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Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Trabajadores de la Luz. Mostrar todas las entradas

lunes, marzo 10, 2025

Mensaje de Kryon Masters con un fragmento de un mensaje de Kryon de 2022

Hoy al Equipo de Kryon Masters le gustaría compartir un mensaje importante de una Experiencia en Vivo de Kryon el 23 de marzo de 2022.

Trabajador de Luz, ¿cómo te está yendo con el Cambio?

Estas cosas que se presentan ahora mismo en este planeta son realmente la prueba decisiva de un Trabajador de Luz.

viernes, agosto 16, 2024

Aurora Ray - Lightworkers Are Accelerating The Evolution Of Consciousness - Aug 16, 2024

Lightworkers Are Accelerating The Evolution Of Consciousness

Dear ones,

It's difficult to understand that the world is changing if all you see is chaos and destruction. But working covertly behind the scenes, unseen for years, are countless groups of Lightworkers who are accelerating the evolution of consciousness.

Lightworkers are individuals who have come to Earth to establish peace and harmony, serve the poor, heal the planet, and bring about a new age of love and understanding. Although most Lightworkers were incarnated recently on this planet, your soul has been on many other planets in many other lifetimes.

martes, mayo 07, 2024

Judith Kusel - I woke in a very much altered state this morning - May 7, 2024

I woke in a very much altered state this morning, and was clearly shown the immense transfiguration and transformation taking place, as the millions of Star Seeds and Light worker soul are now awakening in ever greater and higher degrees.

jueves, enero 11, 2024

Judith Kusel - The Lightworker Codes - Jam 11, 2024

The Lightworker Codes

Within every lightworker Divine Keys and Codes are being activated at this time, which were agreed to be activated as the ascension process escalates.

It was agreed to, because every soul has free will and choice, and at a certain stage, when the soul has raised its consciousness as it ascends into the 5th dimensional stage, these keys and codes trigger. 

domingo, diciembre 03, 2023

Aurora Ray - Bringing Light and Healing: The Mission of Every Lightworker - Dec 3, 2023

Bringing Light and Healing: The Mission of Every Lightworker


As lightworkers, we have a responsibility to use our gifts and abilities to bring more light, healing, and spirituality into the world. Though our missions may differ, all lightworkers share the common goal of assisting humanity and the planet through energetic work.

viernes, diciembre 01, 2023

Aurora Ray - The Bright Adventure: Dealing with Challenges as a Lightworker - Dec 1, 2023

The Bright Adventure: Dealing with Challenges as a Lightworker


As a lightworker, you may face various challenges and obstacles as you seek to fulfill your soul's purpose. It's important to be aware of common challenges faced and develop skills to overcome them while maintaining balance and well-being.

Maintaining Balance:

Lightwork can be demanding physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. Set boundaries and practice self-care. Make time for rest, proper nutrition, exercise, and activities that nurture you.

domingo, noviembre 26, 2023

Aurora Ray - Shining Souls: The True Signs That You Are a Lightworker on Planet Earth! - Nov 26, 2023

Shining Souls: The True Signs That You Are a Lightworker on Planet Earth!


Exploring the Role of Lightworker:

A Lightworker is someone who feels called to help humanity and the planet evolve spiritually. Their core purpose is to raise consciousness and bring more light into the world.

Lightworkers are highly intuitive and often have natural psychic or healing abilities. They have a strong sense of empathy and a desire to serve others. Many feel their life has a deeper meaning or purpose beyond material pursuits or self-gain.

domingo, marzo 05, 2023

Aurora Ray - Lightworkers Are Accelerating The Evolution Of Consciousness - Mar 5, 2023

Lightworkers Are Accelerating The Evolution Of Consciousness

Dear ones,

It's difficult to understand that the world is changing if all you see is chaos and destruction. But working covertly behind the scenes, unseen for years, are countless groups of Lightworkers who are accelerating the evolution of consciousness.

Lightworkers are individuals who have come to Earth to establish peace and harmony, serve the poor, heal the planet, and bring about a new age of love and understanding. Although most Lightworkers were incarnated recently on this planet, your soul has been on many other planets in many other lifetimes.

jueves, marzo 02, 2023

Diana Cooper - Star Children - Mar 2, 2023

Star Children

There are many who are continuing to come to Earth from other universes, stars and planets. They bring many gifts though some are still coming simply to experience life on this plane.

Some of these have not been here before, and even some who have, will not be able to cope with the ethos of current schools. They are seeking peaceful ways of relating. Not only are cultures being mixed up but souls from many different parts of the universes are all intermingling in schools. This has never been honoured in our systems but in the future it will be. New movements will arise which teach them how to understand each other and to relate considerately. This will have a big impact on how children feel. They will have proper tools for expression.

martes, febrero 21, 2023

Judith Kusel - The Pioneering Souls and Way showers - Feb 21, 2023

The Pioneering Souls and Way showers

Many of us, were the first contingent of Lightworkers, who started waking up, circa 2001, and thus had to be the pioneers, the way-showers and so often had to pave new paths, and anchor in new consciousness, without any road maps, nor any other tools, but to follow our own inner guidance, our own inner truth, and relentlessly follow that guidance, in order to be where we are now.

viernes, septiembre 30, 2022

Aurora Ray - Self-Love And Why Energy Workers Need More Of It - Sep 30, 2022

Self-Love And Why Energy Workers Need More Of It

What is self-love?

It's probably something you're familiar with on an intuitive level. Self-love is a feeling of appreciation for yourself and your life.

It can be as simple as looking in the mirror and saying, "I like myself," or it can be as complex as setting achievable goals for your future like for example, creating new healthy habits and loving yourself enough to have the discipline to achieve them.

Self-love isn't just about feeling good—although that certainly is part of it!

miércoles, agosto 31, 2022

Aurora Ray - You Are A Warrior Of Light - Aug 31, 2022

You Are A Warrior Of Light

The universe has great things planned for you, and your life is full of miracles!

You never know what the future brings, so always be thankful for what comes your way and enjoy every moment!

When you are facing a crisis or challenge in your life, try to let go of what happened and focus on what can be done to make things better. Your mind is powerful enough to create change in any situation if only you let it!

lunes, mayo 16, 2022

Aurora Ray - The Revolution Of Light Is upon Us Now - May 16, 2022


The Revolution Of Light Is upon Us Now

I am so thrilled to share this information with all of you who have been willing to deal with the deep and dark issues that have been left to fester in the shadows for far too long. I am sharing this message with you all in this way because I believe that you are the leaders in this mass ascension process. You are showing us all how we can evolve into beings who live our lives loving each other and loving ourselves.

sábado, marzo 26, 2022

Aurora Ray - You Are A Gift To This World - Mar 26, 2022

You Are A Gift To This World.

There is a great deal of ascension energy pouring onto the planet at this time. This means that many of you are going to experience heightened states of consciousness, higher vibrational energies, and, in general, the ability to raise your own personal vibration.

For years now, you have been in training to be the lightworker that you are. You have been preparing for this very moment. Now is the time to shine your light into the world and allow others to see it too. The journey of ascension begins now!

You are a lightworker.

miércoles, febrero 23, 2022

Aurora Ray - A Call To All Starseeds & Lightworkers - Feb 23, 2022

A Call To All Starseeds & Lightworkers

Hello, fellow lightworkers and starseeds. I am writing to you because I feel that you are an important part of my ascension.

Our dear Galactic Federation contacted me yesterday and urged me to share this vital information with you.

They told me that if enough people wake up and start to realize who they really are, then it will help with the ascension process for everyone.

So now, I am reaching out to you in the hopes that you can share this message with others. Let others know that they can learn how to reach their full potential as human beings.

viernes, diciembre 17, 2021

Aurora Ray - The Galactic Federation - Starseeds and Lightworkers - Dec 17, 2021

Beloved dear ones,

All of you beautiful Starseeds and Lightworkers who have incarnated on this planet at this time to awaken your light bodies and help the planet ascend out of the lower vibrations, to set humanity free from the hold of the dark forces holding this planet in place; we once again appeal to you to raise your personal vibration and send out this message to all those who need it.

This is the only way we can liberate all of humanity and this beautiful planet from all forms of slavery and darkness.

jueves, octubre 28, 2021

Judith Kusel - We are the Lightworker pioneers - Oct 28, 2021


We are the Lightworker pioneers, the ones who indeed are now going through intense transfiguration, so that we can indeed co-create the New Golden Age.

We are laying down the foundation stones, we are indeed thus now paving the way, with the Rainbow and Sun children, to anchor all of this deeply into the New Earth.

viernes, septiembre 24, 2021

Jennifer Crokaert - Ashian: Lightworkers are White Hats - Sep 24, 2021


Ashian: Lightworkers are White Hats

J: Hello! Well you’ve just come through with this rather stunning message, and when I relaxed into it, I found it made complete sense.

A: Hello and blessings to all who feel this message. We are glad that it made sense to you, let us explore it a little more.

Many of you are used to thinking of the white hats as an elite group of off-world beings, political and military personnel, who are working for humanity’s release from the matrix of torture that has imprisoned you. That is correct, and yet it is only part of the truth; yes, it includes these people – the names you are familiar with are at the higher levels, they are the ‘public face’ of this group.

jueves, septiembre 16, 2021

Jennifer Hoffman - Answering the Call to Serve - Sep 16, 2021

Our call to serve is not an edict to perform for the universe. It is part of our larger soul mission we came here with and when we get the call, which can arrive in many different ways, it is just an activation of this mission and a sign for us to get started on that path. Now this doesn’t mean we don’t have a choice, we do, to a point. And we can ignore it, deny it, or pretend we are not listening.