The above image of Metatron was commissioned by ©Marlene Swetlishoff
through ©PsychicArtbyJanine. All rights reserved.
Beloved Ones,
I come on the wings of love to speak with you about the fact that you are experiencing great downloads of energies at this time. Many of you are feeling sleepy, tired and unable to maintain focus for too long on anything at all. Many of you are processing these higher energies quite comfortably and this is a very positive development for you. The responses to these new energies are as diverse as each of you.
In many places upon the Earth, there are Earth movements and shifting occurring; just as you are going through shifts from one moment to the next, so too is Mother Earth in her ascension process. Many fields that once seemed stable are in a state of flux and changes are taking place. This is a time to ensure that you maintain your centers even though you are also going through these changes. Take slow deep breaths, walk out in the fresh air if you can each day, take a long soak in a tub of very warm water that has sea salt or Epsom salts in it, spend time in stillness as often as possible.