jueves, noviembre 21, 2024
miércoles, septiembre 25, 2024
sábado, agosto 17, 2024
martes, julio 30, 2024
miércoles, junio 12, 2024
June 8th Solar Radiation Storm Was Strongest Since 2017

sábado, junio 08, 2024
domingo, mayo 19, 2024
Celia Fenn - 19 de mayo: Los colores de la nueva tierra - May 19, 2024
19 de mayo: Los colores de la nueva tierra
La tormenta solar ha disminuido, por ahora, estoy tomando conciencia de los nuevos colores brillantes de la Nueva Tierra.
El ojo de mi artista está percibiendo que los nuevos códigos del árbol de la vida son brillantes y pulsantes con vida y color.

Celia Fenn - May 19th : The Colors of the New Earth - May 19, 2024

May 19th : The Colors of the New Earth
The Solar storm has subsided, for now, I am becoming aware of the new brilliant colors of the New Earth.
My artist's eye is perceiving that the New Tree of Life Codes are brilliant and pulsating with life and color.

jueves, mayo 16, 2024
domingo, mayo 12, 2024
viernes, mayo 10, 2024
Aluna Joy Yaxkin - God’s paintbrush arrives with epic magnetic storm! - May 10, 2024
God’s paintbrush arrives with epic magnetic storm!
I have not posted on solar activity in a while, as so many are doing it so well these days. But this week's building solar event is a bit historical. This storm is a rare “severe” class geomagnetic storm with a worldwide space weather watch, which has been issued for the first time in nearly 20 years!
If you live in the north areas of earth then you might get a epic and rare beautiful aurora borealis show! Get outside and enjoy!

martes, enero 23, 2024
Alex Myles - Solar Storms Forecast For Most Of This Week - Jan 23, 2024
This wekeek, the occurrence of solar storms is significant, and these celestial events may be influencing both your emotional and physical wellbeing. If you find yourself experiencing heightened emotions, increased fatigue, and a sense of anxiety, along with a sharper intuition, it is possible that these feelings are related to the current solar activity.
jueves, marzo 31, 2022
James Gilliland - Heads Up Incoming Massive multiple solar flares and CMEs Earth bound - Mar 31, 2022
Heads Up Incoming
Massive multiple solar flares and CMEs Earth bound.
Personally I would stay out of the sun for the next few days, find a grounded metal roof to sleep under. While clearing some limbs at ECETI Hawaii and removing trash it felt as if I was getting cooked. Microwaved like some carbon based life form or dinner in a microwave oven. We have spoken often about the effects of Solar Flares and CMEs. It not only affects radios and communications, creates beautiful Aurora Borealis at the poles, it also creates severe weather, an increase in earthquake and volcanic activity. One of the greatest effects are with the bioelectric fields around the physical body. Some will become lethargic, others may experience emotional outbursts, there are many physical problems especially with the heart that can also arise. It is best to stay out of the sun, drink lots of water,

miércoles, marzo 16, 2022
Sandra Walter - Feeling Expanded? Weepy? Whirly? Equinox Events for Clarity and Unity - Mar 16, 2022
Blessings Beloveds ~
I know you are feeling the subtle, and not-so-subtle, energetic shift building throughout this week.
Now we prepare for a strong, unified Equinox Weekend.
The geomagnetic event which ushered in this Gateway passage (March 13-20) last SUNday was one of the strongest yet. Flares continue; it's a powerful Now.

lunes, mayo 31, 2021
Celia Fenn - The Big Shift of 2021 - May 31, 2021
The Big Shift of 2021
How is everyone today?
Personally I am vibrating and buzzing up to my eyelashes. Lol!
On this last day of May 2021 we are still integrating the powerful energy waves from the recent Galactic discharge/Solar Storm and Lunar Eclipse.
Yes, a big one, that is activating major shifts within our physical body as we upgrade into the 8th and 9th dimensions (Solar and Galactic levels) if we have chosen that path. Some have not.

jueves, mayo 13, 2021
Celia Fenn - GEOMAGNETIC STORM--NOW - May 13, 2021
"GEOMAGNETIC STORM--NOW: A moderately strong G2-class geomagnetic storm is underway on May 12th as Earth moves through the wake of a CME that struck earlier today.......An even stronger storm is brewing. A crack has opened in Earth's magnetic field, and this is setting the stage for possible G3-class storms."

miércoles, abril 21, 2021
Sandra Walter - Energías Únicas en la Puerta Estelar - Abril 17, 2021
Bendiciones, Amados ~
Estamos inmersos en la apertura de una singular puerta estelar que comenzó esta semana.
Anomalías de plasma y tormentas geomagnéticas que surgieron de la nada han aparecido en las gráficas lineales y continúan complementando este pasaje que cambia realidades. Incluso la ciencia está notando estas fuerzas cósmicas como inusuales.

domingo, febrero 21, 2021
Sandra Walter - Schumann spikes, geomagnetic storms, and a large plasma filament release in this Now - Feb 21, 2021
Blessings Beloveds ~
Schumann spikes, geomagnetic storms, and a large plasma filament release in this Now. A massive amount of information, upgrades, releasing and recoding are unfolding with this Gateway.
Unprecedented frequencies are emanating through the grids after another strong magnetic shift last Monday. We anticipate another Schumann response next week to the lengthy geomagnetic storm and plasma release.
sábado, febrero 06, 2021
Sandra Walter - Freedom codes and Quantum shifting via Magnetic Storms - Feb 6, 2021

Feb 6, 2021
Blessings Beloveds ~
It was an intense frequency week. Geomagnetic storms. Schumann spikes after magnetic adjustments. Perhaps you felt the quantum realms shifting our realities – again.
This is the area of space we are currently traversing; pure Source-encoded crystalline plasma bombardment. It is engulfing our Solar System, flowing through the SUN, and recoding our realities.