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Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Códigos Cósmicos. Mostrar todas las entradas

jueves, julio 25, 2024

Gillian MacBeth-Louthan - El DESPERTAR CUÁNTICO - JULIO 2024



JULIO 2024


▲ De su Anfitriona de la Luz
▲ El Gran Sol Central (Comunicación solar)
▲ Algunos síntomas de la descarga solar
▲ Orto helíaco para Sirio 2024
▲ Somos seres solares
▲ Pasando a través del Punto Cero
▲ Cada pensamiento es una pieza del tiempo
▲ Los cristales de la profecía de la Nova “Estrella Azul”
▲ Los portales cósmicos se abren
▲ El portal “8:8” del infinito



2024 ha sido un año de metamorfosis dentro de uno mismo, dentro y fuera de todas las dimensiones, y dentro y fuera del conocimiento previo. Este año nos ha llevado a lugares dentro de nuestra conciencia y percepción en los que no esperábamos entrar. Nuestra Tierra y nuestro mundo tienen un pulso y un propósito multidimensionales. Es una vibración viviente como lo son "Todas" las cosas dentro del espectro universal. Se mueve como una medusa fotónica que se manifiesta en las grietas más profundas del pensamiento invisible.

miércoles, mayo 22, 2024

Natalia Alba - Since we started this year of monadic integration - May 22, 2024

Beloved Ones,

Since we started this year of monadic integration, many of you have been working with the conscious reconnection to your soul, and monad, embodying your unique soul purpose and higher levels of consciousness. A process that my Guides call Galactivation. This symbol I have received is for those who are guided to work with it and are undergoing a process of monadic integration.

lunes, mayo 06, 2024

Natalia Alba - As the correction between our masculine and female essences continues - May 6, 2024



Beloved Ones,

As the correction between our masculine and female essences continues, in both our template and our planetary pillar, many of you will experience the divine reunion with your counterpart, which only occurs when we are unified and have regained personal sovereignty. As Guides shared this is a very important month for our relationships. Since March, as ascending souls we have been under an accelerated phase of masculine and female reconstruction and synthesis, to be able to act as unified and integrated beings.

lunes, enero 15, 2024

Natalia Alba - At this time of our ascension journey - Jan 15, 2024

 No hay ninguna descripción de la foto disponible.

Beloved Ones,
At this time of our ascension journey, many are experiencing a profound clearing, for it is what the current planetary energies are helping us with, so we can enter into a new cycle by being renewed and prepared to integrate higher frequencies.
This is a time for all of us to focus on purging and conscious reconnection, so we can realign and recalibrate our 12th-dimensional template, an inner work that has been going on since December, and that will continue until February.

jueves, enero 11, 2024

Judith Kusel - The Lightworker Codes - Jam 11, 2024

The Lightworker Codes

Within every lightworker Divine Keys and Codes are being activated at this time, which were agreed to be activated as the ascension process escalates.

It was agreed to, because every soul has free will and choice, and at a certain stage, when the soul has raised its consciousness as it ascends into the 5th dimensional stage, these keys and codes trigger. 

miércoles, junio 21, 2023

Celia Fenn - Los Leones de la Estrella Real y los Leones del Fuego Solar - Junio 17, 2023

Los Leones de la Estrella Real y los Leones del Fuego Solar

La gente a menudo me pregunta quiénes son los Royal Star Lions.

Son Seres Angélicos de la Familia Elohim que llegaron a nuestra Galaxia desde la Galaxia de Andrómeda. Entraron a través del Portal Galáctico Lyra y luego se trasladaron a las ubicaciones galácticas donde fueron asignados.

sábado, junio 17, 2023

Celia Fenn - The Royal Star Lions and Solar Fire Lions - June 17, 2023


The Royal Star Lions and Solar Fire Lions

People often ask me who are the Royal Star Lions?

They are Angelic Beings of the Elohim Family who came to our Galaxy from the Andromeda Galaxy. They entered via the Lyra Galactic Portal and then moved to the Galactic locations where the were assigned.

These Angelic or Star Lions are white in color, and some of them have incarnated on the Earth.

viernes, junio 16, 2023

Celia Fenn - Solstice June 2023/Solsticio de junio de 2023 - June 16, 2023

Solstice June 2023

We are only a few days out from the June 2023 Solstice. The energies are slowly increasing as waves of Plasma Light and Codes are being received from the Sun and from Cosmic sources.

These Codes will assist us in the major shift that we are undergoing from May and June and into the run up to the Lions Gate 8/8.

The Royal Star Lions and their companions the Solar Fire Lions are making their presence felt to support us in these deep changes.

As Pluto retrogrades into Capricorn, we feel the deep need to change and the last vestiges of the old being thrown off. In many ways there is a tussle between the old and the new.

And emerging from all this is the New Human, the Deep Human who lives in the Quantum new time on a vertical spiral (rather than horizantal linear time).

The Deep Human is centered in the Heart and can make deep dives down into the ancestral timelines or up into the Galactic and Cosmic spirals.

The Deep Human is present in all time and flows deep within the Divine Heart on the Light of the Divine Feminine.

Everything is changing.

Everything is Flowing and Becoming.

We are changing...becoming deeper and lighter and more of an expression of Creator Energy and Love.



Solsticio de junio de 2023

Estamos a solo unos días del solsticio de junio de 2023. Las energías aumentan lentamente a medida que se reciben ondas de Luz de Plasma y Códigos del Sol y de fuentes Cósmicas.

Estos Códigos nos ayudarán en el gran cambio que estamos experimentando desde mayo y junio hasta la Puerta de los Leones el 8/8.

Los Royal Star Lions y sus compañeros, los Solar Fire Lions, están haciendo sentir su presencia para apoyarnos en estos profundos cambios.

A medida que Plutón retrocede a Capricornio, sentimos la profunda necesidad de cambiar y los últimos vestigios de lo viejo están siendo desechados. En muchos sentidos, hay una lucha entre lo viejo y lo nuevo.

Y de todo esto emerge el Nuevo Humano, el Humano Profundo que vive en el nuevo tiempo cuántico en una espiral vertical (en lugar de un tiempo lineal horizontal).

El Humano Profundo está centrado en el Corazón y puede hacer inmersiones profundas en las líneas de tiempo ancestrales o en las espirales Galáctica y Cósmica.

El Humano Profundo está presente en todo tiempo y fluye profundamente dentro del Corazón Divino en la Luz de la Femenina Divina.

Todo está cambiando.

Todo fluye y se convierte.

Estamos cambiando... haciéndonos más profundos y ligeros y más una expresión de la Energía y el Amor del Creador.

domingo, abril 16, 2023

Celia Fenn - Archangel Michael - The Tree of Grace and the Adventure of the Emerald Heart: The 5/5 Portal and the Eclipses of the Taurus Gate April/May 2023 - Apr 16, 2023

The Tree of Grace and the Adventure of the Emerald Heart : The 5/5 Portal and the Eclipses of the Taurus Gate April/May 2023

Archangel Michael through Celia Fenn

Dearest Hearts, you are approaching a powerful time of initiation and transformation for all of Humanity, but also for the Planet. At this powerful transit of the Eclipse on the 29th April and the Taurus Gate and Full Moon Eclipse in Scorpio, you will embody and integrate the frequencies of the Emerald Heart. This will enable you to receive, hold and transmit the 9D frequencies of the Aldebaran Star Garden and to anchor these frequencies for the New Earth. You will also be initiated into the new Tree of Life for the New Earth and the Age of Aquarius. This is the Tree of Life and Grace, called the Tree of Grace, that has been inaugurated at the centre of the Star Garden to hold the central pillar of Life for the New Earth.

martes, marzo 07, 2023

Celia Fenn - Full Moon in Virgo and Saturn into Pisces - Mar 7, 2023

Full Moon in Virgo and Saturn into Pisces

Yes today is a kind of double whammy and very powerful day. And the new energies are moving very powerfully in synch.

The Full Moon is Virgo is celebrating the resurgence of Nature and the new power that is animating Nature as the New Earth grids are being activated by the outpourings of Solar Light Codes and Water Plasma Light Codes. It is truly a "New Creation"!

jueves, marzo 17, 2022

Natalia Alba - As we continue activating/building our sixth and seventh shoulder portals/wings - Mar 17, 2022


Beloved Ones,

As we continue activating/building our sixth and seventh shoulder portals/wings, the collective continues choosing between two different timelines. Timelines that will determine the reality they desire to experience, if a loving, and peaceful, or if a chaotic one. It is a time when we need to be devoted to our original soul intention of serving humanity, in our unique way, for there are many who need our unconditional love and compassion, at this tumultuous time.

lunes, marzo 14, 2022

Natalia Alba - Humanity is at the moment choosing between two different timelines - Mar 14, 2022


Beloved Ones,

Humanity is at the moment choosing between two different timelines. Timelines that will determine the reality they desire to experience, if a loving, and peaceful, or if a chaotic one. It is a time when we need to be devoted to our original soul intention of serving humanity, in our unique way, for there are many who need our unconditional love and compassion, at this tumultuous time.

To confirm where we are in our planetary transition, we welcome a wonderful Full Moon at 27 degrees Virgo on March 18th, in which we will receive the proper energies for us to remember the importance of putting into practice all we descend from the ethereal, as serving from the inside, through prayers and loving thoughts is essential. However, it is as important as to act, when it is the time to do so, offering ourselves in service to all who need us, for we are One Family, and what happens to one, happens to All.

sábado, marzo 12, 2022

Celia Fenn - The Sun has become very active recently - Mar 12, 2022


The Sun has become very active recently. An M2 class Solar Flare caused a radio black out over the Pacific, and a CME (Coronal Mass Ejection) is heading straight for the Earth, arriving Sunday 13th.

Most people are feeling this intensity as symptoms such as nervous system stress and anxiety, insomnia, digestive system disturbances and depression. This is because the powerful incoming Light Codes are stimulating the physical systems as the DNA responds to the activations in the Codes.

domingo, febrero 27, 2022

Lauren C. Gorgo - Heaven’s Landing: the great awakening - Feb 25, 2022

We just recently moved thru the last 222 portal on 2-22-2022 which officially closed the numeric (Aquarian) stargates of February. It has been an absurdly active month on the inner planes in which the Cosmic Mother (unified LOVE) frequency has been building and building to a crescendo point, which….upon the 222222 numeric sequence/closing gate…resulted in The Divine Feminine Christ collective officially flipping into their rightful place & position as the (Aquarian Age) Leaders of the New Earth.

jueves, febrero 17, 2022




Step out... step into the new... let yourself be reinvented... this is the Cosmic Message that we are asked to take heed of, at this moment in time...

This Planet is being bombarded by immense Cosmic Energies... This is in the form of RAYS, of Cosmic Rays, which are being beamed down upon this Planet, at this time, in conjunction with the increased activity and flares of the Sun...

jueves, enero 06, 2022

Celia Fenn - Energías Cósmicas - Enero 4, 2022

Vaya ... el Sol puede estar tranquilo, pero las Energías Cósmicas están llegando para ayudar a reafirmar la línea de tiempo de la Nueva Tierra.

He estado sintiendo energías intensas en mi cabeza y ruidos agudos en los oídos, todo indicativo de Códigos de Luz Diamante entrantes de alto nivel.

También me siento muy cansada y solo quiero dormir.

martes, enero 04, 2022

Celia Fenn - Cosmic Energies - Jan 4, 2022


Whew...the Sun may be quiet but Cosmic Energies are pouring in to help to firm up the New Earth timeline.

I have been feeling intense energies in my head and high pitched noises in the ears, all indicative of incoming high level Diamond Light Codes.

Also feeling very tired and just want to sleep.

Pain in joints and muscles.