miércoles, enero 29, 2020
Meg Benedicte - Master Alchemist - 222 Gateway - Jan 29, 2020
Master Alchemist - 222 Gateway
Since the momentous astrology that launched 2020, the effects of the Saturn-Pluto Conjunction are still rippling through the planetary field. This year we can anticipate greater and greater leaps in consciousness as the capacity for human evolution expands and deepens. The field of consciousness is entering a new phase of development in the collective. Think of it like jumping a hurdle to enter the next stage of enlightenment.
We are witnessing a rapid evolution of the human mind’s access to higher dimensional knowledge and understanding. It is leap years from where we began in 2012. In just 7 short years we have moved thru the awakening stage, into the transmutation stage and embodiment stage. What an extraordinary feat for humankind.
At the same time we are witnessing the demise of the 3D polarized world devolve into self-destruction. There are no winners in ‘me vs. you’ thinking and behaving. The stark contrast between two distinct operating systems is spreading. The more conscious you become, the less tolerance you have for polarized behavior. Seeing others as the enemy locks you into a divisive, dualistic time trap.
As you move thru the transmutation stage of Ascension, your field is changing and morphing into a sacred vessel for Soul Embodiment. 2020 will provide multiple stimulants for rapid acceleration into 5D and higher dimensional living. The key is heart healing and expansion, increasing levels of Love and Soul magnetism. Doorways will open to you on your path of light as your heart bridges time barriers, entering a compassionate earth plane.
The two world realities can be seen all around the planet. One kicks up some dust and the other calms you down. One is rampant chaos and destruction, the other exists in harmony with nature and each other. You choose where you prefer to live. The two realities jostle for attention. Follow your heart to where you feel most loved, safe and supported. As we gather in the New Earth vibratory plane of existence, our hearts soar and sing to the heavens. We are lifted higher, rejoining our Family of Light!
As the solar waves and cosmic plasma infiltrates the planetary field, all shadow unconsciousness is rising into view. All corruption, greed, hatred and self-dealing is being revealed for all to see. It is shocking, repelling and necessary during the Transmutation phase. For Gaia is evolving and ascending as well. We need to bring it all out in the open and transmute in the divine Light.
It may appear humankind is going backwards, returning to fascism, sexism, racism and authoritarianism again. Much of it was operating underground and needed to be exposed to be transmuted. The increasing heart tsunami of Love and compassion is flushing it all into the Light. Don’t lose hope! Immerse yourself in the transmutation process – you are the alchemist of lore.
2020 is the ‘22’ year of the Master Builder and Alchemist. It is the year humankind officially enters the Age of Aquarius, with the momentous year-end Solstice Jupiter-Saturn Conjunction in Aquarius. The entire year is leading to this powerful Solstice Gateway of a new era. Expect to witness more collapse of the self-destructing systems of narcissism and greed - including antiquated institutions, corporations and religions.
There is a concentrated battle ensuing to lock the populace in an inequitable system. As the Master Alchemist that you are, make 2020 the year to break out of your shell and establish a lifestyle of authentic integrity and empowerment. The Angel number sequence 222 encourages you to commit to your divine life purpose and mission. The angels are guiding you to stand strong in your divine Soul truth.
On February 2nd, 2020 we are blessed with intentioned 222 focus – the symbol of the High Priestess and higher aspirations. We are the Light Bearers, the Alchemists and the Peace Keepers! Step into the magical 222 Gateway and spread Love, Harmony and Forgiveness into the collective field. Join other Star Beings and Gridworkers from all around the world, as we gather on Sunday, February 2nd to broadcast our 222 Gateway Global Activations. The show is recorded for replay. If you would like to participate, click here: https://newearthcentral.com/?p=211633
Meg Benedicte
Quantum Access®
Copyright (c) 2020 Meg Benedicte * All Rights Reserved * You may copy and distribute this material as long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete and you include this copyright notice.
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Ángeles de Crystal

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