Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Méline Lafont. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Méline Lafont. Mostrar todas las entradas

sábado, julio 01, 2023

Méline Lafont - The Arcturians - Timeline Bridge - June 21, 2023

Timeline Bridge

By the Arcturians through Méline Lafont

A Timeline shift has occurred. It was a shift in time, a change of momentum during the bridging of the Solstice. This Beloveds, is an activation, a start, a point of acceleration which instigates this momentum of the Now.

Energies are building up and as these come into an acceleration, a shift point breaks through as to where a bridging momentum suddenly shifts into Higher gears. So you are, as of now, evolving into an accelerated modus. Although it may appear to your human eyes that all is the same, nevertheless your ears are receiving high pitch tones and you are all catapulted into an accelerated speed.

miércoles, febrero 14, 2018

Méline Portia Lafont ~ Master(ing) - Feb 14, 2018

When I started this journey of awakening in 2011 through my channeling abilities, I was thrilled and excited about discovering this new world which I called Spirituality. I have met many Spirits, Angels, energies, Masters, Galactics and Beings on multiple levels. Each level was a new way of understanding for me. Channeling is merely a mental world. This mental world was experienced through the mental body and it allowed me to communicate with Master Beings. This through tones, words, light and feeling.

viernes, agosto 04, 2017

Méline Lafont - August Gateway ~ The Sirian Star Gate of allowing - potential - August 4, 2017

There is a new series of upgrades, influxes and downloads to be integrated during this month of August. With the full Moon in Leo on the 7th of August , the Lion's Gate on the 8th of August and a Total solar eclipse on August 21st there is a lot to unfold, Beloveds. Ready or not, it has already started and continues to amplify each moment as we speak.

lunes, mayo 22, 2017

Méline Portia Lafont ~ Avatar Cósmico de la Unidad - Mayo 13, 2017

Translation: Gloria Mühlebach 

Dentro de las esferas del átomo yace una cierta vibración que mantiene a uno unido/atado. Esa vibración es la que mantiene la rejilla de la Unidad firmemente y ayuda a moldear formas nuevas de vida. Lo que vemos como la vida es, a menudo, un destello de lo real, lo cual nos permite seguir preguntándonos y ver más allá de lo conocido. Por lo tanto, lo que está formateado recibe ayuda para ser liberado a fin de que puedan adquirirse entendimientos nuevos. Esto es para que inclusive los átomos puedan tener una manera de reestablecerse al tiempo que siguen estando íntegros como un campo magnético conectado/unido.

domingo, mayo 14, 2017

Méline Portia Lafont - Cosmic Avatar of Unity - May 14, 2017

Within the spheres of the atom lies a certain vibration that keeps one bounded. It is that vibration that keeps the grid of unity steady and helps to shape new forms of life. What we see as life is often but a glimpse of the real thing, which allows for one to question further and to see beyond that which is known. What is formatted is therefore helped to set free so that new understandings can be gained. It is so that even atoms can have a way of handling a reset while still remaining whole as a bounded/connected magnetic field.

miércoles, abril 19, 2017

Méline Portia Lafont - Equinocio de Marzo ~ Compasión, Reconocimiento, Oscilación, Reciclaje e Intensidad - Marzo 20, 201

Querida Tribu del Amor:

A medida que gran cantidad de basura, suciedad y energías bajas suben a la superficie dentro de cada mundo, reino y conciencia, a medida que cada uno se transforma y transmuta el ego de la conciencia más baja y los profundos dolores que ha soportado en vidas pasadas y momentos del Ahora, se nos está llamando a abrazar estos procesos con compasión. Las energías de la Madre María se están alineando ahora con cada uno de ustedes y con la Puerta del Equinocio pues esta puerta es llamada la Puerta de la Compasión.

lunes, marzo 20, 2017

Méline Porta Lafont - March Equinox ~ Compassion, Acknowledgment, Oscillating, Recycling and Intensity - March 20, 2017

Beloved Love Tribe,

As a lot of dirt, filth and lower energies are coming to the surface within each world, realm and consciousness; as each are transforming and transmuting the lower ego consciousness and the deep pains one has endured in past timelimes and moments of the Now, we are each called to embrace these processes with compassion. The Mother Mary energies are now aligning with each of you and with the Equinox gateway as this Equinox gateway is called the Gateway of compassion.

sábado, febrero 25, 2017

Méline Portia Lafont ~ The trigger point of the 222 gateway - Feb 25, 2017

Beloved Tribe,

The gateway of February 22nd just opened in our awareness and so already are we feeling this to be a digger. I have not been able to write much but this gateway made me sit down, sleep, let go and take a break. It gives me some time to write and share again what has been going on.

READ: It is a most challenging time for all of us, and we are in the midst of changeovers. LIVE: We are turned inside out, upside down till there are no more “leftovers”... This says it all.

viernes, enero 13, 2017

Méline Portia Lafont ~ Energy update and the Tsolians on a Coronal mass ejection (CME) - January 13, 2017


The Wave that was predicted by Lord Merlin to hit us between 2015 and 2017 has hit us and our entire planet (and is still in the process of doing so). We have been hit hard with Solar energies, Gamma Waves, Photon rays and Cosmic energies. WOWZA, these are digging deep and blending on a cellular level into our DNA. If you are feeling grumpy and exhausted, experiencing detoxing flu like symptoms you are sure to be a part of those that are grounding this experience DEEPLY. Some may feel light one day and grumpy the next.

lunes, diciembre 26, 2016

Méline Portia Lafont ~ Puerta del 21 al 27 /diciembre/ 2016 ~ ¡Den el Salto!

Bendiciones, Tribu del Amor, y benditos Saludos de Solsticio:

El movimiento de lo viejo a ser liberado y deportado ha sido iniciado por la última luna llena de este mes. El Universo nos despojará de todo lo que ya no es necesario. No se lo pueden llevar consigo. Están a mano decisiones y elecciones por medio de auto entendimientos. Ahora, entrando a la puerta del solsticio, ¡vamos a encontrarnos en un viaje loco de conciencia! Las energías solares están trabajando como medios de afinación de nuestro ADN y sistema nervioso, reconectándonos de nuevo con el nivel más auténtico del YO que PODEMOS SER en este momento. Preparándonos mediante este portal del solsticio para el punto final del 26 de diciembre – el final del ciclo de 9 años y la onda de 3 fases ~ la Puerta de conclusión y completamiento. íDen el salto!!

domingo, diciembre 25, 2016

Méline Portia Lafont ~ Gateway 21 - 27 December 2016 ~ take the leap! - December 25, 2016

Blessings Love Tribe and blessed Solstice Greetings,

The movement of the old to be released and deported has been initiated by the last Full Moon of this month. Everything will be stripped off by the Universe of what you no longer need. You can't take it with you, this time it is very strong. Decisions, choices through self realizations are at hand. Now entering the Solstice Gateway we are in for a wild ride in consciousness! Solar energies working as fine tuning tools in our DNA and nerve system, rebooting our brain system and returning us back to the most authentic level of Self we CAN BE at this now moment. Gearing up through this Solstice portal towards the end marking of December 26, 2016 ~ The end cycle of the 9 year cycle and 3 phase wave ~ the conclusion and completion Gateway. Take the leap!!

lunes, noviembre 14, 2016

Méline Portia Lafont - Puerta del 11:11 [noviembre] ~ Espacio para los Códigos Sagrados y la Trayectoria Interna - 10-11-2016


Queridos, nos encontramos de lleno procesando nuestro viaje y trayectoria de noviembre en los planos internos.

Noviembre implica para ustedes que se volverán más sofisticados en su esfera porque su conciencia elemental, sus sentidos, su intuición y su fase morfogenética empezarán ahora a mejorar a medida que exhalan sus respiros del YO sofisticado.
Recuerden que en la trayectoria SIEMPRE hay muchos niveles y vibraciones diferentes a recorrer, por lo que todos experimentamos esto en fases, en ímpetus y en ondas.
En este portal del 11:11 estamos experimentando nuestro yo refinado para que sea recalibrado, se sofistique y expanda.
Así es la trayectoria del respiro, una contracción y una expansión.
Vamos a adentrarnos más profundo ahora, hasta el núcleo de nuestro Patrón Divino.

jueves, noviembre 10, 2016

Méline Portia Lafont ~ November 11:11 Gateway ~ Space for Sacred codes and the inner journey

November 11:11 Gateway

Space for Sacred codes and the inner journey.

Beloveds, we are in the midst of processing our November ride and journey into the inner planes. What November entails for you is that you will become more sophisticated in your sphere as your elemental awareness, your senses, your intuition and your morphogenetic phase will now start to enhance as you are exhaling your breaths of sophisticated SELF.

ALWAYS remember that on the journey there are many different layers and vibrations to travel through so we all experience this in phases, in momentums and in waves.

lunes, octubre 24, 2016

Méline Portia Lafont - Onda de Códigos Fuente, Antimateria – Materia - 19-10-2016


Fusionando Dimensiones y Líneas de Tiempo
A medida que comenzamos a experimentar cada vez más facetas de nuestro Yo Multidimensional por medio de la Conciencia Crística Solar, vivimos en un ciclo de revelaciones que están incrementando por medio de la genética de nuestro Ser inmortal.
La inmortalidad se vuelve una enorme parte de nuestra conciencia y estado consciente ahora porque ha sido arraigada dentro de nuestro ADN.
Y esta parte del ADN – que ha sido llamado por nuestros científicos “ADN basura” – está despertando ciertamente, activando las experiencias y estado consciente Multidimensionales.
Las líneas de tiempo según las conocemos se están fusionando en la experiencia de este momento de Ahora, donde todo vive como uno en el mismo espacio y con el mismo ímpetu.
Ustedes eligen solamente dónde enfocar su atención y estar conscientes de qué es lo que han estado haciendo por tan largo tiempo; estando conscientes de qué están enfocando; ahora todo está cambiando y siendo liberado, moviéndonos a través de todas las líneas de tiempo que hemos creado para nosotros para experimentar qué somos y dónde permanecemos como conciencia.
Mientras más despiertos y conscientes se vuelvan de TODO su YO, más experimentarán su Multidimensionalidad. .
Onda de Códigos Fuente y Materia
El equipo me explicó que hay una onda de energía de Códigos Fuente entrando actualmente en nuestro sistema solar y en el campo magnético de la Tierra.
La rejilla de la Tierra está cargada con circuitos super cargados de energía que se están fusionando con los Códigos Fuente que están llegando.

miércoles, octubre 19, 2016

Méline Portia Lafont ~ Source Code Wave ~ Antimatter - Matter

Merging Dimensions and Timelines

As we are starting to experience more and more facets of our Multi-Dimensional Self through the Solar Christ consciousness, we abide in a cycle of revelations which are being enhanced through the genetics of our immortal Being. Immortality becomes a huge part of our consciousness and awareness now because it has been ingrained within our DNA. And this part of the DNA – which has been called Junk DNA by our Scientists – is indeed awakening and activating Multi-Dimensional experiences and awareness.

The Timelines as we know them, are blending into this one moment of Now experience where everything abides as one in the same space and momentum. You only choose where to place your focus and being conscious of this is what we have been doing for so long. Being conscious of what we focus upon and now everything shifts and releases, moving us through all of the timelines we have created for ourself to experience what we are and abide in as a consciousness.

martes, octubre 04, 2016

Méline Portia Lafont ~ October Swirls - October 4, 2016


The energies of October are swirling. Just like the fall in the Northern Hemisphere has begun and the spring arises in the Southern Hemisphere, the energies of this month will take us like a swirl from loss – letting go to receiving – birth. Just like the tree is releasing its leafs and the spring sprouts the new birth we are to experience a dance of these same activities as energies. This within our personal world as well as within the collective.

It's a worldly change, a dance, a transformation at hand here in this Now. It is taking us in the here and the now just as much as it is changing us forever. And I really mean forever implying it has become easier to let go now and stay present as much as possible in the Now. 

miércoles, junio 29, 2016

Méline Portia Lafont - Señor Sanat Kumara - Solsticio de junio y mensaje sobre la Verdad y la Unidad - 28-06-2016

Estamos enfatizando un hermoso ímpetu de la Puerta del Corazón a maneras más profundas.
La corriente e influjo de energía de este solsticio de junio estuvo sembrada con los códigos galácticos del Centro Galáctico que trae consigo un despertar masivo en la conciencia para la humanidad.
Por supuesto que para ver los resultados de esto requiere tiempo porque trae consigo muchos cambios en el plano interno en el corazón y mente de uno.
Así que, en resumidas cuentas, este periodo de integración del despertar durará de varias semanas a varios meses antes de que empiecen a ver resultados más tangibles.
No obstante, se han sembrado todos estos códigos, lo cual significa que no hay marcha atrás.
Las plantas han sido sembradas y ahora necesitan un tiempo para crecer.

lunes, junio 27, 2016

Méline Portia Lafont ~ June Solstice and the message of Truth and Unity from Lord Sanat Kumara - June 27, 2016

Blessings beautiful Tribe,

We are enhancing a beautiful momentum of Heart Gateway into more profound ways. This Solstice stream and energy influx of June was seeded with Galactic codes from the Galactic Center and this brings out a massive awakening in consciousness for humanity. Of course to see the results of this takes time as it brings about many changes on the inner plane within one's heart and mind. So, all in all, this period of awakening integration will span a few weeks to several months before you will start to see more tangible results.

Nevertheless these codes have all been seeded and this means there is no turning back. The plants have been seeded and now they will need some time to grow. Best way to nurture these seeds within every soul is to keep the faith and strength high, to keep believing in the good of all and the best in all, to understand the nature of language and how one proceeds within when coming to new understandings. Every way is possible, just understand that it may not be the same as yours..nevertheless it is a way to new understanding as a result.

domingo, mayo 22, 2016

Méline Portia Lafont - Telos, Seres del interior de la Tierra, Un mensaje de Telos del interior de la Tierra - 13-05-2016

Querida Tribu del Amor: Una breve nota antes de nuestro mensaje de hoy de Telos, del interior de laTierra.
Hace un par de semanas uno de los Seres de Telos me notificö que iba a presentarse en mi conciencia y en mi vida.
En consecuencia, supe que podía esperar un mensaje tras esta experiencia.
Quienes han estado siguiendo mi trabajo desde el principio saben que he canalizado mensajes de los Agartianos (Magarta) en el año 2012 – 2013, pero nunca de Telos.
Así que esto fue nuevo para mí, y fui bendecida para experimentar a uno de esos Seres en forma humana hace poco tiempo.

jueves, mayo 12, 2016

Méline Portia Lafont ~ Telos ~ Inner Earth Beings ~ A message from Telos Inner Earth - May 12, 2016

Beloved Love Tribe,

A quick note before our message of today from Telos Inner Earth. A couple of weeks ago I was notified by one of the Beings of Telos that he would come into my awareness and into my life. So I knew I could expect a message after this experience. Those who have been following my work from the beginning know I have channeled messages from The Agarthians (Magatha) in the year 2012 – 2013, but never from Telos. So this was new for me and I was blessed to experience one of those Beings into human form not so long ago.

It was so special and an intense experience I had that I rather want to keep it to myself but what I can share is that I experienced a full merging with this Being and with nature. I've felt mergings with nature before during my walks but this time it was till the point of stillness in the Now. I was truly one with nature as I gazed upon all of it for a long time. Time stood still and I was the zero point experience. I now feel differently about nature and I look differently at nature, such a deeper love thanks to that deep and full merging with it. I was absorbed into nature and could see/sense all of it's beauty. A true flow of harmony and ecstasy.