must unfold gradually at this time in the presence of fear and resistance to change.

Many long accepted beliefs are changing or even disappearing through the presence of the increasingly intense high frequency energy now pouring to earth. These energies are exposing the underlying error of much that has long been accepted as truth and reality. Those who have lived lives dependent upon one particular belief system panic when it begins to crumble as they have nothing with which to replace it. You are seeing the result of this in the actions of so many now attempting to re-create and force obsolete traditions and their belief systems on everyone else even if by force.

Empowerment is a spiritual quality, a facet of evolution, but for many who as of yet do not understand this new sense of empowerment it feels like permission to impose their will and beliefs on others. Forcing one's beliefs on others be they family, friends, or strangers regardless of intention, reflects separation/ego consciousness at its highest level. However this too will eventually pass because it is actually forcing many to reconsider their own beliefs and question much that they have automatically accepted. It is part of the ascension process--exposure, questioning, seeing with new eyes, change.

You are also witnessing the actions of many who feel entitled to be mean, obnoxious, and violent because their new sense of empowerment feels like permission to express the old emotions and beliefs they previously kept in check. This too is a part of the ascension process. At some point they will realize either through others, within themselves, or through energy rebound, the pain their words and actions cause and in some small way, begin to wake up.
Many do not yet understand that their real nature is Divine and that the three dimensional experiences of their lives are steps along the path of spiritual evolution. They see death as an enemy rather than the act of simply moving from one location to another. The drug epidemic is the result of so many feeling correctly that there must be more to life, but not knowing how to access it. Do not be too concerned with overdose deaths because these dear ones learn a powerful lesson about seeking outside of self from the experience and will return to earth with a great deal more wisdom.

Many of you are experiencing exhaustion, bodily pains, and nausea at this time. This is because the higher frequency energies now flowing to earth have become very intense, forcing remaining pockets of low resonating energy from past lives as well as this one to move through and out of the body causing many of you experience the energy physically, emotionally, mentally, or spiritually.

Some are traumatic injuries, accidents, torture, that may have resulted in death or a life of pain. Some are a disease that you have carried through lifetimes and as the energy clears it affects the same area of the body. Clearings often involve past attachments to some person (I will love you forever) or certain places,countries, and belief systems. It takes energy to integrate the new and higher frequencies and make the changes required in the physical body leaving less energy than you are used to having.

Trust that everything taking place in your life at this time is part of your journey into a higher state of consciousness. If you are awake enough to read these messages, then be assured that your Higher Self is guiding the process and drawing to you what is necessary. Your only job is to state your intention to evolve, clear old energy, and then get out of the way. Humans have been programmed through lifetimes to "do"--say this, do that etc. in order to make something happen. That is the past. Stand in your Light and simply allow the process.

Do not mourn the loss of anything regardless of how good it may of been. The creations of duality, separation, and two powers are and always have been unreal, illusory concepts with nothing to hold their material appearance permanently in place regardless of how wonderful they may seem. This does not mean that these things will not reappear in a new form because everything material is a concept of some permanent spiritual reality. Most, not all, human eyes do not yet see the reality of things. If you were to see the true essence of a tree you would see a twinkling bright form with branches of high resonating light connecting to all the trees around it.

Peace is a God quality, the manifestation of the oneness of all within ONE. Peace is not something that can be negotiated between the leaders of countries that believe themselves to be separate, better, or entitled to what another country has. Because peace is a state of consciousness it must become the overriding energy of the collective before true peace will fully manifest on earth.

Peace is simply about awakening to reality--that there is only ONE and that ONE is manifesting in, through, and as every living thing. Carry peace with you as you go about your day even when or if you find yourself in situations you do not like or want to be in. Try not to give power to a job, relationship, or any situation because that simply feeds it more energy.

Do not believe teachings that say it is love to stay in an abusive relationship or a situation that consistently pulls you into low resonating energy. Spiritual empowerment allows a person to lovingly, firmly, and without guilt to remove themselves from any situation binding them to negative energy or abuse. You are not obligated in any way to remain in situations of physical, emotional, or mental abuse and to do so out pressure from others is human thinking that does not reflect Self love or respect for your own Divinity.

However, it is very important to listen to ones inner guidance and intuition in these situations. There are times when being in an abusive situation can be a pre-birth chosen experience because the person feels spiritually ready to clear and move beyond it as something they have dragged with them into many lifetimes. Even when speaking necessary words that may sound harsh but are the language the others can relate to, always remember that they too are Divine beings on earth to learn. When you remove yourself from any negative situation in this way rather than with anger and hatred, you do not create energy (karma) that will need to be resolved later.

Many of you are experiencing a sense of sorrow. Sorrow for old and seemingly better times, sorrow for the loss of a friend or family through death or a difference of beliefs. Sorrow for what you see out in the world. Sorrow is a human emotion that results from the belief that something real has been lost. Nothing real is ever or can ever be lost. The material world is a world of concepts. Sorrow comes from the belief that some concept is the reality.

Third dimensional state of consciousness interprets reality as being good or bad, temporary, dangerous, frightening, or even good and wonderful. Material forms will always change and disappear because they are mind formed images of an underlying reality.

As individuals evolve to a higher state of consciousness many of the creations in their lives (both good and bad) simply resolve or disappear because the energy that has sustained and maintained them no longer exists. This may manifest as the ending of a relationship that is no longer in alignment or a job, or change of location. Try to understand that these things are not "bad" they simply represent the process of moving to a new state of consciousness. Remember, consciousness is the substance of form.

Acknowledge the Light within every person even if it is only a pin point. You came not so much to suffer and learn from three dimensional experiences (you have already done that) but to bring the Light of your evolved consciousness to a world collective ready to awaken.

Hold your light high dear ones, it is what you came to do.

We are the Arcturian Group 7/23/23