jueves, enero 30, 2020
Anna Merkaba - 0202 2020 – METATRON – EXODUS - Jan 30, 2020
Greetings My Beloved Masters of the Universe! This is such an exciting message that I can’t wait to share it with all of you. You see on February 2, 2020 (0202 2020) we’re going to have a palindrome date, a mirror image date which happens exceptionally rarely, and the next such date will be 1000 years from now (0303 3030). The magnificence of this particular date is that it carries magic vibrations of creation within it.
According to numerologists this particular date of 0202 2020 carries with it the feminine creative energies of manifestation and is a very powerful date giving us an opportunity to actually manifest what we want into our reality. This is a gateway that allows to envision the future not only for your own self and your family but for all of humanity!
This is the date to plan your future and to do various rituals that you feel inclined to do. Such as writing down everything that you wish to attract into your life, not achieve but attract. By doing so, you will then be changing your own vibration to reflect what you wish to attract to you. Because 0202 2020 is a mirror image date, you will intuitively feel the desire to examine your own self, and truly see what needs changing in your own vibration, your energy, the way that you perceive your world, yourself and all that is around you. The way that you deal with day to day situations and adjust your energy according to what you want to see manifest into your reality.
This is also a wonderful day in attracting wealth into your life, and various numerologists and astrologists suggest making a donation to a cause that you truly believe in, this has to be done from the heart, by giving freely to another we are setting in motion a circle of benevolence which returns to us trifold.
Use your imagination and imagine the type of reality that you wish to experience. Put on your “wizard thinking cap” I wrote about this a while back you can read the details of how to use this “cap” here, and then think of something imagine that it has already happened, think about how it makes you feel, are you happy in that reality? Is that what you truly want to experience in your life? If the answer is yes, take off your “thinking cap” then write down your thoughts, visions, ideas, feelings, sensations, about what it is that you want to experience going forward and keep these notes in a safe place. Be sure to state out loud “This is the reality that I wish to experience, this is the vibration that I wish to vibrate on, this is the energy that I wish to attract my way, filtered through the golden particles of GOD, the flame of the violet and supported by ALL that is”. Then go about your day as you wish to.
If on the other hand, after your visualization you realize that it is NOT what you actually want, then by keeping the “wizard thinking cap” on you may wish to state the following “I release this thought into the light for healing and transmutation” or not say anything at all, and move onto the next idea or desire and again begin the same process of visualization until you experience the “AHA moment” and you KNOW for sure that THIS IS IT! Then follow the steps I mentioned above.
This is a very important day and the suggestion is to divide it into various parts, depending on what you wish to attract into your life. Part of the day should be spent alone in meditation, another part with those whom you feel happy with, people who help you to feel uplifted and positive or you could be the guiding light for them, and uplift their spirits with your presence.
And yet another part of the day to be spend outside preferably mingling with those whom you believe have the vibrations that you wish to have and attract into your life. So if it is a job that you wish to have or a successful business, spend the time with those who already have attracted this into their lives, this will help you to adjust your own vibration to attract similar energies your way.
Whatever you wish to attract into your life, you should surround yourself with the same energies during this day. It doesn’t have to necessarily be physical contact, but reading something, or listening to something, or meditating, spending time in nature, crystals and crystal grids, music etc, that will help to attune your to the frequencies that you want to vibrate on.
This is also a wonderful opportunity to forgive and let go of all the hurts and guilt and everything that is keeping you trapped in a negative state of being, let it all go and release it into the light for healing and transmutation. I spoke about this many times before, but if you need extra assistance I’ve put together a Freedom Journey Karmic Release Course that may be of assistance to you.
On this day it is highly important to stay positive, so please try not to read any negative news and surround yourself with as much positivity as you possibly can. Investing into your health and wellbeing during this day will help you to stay healthy going forward. Most important during this day is to stay positive and envelope yourself in a blanket of love and light. Again, to help you stay positive please utilize all the various vibrational tools that we have available. Here is a link to help you in case you haven’t yet seen it
Now having said this here is the message that I have received from Archangel METATRON
Exodus is approaching. Exodus from the very fibers of your being, for the numerical value of the ascension process indeed carries with it the therapeutic organization of the new momentum, the new millennia of time and space.
For the informational encodings generated by the beholder produce within its vicinity the structure of change, benevolence, and light, the structure of change upliftment and purification of Being. Resulting in a coherent pathway of the beholder, and through the chosen gateway into the chosen momentum one is then translocated into the future to begin the invocation process which shall bring one into ultimate alignment with the Self.
And through said alignment much shall begin to transform in one’s visionary path, visionary gateway, and so and thus, the ultimate secret to the utilization of said numeral sequence occurring before you is to deeply link yourself to said sequence and investigate the true essence of said occurrence, and the true essence of said sequencing. Which of course is the duality through the nonduality pathway. Duality through the non duality, awakening to the self through recognition of your very own mirror image. Envisioning of a new reality and adherence to the universal principles of BEing. For only through said coherent understanding of time and space continuum shall you then be able to recognize the true essence of any sequencing that shall appear before you.
What we are trying to say to you dearly beloveds is that the time approaching your earthly shores, and that is the time of your February 2, 2020 shall bring with it a perfectly aligned, completely sequenced, innately coherent numerical value of the principles of Being which shall propel you to change the environment in which you dwell, opening the gateway, into a new reality in which you can manifest any thing and every thing that you desire.
Said gateway, that shall appear before you, shall be the guiding light, if you will, for the days, weeks and months to come. Said gateway shall ignite within you the desire to experiment with your newly found powers and truly begin to utilize your manifestation abilities in order to bring about the long awaited circumstances into your life.
What we are trying to say to you dearly beloveds is that on your day of February 2, 2020 a gateway shall open which shall allow you to not only glimpse the future of the various pathways which shall be laid out before you, but to remain in balance and inner state of bliss and be able to connect to the divinity within and conjure up the rationale necessary in order to make the right decision for your future and choose the right path wisely, relying solely upon your very own innate knowing of each and every outcome that you shall clearly see before you as you contemplate on each path that you envision for yourself.
And so and thus in the days to come you shall find yourselves in quiet contemplation realizing your newly found plans through the visionary cortex of your very own third eye and transverse through time and space in order to arrive on the path of your chosen momentum.
That is all that we have for you now. WE love you. WE are with you. Goodbye for now.
~Anna Merkaba – is a Channeler, Lightworker, Healer and Messenger of the KEYS to help YOU on your journey of awakening to your true self! For more channeled messages to help you on your journey of self discovery visit : Sacred Ascension – Key of Life – DISCOVER YOUR TRUE SELF THROUGH THE VIBRATIONAL MESSAGES FROM BEHIND THE VEIL–https://sacredascensionmerkaba.wordpress.com/
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Ángeles de Crystal

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