A Call To All Starseeds & Lightworkers
Hello, fellow lightworkers and starseeds. I am writing to you because I feel that you are an important part of my ascension.
Our dear Galactic Federation contacted me yesterday and urged me to share this vital information with you.
They told me that if enough people wake up and start to realize who they really are, then it will help with the ascension process for everyone.
So now, I am reaching out to you in the hopes that you can share this message with others. Let others know that they can learn how to reach their full potential as human beings.
The key to enlightenment is knowing who you truly are: the creator of your reality. You are not your thoughts, body, or mind. These things are temporary vehicles that allow us to experience this lifetime on Earth, but they are not who we truly are.
When we realize who we really are behind our outward manifestations, we immediately become enlightened and free from suffering. We come into a state of grace where all is well, and there is nothing left to do or achieve because we have already arrived at the perfection of our natural state!
The problem is that many people think that their physical bodies are who they really are. They have the sensation that they are trapped inside their own skin and are unable to escape.
They think they are the voices in their heads, the thoughts that run around in their heads, and they believe they are the emotions that come and go in their body.
They do not realize that they are something other than this. They do not know that there is a deeper level to who they really are.
In fact, you have experienced this deeper level of consciousness before, but you were so young when it happened that you did not remember it. You were in a deep state of meditation or relaxation when suddenly you had an experience of consciousness where you felt very deeply connected to everything around you. You felt like you were part of everything around you. There was no separation between yourself and anything else. It was an amazing experience, wasn't it?
That feeling, that beautiful experience, actually represents your true nature. That feeling is who you really are, deep down inside of your being. But, unfortunately, most people grow out of that feeling over time because most adults teach children to separate from life instead of connecting with it.
I am talking here about a different kind of connection. It is your connection to the world around you, your connection to the universe, and your connection to the divine. When you are able to realize this connection, then you have entered into the Fifth Dimension.
The transition to the 5th Dimension has already begun. This can be seen in many ways through various supernatural occurrences, including UFOs and their occupants, crop circles, spontaneous combustion, and balls of light in photos. All of this is part of the cosmic upgrade that is taking place on Earth as we enter the 5th Dimension.
The 5th Dimension is a step beyond the 4th Dimension, which is what we are currently operating in. In the 4th Dimension, you deal with your emotions, and in the 5th Dimension, you do not need to because you realize that there are no emotions. You merely look at life as a dance and enjoy it from that perspective.
This can be difficult for many people because they have been taught to have fear by those who wish to control them—those who wish for them to be slaves.
These days we are living in an age where almost everyone is aware of what's going on around them, yet they choose to remain asleep and unaware of their true selves.
The power of choice lies within each individual, and although there will be more and more people awakening into the 5th Dimension, It's critical to awaken your family and friends so that they may realize themselves as they truly are.
How to ascend? How to enter the fifth Dimension?
The answer is that you don't need to do anything about this. You just need to watch your body, thoughts, feelings, and actions. This is the only way. There is no other way to enter the fifth Dimension. All your doubts will disappear automatically if you follow this simple technique. This technique is like an ultimate key that opens all the doors of the universe.
You can use this exercise in many ways:
Allowing yourself time to think without being distracted by your activity;
To get rid of the stress and negativity that has accumulated in your mind throughout the day by not being able to think about it for a period of time;
To connect with your inner self and thus bring out the best in yourself,
To feel the world around you more clearly, To rest from doing any activity,
And a lot more!
The main focus of this exercise is to empty your mind of thoughts for 5–10 minutes. You can do this exercise anytime you want and anywhere you want; there is no need for any special preparation or place. Just sit comfortably with your back straight and close your eyes. Then take a few deep breaths and relax your whole body. Let go of all thoughts, worries, ideas, or plans that come to mind.
The key is to watch your breath. Take deep, long, and very slow breaths in and out, then do nothing more but observe your breaths.
You may watch your body, actions, thoughts, and feelings but do not engage by reacting to them. Simply observe what comes and goes.
You have been imprisoned in your mind up to this point. You are living in a dream world that is created by your thoughts and feelings. Now you can open your eyes and see who is watching these activities. You can become free from this prison and be free forever.
Now I am giving you the good news that it is possible to live permanently in the Fifth Dimension. This is the place of supreme consciousness, or supreme blissfulness, or Godliness, which is beyond time and space. I have seen many people who have been there for many years with their physical bodies as they have done this exercise since a long time ago.
This technique can easily be learned by anyone at home, as it requires no money or other things too much to learn. Just watch your body, actions, thoughts, and feelings without reacting to them.
You are a being – a soul, spirit, energy – and not just a physical body. The body is just a temporary vessel, you are eternal and made of pure energy. Your soul never dies and never gets sick. It doesn't age. It's time to tune in!
We love you dearly.
We are here with you.
We are your family of light.
Aurora Ray
Ambassador of the Galactic Federation
Copyright 2022 Aurora Ray. All rights reserved.