viernes, febrero 18, 2022
James McConnell - Sananda and One Who Serves - REACH OUT AND TOUCH SOMEONE WITH YOUR LIGHT - Feb 13, 2022
SANANDA (Channeled by James McConnell)
I am Sananda. I come to be with you at this time, in these moments during this great transformation that is occurring, the great transition that is moving more and more people throughout the planet to awaken. They are awakening.
More and more are finding themselves becoming distressed, becoming disillusioned by the life that they have always known. More and more are realizing that it is time to move out of that illusion. And many are realizing that it is an illusion now. They are seeing all of those things that they had come to believe were true, they are realizing now that they are not true any longer. They have been lied to. Just as many of you, all of you, have come to that understanding as well. You have been lied to most of your entire life. But you are now seeing through the veil.
The veil that is only there due to your programming. But once the programming has been lifted, once you have moved beyond it and let go of the attachments of that programming, the veil ceases to exist once and for all. The veil is only there if you believe it is. Darkness, fear is only there if you believe it is. Know that it is not there.
Know that there is no reason to fear whatsoever. When you fully come to that understanding, a whole new vista opens up to you. A vista that is beyond your wildest dreams, wildest imagination. We know you all have quite an imagination. Do you yet not fully see it is possible? Because many of you are still mired in the muck of the programming that you have had for many, many lifetimes, creating many patterns that hold you, and have held you.
It is now time to let go of those patterns, to let go of those programs, to let go of the karma. For the karma is only there if you perceive it to be there. Just as the program.
It is time to move out of all of this. For you are all getting ready now, getting ready to reach out to more and more people. For your time is coming. The times you have heard of where all of the disillusioned people throughout the planet. Begin to realize how much they have been lied to. And when that happens, and as it is happening, you, those of you, the Way-Showers, the Truth-Tellers, the Light-Bringers, you will be ready and in position to bring that light to them, to open up the doors beyond the illusion of separation. It is nearly time for more and more of you to be willing and ready to move into your mission more and more fully. You have been prepared. You have been acclimated to these energies, and are continuing to acclimate to the energies coming into the planet.
But know that so many across the planet have not been able to acclimate to the energies as you have. They are still struggling. Struggling through the dark, searching for the light. You, my friend, are that light.
All of my peace and love be with all of you. You need to continue to move out beyond your own comfort zone. Wherever you have the opportunity, reach out and touch someone with your light.
ONE WHO SERVES (Channeled by James McConnell)
Om, mani, padme, hum; om, mani, padme, hum; hum, hum. Greetings to you!
One Who Serves here, and we are ready to continue to assist you in any way that we can. To be of service in any way that we can. And that, of course, is what you are here to do as well. To be of service more and more.
You are all moving from a sense of Service-to-Self, to more and more Service-to-Others. We know it can be a difficult changeover. And that is exactly what this is: a great changeover. And this Great Awakening continues to move forward. And it is a Great Awakening that is happening.
And you are on the cusp, we will say, of this great change that is occurring, and able to watch from your point of view, from your vantage point, you are able to watch and to participate directly in this great show that is happening here.
And if you look at it as a show, or a movie, as we have said many times, you are more easily able to handle the changes as they come here. And they are coming fast and furious now. So just allow the process to continue. But know that you are a big part of the process.
We are ready for your questions if you have them. There is no Shoshanna this time. It is just we, the One Who Serves here. But we will do our best to answer your questions if you have them.
Guest: I have a question.
OWS: Yes?
Guest: Last week we were celebrating my wife’s birthday, and we had the whole family over. We are having a birthday part, and I have the whole family over, extended family, and I am sitting there talking with my daughter. They don’t believe in the Galactics as far as I know, or any of that stuff. Then all of a sudden, I hear my daughter say, “I’m hearing people’s thoughts.” It really got my attention, for total recollection is the same thing. And I looked at her and I asked, “Did you hear it in thoughts and it sounds like they are talking, but you looked at their mouth and its not moving?” She said, “Yes, exactly.” And then one of my granddaughters (you know, her daughter) said “Me too.” Then the other granddaughter said, “Well, I don’t have that happen, but I see things before they happen.” Which brings my question: do soul families evolve together?
OWS: Most definitely. You are experiencing the Great Changeover that we are speaking of here, as more and more people are realizing, and will continue to realize their gifts that they have always had, but they were not aware of them.
Because of the change in vibration, this is opening up many, many more to those gifts. And they are becoming ready to be able to work with them. You will see this happening more and more across the entire planet, especially with the younger ones coming in. For they are not as ensconced within the programming as some of the older generation. Now that is not to say that those of you that are part of the older generation here will not also experience these great gifts as they come to you, because you are moving into those higher vibrations and holding it longer and longer. And when you do that, that opens up all of these ‘gifts of spirit,’ we will say here. So be ready for it. It is coming.
Guest: Can I ask one more quick question just real fast?
OWS: Yes?
Guest: I found a lot that in my sleep I am dreaming, but I’m using telekinesis to do things. And also a few nights ago I was dreaming that I was just touching people, and not healing them over time like you can do with Reiki. But they were healing instantly. I know we are taught in our sleep, you know, while we are sleeping. Do we practice things too?
OWS: In your sleep state? Yes. You are having experiences in your sleep state beyond your conscious knowing self that is accessing your multi-dimensional selves. So yes, you are working definitely in your sleep state. And eventually more and more you will begin to remember moire of those experiences during your sleep state as well.
Guest: Oh, okay. Thank you.
OWS: Yes. Would there be other questions here?
Guest: Yes, I have a question.
OWS: Yes?
Guest: Years ago on a hot night, I had a little bit of an upset stomach. I fell asleep right away. Sometime at night I felt a surge of energy coming from my heart area, slipping into two branches and converging onto the bottom of my spinal column and burning hot, then slipping again and running alongside my legs and converging about the bottoms of my feet, burning hot again. And I had that for a little while. I cannot tell for how long. My question is, what happened to me that night?
OWS: What happened to you is exactly what we gave to The James to give you in your e-mail as he answered this for you. Your Kundalini expression was opening up here and you were having the burning of that Kundalini rising within you. It is the life force within you that rises. And you were experiencing a portion of that. Not the full Kundalini rising, but a portion of that. So be happy! Be grateful that you had this experience.
And many, many more of you are going to have these experiences as you continue to hold yourselves longer and longer in those vibrational frequencies and your consciousness continues to rise along with it. Be ready, it is happening here.
Does this answer your question?
Guest: It does. Thank you.
OWS: Yes. Would there be other questions here? Nothing further? Then we know there are your e-mail questions.
Guest: Yes. No. 1: What is the reason so many Hollywood celebs are selling their luxury homes now?
OWS: Because they are seeing the writing on the wall here. They know that their time as celebrities, many of them, is coming to an end here. Because there will not be able to be the haves and the have-notes in your times ahead as the changeover continues to happen in this transition. So those of your celebrities are finding that they need to change with the times here.
Many of them, though, have also had to relinquish their great expressions of consciousness that they have in terms of being more than others have here, in terms of those large mansions and such. They are having to relinquish this because some of them have actually been arrested and put into house arrest, and these types of things.
You are going to notice more and more of those celebrities that are not able to do what they have always done, because they are not available to do it anymore. Just look and watch. This is changing. You are seeing the new Hollywood celebrities coming on, rather than the old ones, more and more here. That is all we can say on this. We cannot be specific on those particular ones.
Guest: Okay, thank you, and No. 2: How is it that the Galactics can use weaponry to overcome the dark forces?
OWS: When you think of weaponry, they are not using the weapons as you know it. They are using the forces that they have available to them to overcome the dark forces. But they do not do it in terms of killing and this type of thing, as your forces do here on this planet.
They use forces that can repel the forces of the darkness. So that is mostly what they are doing. They are repelling those forces. But as they repel the forces and they send love out to those dark forces, if the dark forces do not accept that love, then it can be very injurious to their health. That is all we can say here. It is not weaponry like you think of. It is more in terms of defensive weaponry.
Although there are those forces that are using these to eliminate, to destroy in many respects, those what you call the ‘deep underground military bases.’ Those are being eliminated. Many have been eliminated, and many yet still are going to be.
Okay, then we are done for the time here, and we are ready to release channel.
We will say here just to continue to allow yourselves to move freely. To let it flow through this transformation that you are all moving through. Because it is a great transformation that you are all experiencing. And the more that you can let go of the programming that holds you and binds you to this illusion of separation, the easier the flow will be for you as you continue to move along here on your journey.
Shanti. Peace be with you.
Channeled by James McConnell
Article may be reproduced in its entirety if authorship and author’s website is clearly stated.
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Ángeles de Crystal

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James McConnell,
One Who Serves,