Greetings my beloved Masters of the Universe! I have just received a channeling from the Elohim of the Highest Order of Light. A very important gateway is opening for all of us right now. A gateway of such magnitude that it is going to be a key moment in your life where you will need to make a very important decision which will effect your life for the next 3 years and 3 months. In the channeling they say that you will be presented with 3 choices and you will need to choose the right one for your heart. This has to do with your occupation. I’m told that it will be happening from July 28 – August 12th, give or take a few days. And that you need to tune into your heart in order to make the right decision.
Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Anna Merkaba. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Anna Merkaba. Mostrar todas las entradas
jueves, julio 29, 2021
Anna Merkaba - Urgent! Lion’s Gate Portal – July 28 – August 12 – The Choice is Yours! - July 27, 2021
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miércoles, julio 07, 2021
Anna Merkaba - URGENT! DIVINE HEALING PORTAL – JULY 8 – JULY 15TH! - July 7, 2021
Greetings My Beloved Masters of the Universe!
Today I come to you with a very important message. Starting tomorrow and for the next 7 days there will be a very powerful healing portal that all of you can partake of.
“Beloveds we come to you today to announce a grand arrival of the fiery escalades of the benevolent healing power energies. Benevolent healing and powerful energies that are about to sweep across your world brining the needed tranquility and harmony to those who are in dire need of such benevolent energies.
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Anna Merkaba,
Reporte de Energías
martes, junio 23, 2020
Anna Merkaba - Agartha is calling – Urgent Message for Guardians of the Earth

Greetings My Beloved Masters of The Universe! Today I come to you with a very important message for those of you who are The Guardians of the Earth and/or feel the pull to connect with the Agarthians. This is a VERY IMPORTANT moment for you now!
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Anna Merkaba,
Reporte de Energías
jueves, mayo 21, 2020
Anna Merkaba - May 22 – 7 Day Bridge Portal – Important! Oraphim & Auroras - May 20, 2020
Greetings My Beloved Masters of the Universe! On May 22nd for 7 days a very powerful “Seven Day Bridge” portal is opening. I have received a fascinating channeling from the Auroras and Oraphims. They explained what has been happening and the reason for such a tremendous departure of souls from earth at this time, what is to come and what we are going to experience in the next 7 days and beyond.
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Activación de Portal,
Anna Merkaba,
Portales Estelares,
Registro Akáshico
miércoles, abril 01, 2020
Anna Merkaba - April 4th – Major Portal – Recalibration - April 1, 2020

Greetings My Beloved Masters of the Universe! As many of you are already aware on April 4th we are in for a spectacular and very important gateway in which we can join together and send out nurturing love frequencies to the entire planet in order to neutralize and transmute all the negativity that is being released and experienced by many on this planet right now. This is also a fantastic day to tune into that which we truly wish to experience. On this day two titans are doing their dance in the sky and we are invited to not only watch the show, but fully participate in it.
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Ángeles de Crystal

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miércoles, marzo 25, 2020
Anna Merkaba - Energy Update – Turbulence – Environment – Satellite - March 25, 2020
Greetings My Beloved Masters of the Universe! I have just received an interesting message from the Pleiadians about what is happening now. Again please understand that we are simply in the midst of great changes, stay positive, stay in the NOW, and remember that you have been prepared well for this mission! I love you all! ❤
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Ángeles de Crystal

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Anna Merkaba,
Reporte de Energías
domingo, marzo 15, 2020
Anna Merkaba - Pleiades - Coronavirus - March 15, 2020
Greetings My Beloved Masters of the Universe! Today I would like to talk to you about the Coronavirus.
I went to the store yesterday to get some food, in the elevator to the store there was a few people riding with me, with one panicky woman who kept saying how scared she was about the virus and what is to come and that there’s no shopping carts and no toilet paper. To which I replied that she’s right it is indeed very scary that we all ran out of toilet paper. She laughed the energy in the elevator lifted.
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Ángeles de Crystal

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Anna Merkaba,
miércoles, febrero 26, 2020
Anna Merkaba - The Pleiadians - Galactic Update – A Star is Born – Major Impact on Earthlings – Pleiades - February 26, 2020
Greetings My Beloved Masters of the Universe. I have just received this interesting message from the Pleiadians.
Mere moments ago in a distant galaxy located at 36 degrees south from your central sun a major event has taken place, a star was born which shone the light upon the entire galaxy, said light has a transference point of 0.087 degrees Celsius and the circumference of said star is 123,000 miles. A small star with enormous photon energetic proportions.
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Ángeles de Crystal

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Anna Merkaba,
Portales Estelares
jueves, enero 30, 2020
Anna Merkaba - 0202 2020 – METATRON – EXODUS - Jan 30, 2020
Greetings My Beloved Masters of the Universe! This is such an exciting message that I can’t wait to share it with all of you. You see on February 2, 2020 (0202 2020) we’re going to have a palindrome date, a mirror image date which happens exceptionally rarely, and the next such date will be 1000 years from now (0303 3030). The magnificence of this particular date is that it carries magic vibrations of creation within it.
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AA Metatrón,
Anna Merkaba,
Portales Estelares
miércoles, enero 29, 2020
Anna Merkaba - Andromeda Council - EYE of the Storm – 2020 Vision – You’ve Got this! - January 29, 2020

Greetings My Beloved Masters of The Universe! In this message we are asked to stay in the EYE of the Storm, and with our powers direct the energies to go where we want them to go. By thinking positive, and staying positive we can shift the outcome of many situations into the right direction for all involved. Staying positive can be tough as we are bombarded with various stimuli throughout the day of various vibrations, but can be done with the use of, you guessed it flower essences, homeopathy, cell salts, supplements, etc., Again I’ve put together a list to help you, which I will keep updating with new remedies as we proceed further along. You can read it here.
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Anna Merkaba,
martes, enero 21, 2020
Anna Merkaba - Archangel Michael - New Moon Jan 24 – Wish Grantor – Freedom – Wake Up Call - January 21, 2020

Greetings My Beloved Masters of the Universe! There is a lot that I would like to discuss with you today! This is a VERY important and interesting message about what is coming up for us in a few days and beyond.
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Ángeles de Crystal

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AA MIguel,
Anna Merkaba,
viernes, enero 17, 2020
Anna Merkaba - AA Metatron -Company of Heaven - SERENDIPITOUS PHENOMENON - January 17, 2020
Greetings My Beloved Masters of the Universe! Before I share the channeling with you I would like to say a few things. If you have been feeling a bit disconnected lately and suddenly uninterested in anything that you were interested in before, please know that it is all a normal process of planetary alignments. Before the January 10 – 12th portal we were feeling a push of energies and most were super charged and propelled to do something, which we did. What we did was help to superimpose a new energy grid system into our energy matrix. This was a rather exhausting process for many.
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Ángeles de Crystal

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AA Metatrón,
Anna Merkaba,
Compañía del Cielo,
El Gran Cambio
jueves, enero 09, 2020
Anna Merkaba - Lyrans – Major Event – January 12th – Energy Update - Jan 9, 2020

You see when I receive channelings, I receive them from various beings. Each type of being that I receive the channeling from has a distinct communication style and signature. Those of you who also channel will understand exactly what I mean. For example, Archangel Metatron communicates in a very stern and yet incredibly loving way. The messages from AA Metatron & the 33rd Dimension are usually very precise and full of hands on information. Here I usually hear exact words as I type them up or record with my voice. Most of the time though, when I channel, I usually close my eyes and type up what I hear, akin to stenographer.
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Ángeles de Crystal

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Anna Merkaba,
Reporte de Energías
miércoles, enero 08, 2020
Anna Merkaba - Lunar Eclipse January 10th – ORAPHIM – Eloh! Eloh! Eloh! The new era begins now! - January 8, 2020

Greetings My Beloved Masters of the Universe! For this phenomenal Lunar Eclipse I have received a message from the Oraphim!
This is an amazing message which is somewhat a meditation, so I suggest that you listen/read to it in a relaxed state. Before I share the message with you, I first want to tell you the background story of this message.
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Ángeles de Crystal

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Anna Merkaba,
Nueva Tierra
lunes, enero 06, 2020
Anna Merkaba - Arcturians – How to Connect with Australias Etheric Crystal – Help Quench the Fires! - January 6, 2020
Greetings My Beloved Masters of the Universe! For those of you who are concerned about the fires in Australia and wish to help, I have received two light code grids last night. One from White Eagle and another from Arcturians. I painted them both and here they are. One with the violet flame is to assist those who wish to imagine the violet flame quenching the fire. The other one with gold background and a diamond is from Arcturians to help to connect to the Etheric Crystal which is located underneath
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Anna Merkaba,
Códigos de Luz,
sábado, enero 04, 2020
Anna Merkaba - Pleiadean Council of Light - POLE REVERSAL – IMPORTANT MESSAGE -Magnetosphere - January 4, 2020

!VERY IMPORTANT MESSAGE! Greetings My Beloved Masters of the Universe! In recent days I’ve been receiving some fantastic channelings from our galactic counterparts. In this channeling Pleiadeans explain what the Pole Reversal that is accelerating, is all about.
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viernes, enero 03, 2020
Anna Merkaba - Archangel Metatron - Gratitude the KEY to Manifestation - January 2, 2020

Greetings my beloved masters of the universe. Today I would like to share a message that I have received from Archangel Metatron about Gratitude.
Without further ado here is the channeling that I have received.
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AA Metatrón,
Anna Merkaba,
sábado, diciembre 28, 2019
Anna Merkaba - El Morya –The Event – Energy Update – Ordinary to Extraordinary - December 28, 2019
Discover your True Self through the Vibrational Messages from Behind the Veil
Greetings My Beloved Masters of the Universe, the channeling that you are about to read comes to us from El Morya.
What we are trying to say to you dearly beloveds, is that the times ahead are prone to bring all of you to heights unimaginable prior to the opening of said magnanimous portals, to the biggest event in the history of your planet.
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Ángeles de Crystal

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Anna Merkaba,
El Evento,
El Morya,
Maestros Ascendidos
sábado, diciembre 14, 2019
Anna Merkaba - Council of Manifestation - Urgent Message to Ground Crew – Dec 14 – 20th – Alcyone Pleiades - Dec 14, 2019

Greetings My Beloved Masters of the Universe. I have received a very important message from The Council of Manifestation, in which we are being advised that in the next few days Starting from today December 14 – the 20th, we have an influx of energies that are going to assist us in many ways.
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Ángeles de Crystal

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Anna Merkaba,
Tripulación de Tierra
lunes, diciembre 09, 2019
Anna Merkaba - SANAT KUMARA – 12:12:12:12 DECEMBER 12TH at 12:12 A.M. – FULL MOON PORTAL TO THE NEW WORLD – THE JOURNEY OF A LIFETIME - December 9, 2019

Greetings My Beloved Masters of The Universe! The message that you are about to read comes to us from Sanat Kumara! This is the very first time that I have received a message from this Ascended Master. In this message we are being advised of many positive changes coming our way and the portal that falls on December 12th, at 12:12 a.m. which is also the time of this year’s last full moon!
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Ángeles de Crystal

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Anna Merkaba,
Sanat Kumara
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