Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Jennifer Crokaert. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Jennifer Crokaert. Mostrar todas las entradas

miércoles, octubre 18, 2023

Jennifer Crokaert - The Ring of Fire Speaks - Oct 18, 2023

Greetings. I present to you this day as the energy consciounsness of the eclipse pattern you know as the ‘Ring of Fire’. I am the portent, the sign and signifier of the energy of Christed consciousness, Ascension energy made manifest by your desire to achieve Ascension.

All who came here for this time and space moment brought within you the encoding of the ‘Ring of Fire’, knowing it as a marker, a door way, a catalyst. Those of you who have worked diligently to become aware of your shadow side – bringing light to the words, thoughts and actions that are programmed by fear instead of love – have already ascended through your personal ‘Ring of Fire’; that you do not see it yet, does not mean it has not happened yet.

miércoles, mayo 10, 2023

Jennifer Crokaert - Ashian - Inner Squeeze - May 10, 2023

Ashian: Greetings to all who resonate with these words.

Jennifer: Indeed…

A: We sense you are unimpressed…!

J: You could say that. I don’t want to … oh sod it! What the heck is going on with the energies? I thought it would get easier after the inner death, as you so eloquently termed it.

It’s not. It’s harder. It’s as though our soul essence is being squeezed in a long, protracted inner death. Of course, that’s not everyone. I speak only for the people who are struggling as I am.

martes, abril 25, 2023

Jennifer Crokaert - Ashian - Noticing the Divine Plan within - Apr 25, 2023

Jennifer: Hello?

Ashian: Greetings dear heart, blessings to you and all who resonate with these words. We are overjoyed to hear from you again.

J: ehm… yes. Tricky times for me. Sorry.

A: There is no need to apologise. Why regret? Why feel bad that energies and events in your life are moving swiftly and – all evidence to the contrary, perhaps – are finding their resolution? These are the end times. Karma is being squared off. Resolution is being found. People are moving towards their vibe and tribe, they are resolving their inner conflicts, pain, wounding.

viernes, marzo 17, 2023

Jennifer Crokaert - Ashian - The 5D Distortion - Mar 17, 2023

Jennifer: Hello! Well, for those of you reading, this is my second attempt at a channel today. I’ve abandoned the last one. I’m hoping this is better – the fault being on my end, not Ashian’s!

A: Greetings (again!). There is no fault, it is merely that some lines of conversation are not as rich as others. We hope that is will be a more fertile conversation, so to speak!

sábado, marzo 11, 2023

Jennifer Crokaert - Ashian - Pre-Shock and Post-Shock - Mar 11, 2023

Ashian: Beloved light holders, and all who resonate with these words, we greet you, as you enter the most tumultous period in humanity’s recorded history.

We wish to speak of the shock waves that are already reverberating around your collective psyche, as the old structure has collapsed and the new is not yet revealed. Not only have the negatively charged energies been dislodged and actively looking for new ‘homes’ – they seek the negative energy of pain, fear, anxiety, stress to feed off – but the human collective psyche knows that the time has come for the end game. They may not acknowledge it, but the shock of the fall of the cabal and its dependent structures is so profound that all are feeling it, even if they are not aware that is what is increasing their anxiety.

viernes, febrero 03, 2023

Jennifer Crokaert - Ashian - Contraction and Expansion - Feb 3, 2023

Ashian: Greetings and blessings to all who resonate with this message.

Jennifer: Hello to you too! I hope you don’t mind, but I called on you because I wondered if you could speak on the subject of expansion and contraction.

A: It is always our pleasure to assist the understanding of spiritual truth.

domingo, enero 15, 2023

Jennifer Crokaert - Ashian - Karma: the programming that structures co-creation - Jan 12, 2023


Karma: the programming that structures co-creation

Before we incarnate, our soul/Higher Self has a plan, a set of experiences it wishes to expand into. This is a subtle process that is not as black and white as ‘do bad, experience bad’.

This set of life experiences can be described as our karma; it is the lens through which we live our lives, the programming with which we come into this world. It frames everything that we think, say and do, because it is what we are here to experience; it is our course work in this lifetime.

miércoles, septiembre 28, 2022

Jennifer Crokaert - Ashian - The Last Goodbye - Sep 28, 2022

Jennifer: Greetings! After a rather long … hiatus?

Ashian: Greetings! It is our joy to connect with you all whenever the opportunity arises.

J: Yes, well, uhm…. I’m sorry?!

A: Why apologise beloved heart? We tell you to follow your heart, your intuition, your guidance. If that does not open space for these communications it’s because they are not of the right vibration to come through. Now is the moment.

sábado, junio 04, 2022

Jennifer Crokaert - Ashian: Arise Pheonixes of the World - June 3, 2022

Jennifer: Hello! Well, this is a first, I can see lava and fire when I tune into you.

Ashian: Hello and blessings to all hearts who vibrate with this transmission.

The time of transmutation is upon you. Fire cleanses, it burns off all impurities, it clears away everything in its path that is not aligned with its power, its purity, its clarity.

You are in the time of transmutation.

jueves, mayo 26, 2022

Jennifer Crokaert - Ashian - The Pre-stages of the Ascension Event - May 24, 2022

Jennifer: Well, this may come as no surprise to you, but I’ve been avoiding you! A lot.

Ashian: And we thank you for returning – if indeed there was anywhere to hide! – you were missed by us. Would you care to share?

J: I hate to repeat myself, but here we go…

viernes, mayo 13, 2022

Jennifer Crokaert - Ashian: Redefining success and failure - May 10, 2022

Jennifer: Hello! Surprise!

Ashian: Indeed! Hello you! Though we laugh, we are delighted to see you back again. We have missed your presence and the energy of those who connect with these words.

J: Really? It makes sense, but I would never have thought of you missing us.

domingo, abril 10, 2022

Jennifer Crokaert - Ashian - Your Purpose is 5D not 3D - Apr 10, 2022

Jennifer: Greetings! So, let’s start really generally… what do you want us to know?

Ashian: Beloved hearts, greetings to you too! It is our joy to connect and to have the opportunity to collaborate actively with you.

J: Collaborate?

A: Well, in your war analogies, you light workers are the ‘behind enemy lines’ troops. You bring your light to every situation, not through the jobs you do or the successes you have, but by being YOU. That energy, YOUR energy is acting like a catalyst, clearing psychic debris, dissolving density… everywhere you go, you are working; your energy is hard at work and the team that works with you is constantly partnering with you to bring you to the places where your energy can best serve the highest good.

viernes, marzo 25, 2022

Jennifer Crokaert - Ashian: Time is up - Mar 22, 2022

Ashian: Time is up

Jennifer: Goodness, I’ve missed you! When I feel into your energy, you feel like ‘home’, after such a long break.

Ashian: Hello to you too! It has been a while… but we shall leave that there! We are here for more important purposes. We would like to highlight the upcoming changes, structural departures, ruptures…

J: That sounds pretty full on, you’d better explain yourself!

A: The time of the slow turn of the wheel is finished. Humanity was given the opportunity to move gracefully into self mastery and into understanding the complexity of your global situation (the light and the darkness) in a gentle manner, providing plenty of opportunities to move into mastery, to practice holding your centre, your intuition. That time is gone. Those who did not avail of the opportunity will now learn a much harder way.

sábado, febrero 26, 2022

Jennifer Crokaert - Divine Mother - Apples not Oranges! - Feb 26, 2022


Beloveds, you consider that you are partitioned, that you come in segments, that you are not whole, not a perfect entity.

You imagine that you have bits that are ‘good’ and bits that you consider ‘bad’, bits that are appropriate and bits that must be rejected.

You imagine that there are parts of you that are Divine, and parts of you that are human. You are like an orange that sees only the segments. Truly, that is not how I see you. You are one. You are whole.

lunes, enero 24, 2022

Jennifer Crokaert - Ashian: The Return of Personal Truth - Jan 24, 2022

Ashian: Well! The prodigal channel returns!

Jennifer: Good! So you’re not going to make a big deal about my three month disappearance!

Ashian: It would be rude not to! Seriously, we understand why you have been away, but let’s provide a sketch of your life for the past three months so that others will understand and because it’s relevant to what we are going to discuss today.

viernes, octubre 15, 2021

Jennifer Crokaert - Ashian - The ‘injection’ and Ascension - Oct 13, 2021

A: Greetings and blessings to you all.

J: Someone emailed to ask if you would comment on ascension and those who had the ‘injections’.

A: We would be delighted to comment. The first thing that we would wish to say is that there are many competing narratives around the injections. The different narratives reflect the different aspects of time/space reality that commentators are accessing: some access the scenario, which seems successful, but ultimately betrays, injures and kills; others access a scenario where the injection has no affect on those who take it; yet others see a partial negative impact from accepting the injections.

domingo, septiembre 26, 2021

Jennifer Crokaert - Ashian - What we would like you to know now - Sep 26, 2021

J: Hi Ashian, as you may be aware, the energy is all over the place and those of us who are holding the light are tired and overstretched – that’s the kindest, shortest version! What can you say to help us along?

A: Greetings and blessings to all who feel this message.

J: Actually, why do you say ‘feel’ and not read?

A: Because when you (or any channel) channels a message, you draw into the field of consciousness a particular vibration; the higher that vibration is, the greater its resonance and the more people are affected by it, even if they have not read the channel.

That is why being thankful is good, because gratidude changes the amplitude of humanity’s vibration. That’s also why we would encourage you all to do free writing/speaking/drawing/dancing/daydreaming, because in your creativity, you are channeling; you are drawing down insight and vibrations from higher dimensional aspects of yourself and the ‘invisible team’ that work with each of you.

J: That’s brilliant! Thank you. Now I know you’ve discussed the ‘invisible team’ with many of our clients, but I think it would be great if you could explain that to those reading this blog.

A: A wonderful suggestion! Many humans are aware of the concept of a ‘guardian angel’ or a guide that stays with you through your lifetime, through all your lifetimes indeed. This is only part of the truth.

You all work with a team, far more than just one being. Every person has a team, which can vary in size, but eleven beings is not uncommon for light workers. That team includes about three members of the ‘global team’, for example Ascended Masters and Archangels with whom you have a special connection, this could be Mohammed, Jesus, the Divine Mother, St Germaine, Krishna, an unnamed aspect of the Divine, as well as any specific Angels or Archangels with whom you feel a sense of connection. They know you, and they work consciously with you and your energy.

Also part of your team is your ‘personal team’; these are often members of your soul family, your galactic family, higher dimensional aspects of yourself and any other higher dimensional beings with whom you share a specific connection. They help you to develop your talents and to remain as true as you can to your lifeplan, but they never take away your free-will, expect in the instance of protecting you from something that is not your karmic balance.

You see, you are never alone! They do not intrude, often working with you when you are asleep, daydreaming or your mind is occupied deeply in a different issue.

The beauty of this is that you can develop a much closer relationship with them; you can ask them all to give you a hug at the same time to uplift you when you feel tired or depleted; you can ask them to assist you in your day – for example by helping you to see the best decisions with clear insight, or to help you develop your intuition. The possiblities are endless: the invitation to work consciously with them is open to you. Enjoy your partnership

J: That’s wonderful Ashian, thanks. I think so many of us feel battered, tired and worried that we aren’t doing well enough.

A: The fears and doubts are ‘thought blankets’ that have been used to undermine humanity’s intuition and ability to take action. The more you follow your knowing – even if you’re not 100% certain, but only 55% certain, then go for it! – the more you destroy the vibration of that ‘thought blanket’.

J: Do you mean a kind of programming?

A: It’s more than that; it’s programming – like radio, television, memes, apps, songs, advertising, gaming… – but it’s also a distorted lower vibration that was ‘beamed’ into your planet. If it was just a low vibration, many of you would have been able to raise yourselves above it as you evolved; but, by making it a distortion, they managed to make it more ‘sticky’, the distortion made it significantly more difficult to rise above it and to evolve beyond that way of thinking.

J: So are we there now? Beyond/above it??

A: Yes, and the system has been dismantled. What is occuring now is like the fading of piece of music as the song ends. It’s weak and you can easily rise above it by focusing on the good and the positive.

J: Wow! Ok, this conversation did not go in the direction I thought when we started, but I think we covered a lot! Thank you.

A: It is we who thank all of you for your perserverance and commitment. Our love is always with you.

(c) Jennifer Crokaert 2021

viernes, septiembre 24, 2021

Jennifer Crokaert - Ashian: Lightworkers are White Hats - Sep 24, 2021


Ashian: Lightworkers are White Hats

J: Hello! Well you’ve just come through with this rather stunning message, and when I relaxed into it, I found it made complete sense.

A: Hello and blessings to all who feel this message. We are glad that it made sense to you, let us explore it a little more.

Many of you are used to thinking of the white hats as an elite group of off-world beings, political and military personnel, who are working for humanity’s release from the matrix of torture that has imprisoned you. That is correct, and yet it is only part of the truth; yes, it includes these people – the names you are familiar with are at the higher levels, they are the ‘public face’ of this group.

jueves, septiembre 16, 2021

Jennifer Crokaert - Ashian: ‘What is God?’ - Sep 16, 2021

Ashian: ‘What is God?’

J: Someone emailed me to ask who – or indeed what! – is God?

Ashian: This is a wonderful question and one that takes lifetimes to answer, however we shall attempt to be brief!

Can you imagine a void? Nothingness? And then a bubble appears, from nothingness. The void is the Divine Masculine – it is everything and it is nothing at the same time. The bubble is the Divine Feminine – it is creation, expression and – ultimately – also nothing, at the same time. They are two energies of perfect and equal balance that require eachother for expression and they cannot be separated, despite the appearance that they are separate. This is one understanding of ‘God’.