Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Shelly Dressel. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Shelly Dressel. Mostrar todas las entradas

sábado, noviembre 25, 2023

Shelly Dressel - Goddess of Creation - Conversation with Your Soul - Nov 5, 2023

This meditation came at the perfect time! We have now become accustomed to the higher frequency in many different ways. This channel gives you a chance to experience these frequencies and learn how to work with them.

In the beginning, the Goddess speaks about the collective consciousness and people’s empathic abilities. She states that everyone is empathic to a degree, it is about how much they pay attention to what is around them. The collective consciousness has undergone a massive transition over the past five to seven years and is much more in alignment with the higher fourth and fifth dimensions. The last equinox was the collapse of the third dimension, so that is no longer supported. We need to learn how to work with these energies so that they can support us.

miércoles, diciembre 12, 2018

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel - Daily Message ~ Wednesday December 12, 2018

Many of you choose to not show your true selves because you fear that others will not like you if they see you in your truth. What you don’t realize is that approach actually prevents people from seeing your true beauty. Allowing your truth and authenticity to show, honouring your interests and passions, and letting your loving heart to lead the way, is how your beauty shines brightest because it is unimpeded by filters. And it is how other beautiful souls with similar energetics can find you and celebrate you because those are the ones who can see you for who you really are! The more you accept yourself in your authenticity and allow it to show, the more you give the world the opportunity to see your true beauty and to love you, too, exactly as your are. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

jueves, octubre 22, 2015

Shelly Dressel - Alivio De Las Energías Intensas - 18 de Octubre 2015

Traducción: Gabriela Halblaub

Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo

Aunque esta canalización está directamente relacionada con todo el influjo energético que está teniendo lugar, creo que puede ser beneficiosa para cualquier momento. (La Diosa hacía referencia a las dos semanas de la luna nueva, el Equinoccio y la Luna Llena de Septiembre de 2015). Existe una transición constante de energía sucediendo entre la tierra y el universo, y a veces lo sentimos más intensamente que en otros momentos. Ya sea que lo sintamos o no, las energías cambiantes se están moviendo a través del consciente colectivo, de la humanidad, de los animales y de la tierra propiamente dicha.

jueves, mayo 02, 2013

Embrace Compassion & Messages from the ET's Shelly Dressel - Sunday, 21 April, 2013 (posted 2 May, 2013)

This channel really brought up some amazing energies!!  I know the intention I have and that the Goddess, Angels, Guides all share with me is about focusing on what you DO want and the vibration of positive intention.  During this channel, the Goddess created a space where she invited people to really explore their fears, angers, frustrations etc.  We could see how these energies that were denied or ignored were getting bigger and bigger.  I think sometimes when things don’t happen as we anticipate they will, it’s because of these unacknowledged emotions and energies. 
Perhaps ask yourself as you say “I am open to receive the abundance that is all around me!”  If you say it, but it doesn’t resonate or it’s not ‘real’ to you then each time you say that or something like it, you are emphasizing the lack because you say the words, but you send a vibration of the opposite. 
Sometimes it’s the unacknowledged energies that are stronger than the acknowledged!
She then spoke of compassion.  When there is resistance in our lives and we don’t want to focus upon it, then instead focus upon compassion.  Allowing compassion into our lives will transition ANYTHING that is going on with you.  It will neutralize energies that are out of balance. It will create a better feeling within you.  It’s also a way to shift the energies around you if you’re stuck with people who are focusing on fear or other lower vibrational energies.
Once that had shifted a great deal of what people were experiencing, there was a sense of a group of ET’s coming in.  There were some from the Galactic Federation, Pleiades, Lightbody and more.  They spoke of the transition taking place, stating that when there’s a lot of fear, it’s an opportunity to create transition.  You can do so by infusing compassion.  They spoke of their desire to assist in our transition.