SaLuSa’s material collected and presented by Steve Beckow

(Concluded from
Part 3.)
We Promote Peace and Cooperation
Just think for a moment how, as visitors to your Earth, we are
maligned and deliberately shown as monsters bent on enslaving you and
stealing your lands. We are described as ‘aliens’ when in fact we are
your true family and have never lifted as much as a finger against you
in anger.
Any such activities against you are not by members of the Galactic
Federation of Light, but by other Extraterrestrials or by your own
forces. It is of course all done to make you fearful of us, and is not
helped by some religious groups who claim we are devils. We would ask
that you wait until we can walk amongst you and then you will feel our
auric emanations, and know that we come in Love and Light. (1)
We continue to draw nearer to you, not that you may necessarily
notice as we keep many of our craft shrouded in a cloak of invisibility.
How exciting it will be when we can at last be open in our activities
on and off your Earth. Our mission at present is one of a holding
nature, until we have secured a safe environment and skies that are free
of any threat against us. These matters cannot be dealt with very
quickly, as it requires orders from people of the top echelons to ensure
our safety.