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jueves, abril 10, 2014
Drunvalo Live Q&A Episode 11 @ 10:AM MST
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Ángeles de Crystal

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Drunvalo Melchizedek,
El Gran Cambio,
miércoles, enero 22, 2014
Proof That The Pineal Gland Is Literally A 3rd Eye
Is it possible that you literally have a third eye that connects you to spiritual dimensions? The pineal gland is something as that is spoken of the in New Age community as being the intuition organ and the connection point between body and spirit, but very few people realize that the pineal gland is in fact a literal eye.
The pineal gland is a pea-sized gland in the exact geometric center of the brain and comes from the root word “pinea” which is Latin for “pinecone”. Pinecone symbolism appears all over the ancient world from the Sumerian, Greek, and Roman traditions, to the Vatican’s “Court of the Pine Cone” and staff of the Pope.
It is highly reverenced to be of high psychic and spiritual significance, and bindis are often word in Hindu culture as a way of signifying the pineal gland’s importance with spiritual wakefulness. Why are so many ancient cultures obsessed with pineal gland symbolism? The answer may be found when biophysical analysis is done of the pineal gland interior.

“Under the skin in the skull of a lizard lies a light-responsive “third eye” which is the evolutionary equivalent of the bone-encased, hormone-secreting pineal gland in the human brain. The human pineal is denied access to light directly, but like the lizard’s “third eye,” it shows enhanced release of its hormone, melatonin, during the night. The challenge is to understand the mechanisms which regulate the synthesis and release of melatonin. The pineal gland is the ‘mind’s eye.’ Dissected, the reptile’s pineal looks much like an eye, with the same shape and tissue.” – Dr. Cheryl Craft, Ph.D., Chair of the Department of Cell and Neurobiology, University of Southern California.
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Ángeles de Crystal

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domingo, noviembre 24, 2013
jueves, noviembre 21, 2013
lunes, noviembre 11, 2013
sábado, noviembre 09, 2013
Karen Doonan- Ghosts and Mirages of the old 3d earth and how to dissolve them … November 9, 2013
Once more the New Earth energies begin to heighten and many of you may be wondering why you seem to be shown the “same” scenarios over and over. It may be that the scenarios are “haunting” you and I use the word “haunting” deliberately. A world that is dissolving has plenty residue and the old 3d earth IS dissolving. It is built on the lower dimensional frequencies of fear and as such will attempt to bully you into believing that all is not as it FEELs.
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Ángeles de Crystal

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Consciencia Crística,
El Gran Cambio,
Herramientas para la Ascensión,
Karen Doonan
viernes, noviembre 08, 2013
Waking Times – Daniel Chamovitz: Plants Exhibit the Same Senses as Humans and See, Touch, Smell, Hear and Even Taste - November 9, 2013
Have you ever wondered what the grass under your feet feels, what an apple tree smells, or a marigold sees? Plants stimulate our senses constantly, but most of us never consider them as sensory beings too. In fact senses are extremely important to plants. Whatever life throws at them, they remain rooted to the spot – they cannot migrate in search of food, escape a swarm of locusts or find shelter from a storm. To grow and survive in unpredictable conditions, plants need to sense their environment and react accordingly. Some people may not be comfortable describing what plants do as seeing, hearing, smelling, tasting and touching. They certainly lack noses, eyes, ears, mouths and skin, but in what follows, I hope to convince you that the sensory world of plants is not so very different from our own.
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Ángeles de Crystal

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Consciencia Crística,
lunes, noviembre 04, 2013
Owen K. Waters: The Dawn of Self-Empowerment - Nov 4, 2013
In recent decades, the consciousness of humankind has progressed rapidly. Indeed, today, we are in the throes of the greatest transformation in the history of humankind, a shift to a New Reality of heart-centered consciousness. We stand at the gateway of an unprecedented turning point in human consciousness, a social and spiritual transformation called The Shift.
One of the hallmarks of the New Reality is that people are becoming spiritually self-empowered. In the Old Reality, it was necessary for people to follow a rule book of moral behavior in order to stay upon a path which avoided temptation and its undesirable side-effects.
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Ángeles de Crystal

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sábado, octubre 19, 2013
Suzanne Lie – Perception/Creation – Part 2 – Surrender To The IS – 19 October 2013
Surrender to the IS
It IS HERE and NOW that you shall consciously connect with your SELF.Your Multidimensional SELF IS.
Your Multidimensional SELF exists HERE in the NOW.
You have been trained from your many incarnations in a third dimensional reality that you must wait. You had to wait because there was time, and it was not the “Right Time” for you to receive what you wanted NOW!
Therefore, you learned to wait. If you were very patient, as patience was a commendable virtue, you would get what you wanted. However, what was in your heart and mind while you waited?
Was your heart and mind filled with the belief that that which you wanted was already yours? Or did the waiting make you believe that that you were not good enough, yet, to get what you wanted?
No one told you that the time you waited was best spent raising your consciousness to live in the NOW. Then, in the NOW, you could create that which you desired. No one told you that once you lived in the NOW there is no time.
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Ángeles de Crystal

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El Gran Cambio,
Suzanne Lie
Aisha North – A History Of Creation – Part 5 - Oct 19, 2013
As we have been saying this ocean of creative energy is there waiting for you all to dip into, and when you do, you will find the experience an exhilarating one, for then you will feel at home for the very first time in literally ages, and as such, it will be like coming home after a prolonged walk in the desert. For you are so thirsty for knowledge, and finally, you stand at the edge of the fountain where every thirst will be quenched as soon as you start to drink from it. We speak in parables again, so let us move on to what you are here for, namely to get a little bit more light on the actual process of creation.
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Ángeles de Crystal

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Aisha North,
Consciencia Crística,
El Gran Cambio
miércoles, octubre 16, 2013
Jennifer Hoffman – Q&A: Why Am I Gaining Weight When I’m Trying to Lose It? – 16 October 2013
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Ángeles de Crystal

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Jennifer Hoffman
martes, octubre 15, 2013
The ancient romance Jesus Christ
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sábado, octubre 12, 2013
OMTIMES - Difference in Empath, Intuitive, Psychic, Medium and Healer By Lynn Zambrano
By Lynn Zambrano
What are the differences? The definitions have become interchanged and confused. Lets take a moment to review and clarify so that you will connect with the right reader and get the most from your session.
Intuition is a right brain process that taps into subconscious information in order to provide guidance about everyday life. Being intuitive means that you able to tap into subconscious information in order to receive guidance about your every day life. Intuition can be used to receive guidance about your own life (personal intuition) or to help other people (professional intuition). People who are intuitive are not necessarily psychic. Being intuitive is about receiving guidance to make better decisions in your life, and helping guide others in theirs.
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Ángeles de Crystal

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Herramientas para la Ascensión
viernes, octubre 11, 2013
Wes Annac – Planetary Healing : What Are Chemtrails ? – Part 2/2 – 11 October 2013
How long will we as a species let complacency and uncaring keep us from questioning what’s going on in our skies?
If we look up and see thick, expanding chemical trails clearly being sprayed, how long will we continue to let them go unquestioned? If we’ve let the powers that were go so far as to cloak our skies with carcinogenic and cancerous chemicals that then pollute our environment and our health, what else will we let them get away with?
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Ángeles de Crystal

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lunes, octubre 07, 2013
Graciela Bárbulo - Ejercicio para acelerar el proceso del cambio hacia la vibración que Eres. - 06/10/13
Me pides que te ayude a eliminar ciertas cosas de tu vida y
agregar otras.
Fíjate que las que quieres añadir son la cara opuesta de las
que quieres eliminar.
Quieres eliminar “lo que no es”, para agregar “lo que es”.
Con ello quiero decir lo que pertenece o no a tu actual realidad vibratoria.
Eso que ahora está y no deseas, entró a formar parte de tu
campo vital cuando tú estabas en un nivel de vibración inferior al actual. Tú
lo atrajiste. Ahora no te nutre; es más de drena. Lo que te nutre es justo
aquello que hubiera pasado a formar parte de tu realidad si no hubieras atraído
“eso” que ahora vibra más bajo que tú, en la frecuencia que vibrabas en aquel
tiempo que lo ingresaste. Pero en aquel momento no estaba visible como una
opción, sino tras una serie de circunstancias que elegiste no vivenciar.
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Ángeles de Crystal

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Consciencia Crística,
El Gran Cambio
viernes, octubre 04, 2013
Wes Annac – What Is A New Paradigm? – Part 3 – Conclusion – 4 October 2013
There’s another aspect of building a new paradigm I’d like to address, which falls in line with refraining from completely hinging oneself on outside sources.
The few have been able to run our world basically unchallenged, and they’ve been able to do so because, for the most part, the general public has allotted our world and the places we live to be ruled by another.
We’ve been programmed to focus on keeping ourselves and our family ahead by working away at a job that sometimes contributes very little to the running of society, as we’re taught to allow the important decisions regarding us and our planet to be made by elected officials.
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Ángeles de Crystal

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El Gran Cambio,
Wes Annac
Anna Merkaba - Thought forms - How they manifest and how to get rid of them. - June 3, 2013

You are surrounded by billions of thoughts daily. They just
float in the air just like water vapors . When you look around you, you don’t
see these vapors in the air, but once the air comes into your house and the
temperature outside changes, the air condenses and forms.. water.. now you are
seeing a physical manifestation of something that was just floating around you.
You allowed the air with water vapors to come into your home by opening the window,
and once it came into your home under the “right” circumstances it condensed
and became something tangible that you can perceive with your eyes, and touch
with your hands.
Same goes for thoughts. Many thoughts are floating around
you daily, you are bombarded by thoughts, your own, those of your neighbor, TV
screen, birds, trees, anything and everything that has consciousness around you
is producing thoughts and vibrations. Add to this the fact that you are constantly
connected to the akasha and you have a limitless supply of thoughts to choose
The key here is to CHOOSE the right thoughts for YOU and to
filter out the rest that are not doing much good to you, to just let them float
through and away from you. Once you realize that you are indeed in control of
choosing the thoughts that work in your favor, your life begins to change for the
better dramatically!
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Ángeles de Crystal

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Anna Merkaba,
Ley de Atracción
jueves, octubre 03, 2013
Wes Annac – Planetary Healing: What Are Chemtrails? – Part 1 – 2 October 2013
Perhaps you’ve looked up in the sky and seen the thin, white trail left by commercial airplanes if certain atmospheric conditions call for it. You know, the thin little jet trail that appears for a moment and then dissipates away?
As a child, I can always remember looking up in the sky and seeing this trail when noticing an airplane, and as I think back on my childhood memories I can remember that because of the contrails I saw, a vastly different and more malevolent trail being sprayed seemed quite normal to me.
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Ángeles de Crystal

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miércoles, septiembre 18, 2013
Jennifer Hoffman - Q&A: Can We Really Change the Earth’s Energy? - 11 September, 2013 (posted 17 September, 2013)
a message from Jennifer Hoffman
Dear Jennifer: I know that all of our self
healing work has an effect on humanity and on the planet. It’s part of
the role we play, as Lightworkers, to shift planetary dynamics and help
with our evolution into higher dimensions and frequencies. But are our
efforts really successful?
Is it possible for us to change the energy of the world and of humanity and how can we know that we have made progress? Sometimes it feels like no matter how much I think I, and others like me, are working, the results just don’t seem to be there. How can we know that we are being effective?
Jennifer’s Answer: No matter how little we think we are accomplishing, we cannot judge our level of success by what we see happening or not happening in the world in any moment because our work is reflected on so many different levels and change can mean so many different things.
Is it possible for us to change the energy of the world and of humanity and how can we know that we have made progress? Sometimes it feels like no matter how much I think I, and others like me, are working, the results just don’t seem to be there. How can we know that we are being effective?
Jennifer’s Answer: No matter how little we think we are accomplishing, we cannot judge our level of success by what we see happening or not happening in the world in any moment because our work is reflected on so many different levels and change can mean so many different things.
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Ángeles de Crystal

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Consciencia Crística,
Herramientas para la Ascensión,
Jennifer Hoffman
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