Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Meg Benedicte. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Meg Benedicte. Mostrar todas las entradas

martes, noviembre 03, 2020

Meg Benedicte - A New Era Has Arrived - Nov 2, 2020

It takes approximately 2000 years to transition into a new astrological age – lasting 200-300 years to gradually shift fully into the new cycle. Entering the Age of Aquarius has life-altering affects, emphasizing humanitarian values, intellectual reason and innovation. In a year-end crescendo both Saturn and Jupiter move into 0° Aquarius on the Solstice, December 21, 2020. We already see signs of Aquarian influence with the world-wide-web, AI algorithms and virtual realities, plus advances in science.

miércoles, julio 15, 2020

Meg Benedicte - Global Reconstruction - July 15, 2020

Global Reconstruction

With so much astro-activity involving Pluto, Saturn and Jupiter in Capricorn this year, we’re witnessing a global reconstruction of society’s systems, structures and institutions. So many areas of life that we took for granted are being replaced with some new action, innovation or solution…initiating many positive alternatives while others contract or constrict us. For example: working from home cleared up pollution, reduced traffic and lowered gas prices. But not all responses have been with the ‘highest good’ in mind for all.

sábado, julio 04, 2020

Meg Benedicte - Just Hours Till Lunar Eclipse Global Activations July 5th - July 4, 2020

Just Hours Till Lunar Eclipse Global Activations July 5th

In just hours we enter the third and final Full Moon Lunar Eclipse Gateway at 13º Capricorn. Eclipses are evolutionary gateways that initiate unpredictable change in a short time. The Lunar Eclipse in Capricorn also forms a T-square with Mercury and Mars. There is a powerful masculine component active in this gateway. Being a full moon eclipse, this is affecting our emotional relationship to the masculine energy.

lunes, junio 22, 2020

Meg Benedicte - Lunar Eclipse July 5th, 2020 - June 22, 2020

Lunar Eclipse July 5th, 2020

We are still traveling the eclipse corridor till the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse arrives on July 5, 2020 at 13º Capricorn. This is the third and final eclipse of the series that concludes a 2-year cycle on the Cancer/Capricorn nodal axis. Lunar eclipses affect the emotional body and can trigger purging outdated behavior patterns that no longer serve our greater good. I have been seeing quite a bit of purging in everyone since the first Lunar Eclipse on June 5th.

martes, junio 16, 2020

Meg Benedicte - Solstice – Solar Eclipse Gateway - June 16, 2020

Solstice – Solar Eclipse Gateway

Solar flares and strong plasma waves have been buffeting the planetary field as we move into the Solstice – Solar Eclipse Gateway. The energy in this gateway is transformative. Everything that is dysfunctional is coming up for review, for reform. The world has reached a crisis point of no return. We must plow forward into new territory, new solutions.

martes, junio 02, 2020

Meg Benedicte - Point of No Return - June 2, 2020

Point of No Return

As we move into the Eclipse Gateways, we are reaching the ‘point of no return’ as the old regime fights to hold onto control. With so many planets in retrograde and the Lunar Eclipse this Friday, we are experiencing a deep review cycle of hidden shadow. The Eclipse at 15° Sagittarius is flushing out what separates and divides us.

sábado, mayo 30, 2020

Meg Benedicte - Lunar Eclipse Gateway June 5th - May 30, 2020

Lunar Eclipse Gateway June 5th

Can you feel the intensity building? As we move into the Eclipse Gateways, the cosmic energy is increasing this weekend with the strongest solar flares since 2017. ( The agitation in the field is surging towards the Lunar Eclipse at 15° Sagittarius this Friday, June 5th.

sábado, mayo 16, 2020

Meg Benedicte - Exit the Host System - May 16, 2020

Exit the Host System

Eternally trapped between opposing forces, earth-bound soul fragments became disconnected from Source and depleted of spiritual nourishment. Always recycling in the Matrix, they never evolved beyond earth’s astral plane…the unseen lower realm (4th dimension) beyond the physical world. For 26,000 years since the collapse of Atlantis, humans have incarnated into a planetary Host System.

viernes, abril 24, 2020

Meg Benedicte - Global Activations – Saturday, April 25th, 2020

Global Activations – Saturday, April 25th

As the world is on pause, we have a rare opportunity to influence the direction of human evolution. The pause between the past and the future is called the Now Moment…a potent zero point state of pure creation. While in this pause, all life on the planet is experiencing massive healing activations at the molecular level. We are witnessing Gaia self-heal with cleaner air and water. We also must self-heal as we ascend into higher quantum consciousness.

miércoles, abril 22, 2020

Meg Benedicte - 444 Gateway Finale on Earth Day! - April 22, 2020

444 Gateway Finale on Earth Day!

Today is the final peak moment of the 444 Gateway (4-22-2020) as we receive incoming angelic blessings and powerful photonic light from Sunday/Monday’s CME solar flares. 5D ascending souls are moving through an extraordinary upgrade into crystallization. Also growing numbers of Light Beings are anchoring divine crystalized light into Earth’s etheric grid overlays. The increasing solar light from the Great Central Sun is raising Gaia’s frequencies just in time for today’s Earth Day celebration.

sábado, abril 18, 2020

Meg Benedicte - Evolutionary Pause - April 18, 2020

Evolutionary Pause

As a Quantum Healer, I’m always looking for revealing patterns that lead to the root cause. Repeating patterns in life provide valuable data, clues to underlying issues that require attention and resolution. During this global evolutionary pause, many souls are awakening from the deep sleep of amnesia and disconnection from Soul presence. Upon awakening, you start to experience self-reflection instead of self-projection. You begin to ‘Observe’ your life as witness to your thoughts, emotions, behavior, fears and patterns, blocks and distortions.

viernes, abril 03, 2020

Meg Benedicte - Just Hours Till 444 Gateway Activations - Apr 3, 2020

Just Hours Till 444 Gateway Activations

The energy is ramping up as we begin to enter the 444 Gateway which peaks on Saturday, April 4th. This is such a powerful threshold gate for 2020. It may be the most impactful gateway all year. It sure packs a punch! As I hold space in the 444 portal it has been revealing an Ascension upgrade of monumental proportions. We’ve been healing and clearing heart/lung issues since the 222 Gateway to prepare for this massive Ascension shift.

martes, marzo 31, 2020

Meg Benedicte - 444 Gateway Activations - Mar 31, 2020

444 Gateway Activations

The arrival of the ‘444’ Gateway on April 4th has such significance during this global healing crisis and shift in consciousness. 444 is the symbol for Archangels. On April 4th we will receive an influx of magnificent Angelic Love, support and encouragement while we navigate a global pandemic. When most of the population is home-bound while the 444 Gateway is open and active, you have the rare opportunity to evaluate and reset the course of your life path.

sábado, marzo 21, 2020

Meg Benedicte - 444 Gateway - Mar 21, 2020

444 Gateway

In esoteric numerology, 444 is the symbol for Archangels. On April 4th we are blessed with an Angelic ‘444 Gateway’, vibrating with angelic love and support. While the 444 Gateway is open the Angelic Realms are more accessible and sending positive signs, signals and guidance.

lunes, marzo 16, 2020

Meg Benedicte - Equinox Gateway March 19/20 - Mar 16, 2020

Equinox Gateway March 19/20

We have all come to planet earth at this particular time to heal and integrate all lost Soul aspects and transform the collective consciousness. The root cause of dis-ease and illness originates from the splitting of Self into many "life particles", parts of Self splitting out and getting stuck. This typically occurs during times of extreme trauma.

sábado, marzo 14, 2020

Meg Benedicte - Equinox Reset - Mar 14, 2020

Equinox Reset

A major theme of 2020 involves the evolving/devolving power structures within yourself and in the global community. We are being stimulated and triggered to review and reclaim our inner power source…to break free from ego control and align with authentic Soul power (Light). As you continue to spiral upwards in light frequency, your energy field transforms into the home for Soul embodiment.

sábado, marzo 07, 2020

Meg Benedicte - The New 5D Earth - Mar 7, 2020

The New 5D Earth

I’ve worked with thousands of Spiritual Seekers just like you, and one of the most common symptoms that propel us onto our spiritual journey is feeling empty, lost or disconnected from our authentic Soul Presence. Without soul connection you become malnourished of the spiritual Life Force that energizes your body and fuels your heart’s joy and inner drive. Instead you lack confidence and courage – feeling directionless, vulnerable in an unpredictable world, unable to create or protect yourself.

miércoles, febrero 26, 2020

Meg Benedicte - Great Turning of the Wheel - Feb 26, 2020

Great Turning of the Wheel

Since the momentous cosmic events in January, followed by the rare 222 Gateways in February, we are moving into an up-leveling to higher energies. You may have been experiencing massive clearings and adjustments since the Saturn-Pluto conjunction in Capricorn on January 12th. It triggered much to the surface for review, healing and transmutation. We are involved in a physical transfiguration from physical density to translucent light bodies.

miércoles, enero 29, 2020

Meg Benedicte - Master Alchemist - 222 Gateway - Jan 29, 2020

Master Alchemist - 222 Gateway

Since the momentous astrology that launched 2020, the effects of the Saturn-Pluto Conjunction are still rippling through the planetary field. This year we can anticipate greater and greater leaps in consciousness as the capacity for human evolution expands and deepens. The field of consciousness is entering a new phase of development in the collective. Think of it like jumping a hurdle to enter the next stage of enlightenment.

sábado, enero 25, 2020

Meg Benedicte - 222 and the Year of the Yang Metal Rat - Jan 25, 2020

222 and the Year of the Yang Metal Rat

In numerology the year 2020 symbolizes ‘22’ energy in a ‘4’ year. Number 22 integrates the powers of ‘11’ and represents the Spiritual Master Builder on the physical earth plane. 22 is the sign of Alchemy, altering energetic form and materializing visions into reality. 22 brings ‘Source’ life force into our creations.