jueves, mayo 09, 2024
sábado, agosto 05, 2023
jueves, junio 22, 2023
James Gilliland - Eceti News June 20th - June 22, 2023
UFO Poser Disclosure, White Hats on the Move, Buckle Up

martes, junio 20, 2023
Schumann Resonance Today ⚡️ Power 152 - June 20, 2023

lunes, junio 19, 2023
domingo, junio 18, 2023
Schumann Resonance Today ⚡️ Power 1️⃣8️⃣5️⃣ - June 18, 2023
#SchumannResonance Today 18/6 17:00 UTC

miércoles, junio 07, 2023
Schumann Resonance Today ⚡️ Power 120 - June 7, 2023
Schumann Resonance Today
7 June 2023 17:00 UTC

miércoles, mayo 17, 2023
Jennifer Hoffman - And we have round 2 of this week's big energy events - May 17, 2023
We started this week with Mercury going out of retrograde and that was a relief.
And the fun continues because starting today we have Jupiter in pride of place as the catalyst for the next phase of transformation as we move towards a new moon on the 19th with a huge group of planets in Taurus, plus a Jupiter Pluto square that last happened in 1941 and 1858.

jueves, enero 26, 2023
viernes, octubre 14, 2022
Schumann Resonance Today ⚡️ Power 5 - Oct 14, 2022
Schumann Resonance Today UPDATES
Schumann Resonance Today 13/10 17:00 Today we have returned, so far, to calm. The frequency fluctuated around the base value and the Amplitude reached its maximum at Power 5 at 6:30 and 15:30 UTC.
Schumann Resonance Today 12/10 17:00 The moderate frequency swings, from 6 to 10 this morning UTC, led to a single Amplitude movement, which lasted about two hours, which peaked at Power shortly after 9 UTC. The Primary Frequency has returned to its base value around 10 UTC and the Amplitude values have returned to calm levels.

jueves, octubre 13, 2022
Schumann Resonance Today ⚡️ Power 5 - Oct 13, 2022
Schumann Resonance Today UPDATES
Schumann Resonance Today 13/10 17:00 Today we have returned, so far, to calm. The frequency fluctuated around the base value and the Amplitude reached its maximum at Power 5 at 6:30 and 15:30 UTC.
Schumann Resonance Today 12/10 17:00 The moderate frequency swings, from 6 to 10 this morning UTC, led to a single Amplitude movement, which lasted about two hours, which peaked at Power shortly after 9 UTC. The Primary Frequency has returned to its base value around 10 UTC and the Amplitude values have returned to calm levels.

miércoles, octubre 12, 2022
Schumann Resonance Today ⚡️ Power 17 - Oct 12, 2022
Schumann Resonance Today UPDATES
Schumann Resonance Today 12/10 17:00 The moderate frequency swings, from 6 to 10 this morning UTC, led to a single Amplitude movement, which lasted about two hours, which peaked at Power shortly after 9 UTC. The Primary Frequency has returned to its base value around 10 UTC and the Amplitude values have returned to calm levels.
Schumann Resonance Today 11/10 17:00 Finally a significant oscillation on all frequencies from 6 to 10 UTC has broken the monotony of these first ten days of October, the Amplitude reacted immediately, immediately reaching the maximum value of Power 26 at 6:30 UTC within a movement that lasted about two hours. Other significant peaks were Power 16 at 8 UTC and Power 20 at 9:30 UTC. From 10, with the frequencies that have returned to the basic value, the Amplitude has returned to calm values.

martes, octubre 11, 2022
Schumann Resonance Today ⚡️ Power 26 - Oct 11, 2022
Schumann Resonance Today UPDATES
Schumann Resonance Today 11/10 17:00 Finally a significant oscillation on all frequencies from 6 to 10 UTC has broken the monotony of these first ten days of October, the Amplitude reacted immediately, immediately reaching the maximum value of Power 26 at 6:30 UTC within a movement that lasted about two hours. Other significant peaks were Power 16 at 8 UTC and Power 20 at 9:30 UTC. From 10, with the frequencies that have returned to the basic value, the Amplitude has returned to calm values.
Schumann Resonance Today 10/10 17:00 Situation unchanged, again Power 7 as the maximum value of the Amplitude with Frequencies above the base value. This is the fourth consecutive day on which the maximum value is 7, for the month of October, so far, the maximum has been Power 9 reached on 5th and 6th.

lunes, octubre 10, 2022
Schumann Resonance Today ⚡️ Power 7 - Oct 10, 2022
Schumann Resonance Today UPDATES
Schumann Resonance Today 8/10 17:00 Situation unchanged, again Power 7 as the maximum value of the Amplitude with Frequencies above the base value. This is the fourth consecutive day on which the maximum value is 7, for the month of October, so far, the maximum has been Power 9 reached on 5th and 6th.
Schumann Resonance Today 8/10 17:00 Another day of minimal movements, as has been going on for days, the Frequency remains above the base value keeping all the remaining parameters stable, the Amplitude reached its maximum at 9:30 UTC, as in the previous two days, at Power 7.

domingo, octubre 09, 2022
Schumann Resonance Today ⚡️ Power 7 - Oct 9, 2022
Schumann Resonance Today UPDATES
Schumann Resonance Today 8/10 17:00 Another day of minimal movements, as has been going on for days, the Frequency remains above the base value keeping all the remaining parameters stable, the Amplitude reached its maximum at 9:30 UTC, as in the previous two days, at Power 7.
Schumann Resonance Today 8/10 17:00 What we could consider the calm before the storm is continuing, Frequency above the base value and minimal fluctuations of all parameters. The Amplitude today peaked at Power 7 at 6:30 UTC.

sábado, octubre 08, 2022
Schumann Resonance Today ⚡️ Power 7 - Oct 8, 2022
Schumann Resonance Today UPDATES
Schumann Resonance Today 8/10 17:00 What we could consider the calm before the storm is continuing, Frequency above the base value and minimal fluctuations of all parameters. The Amplitude today peaked at Power 7 at 6:30 UTC.
Schumann Resonance Today 7/10 17:00 The condition of high frequencies continues – above the base value – and the oscillations of the Amplitude are reduced to a minimum; the highest value reached today was Power 7 at 2 UTC. Since the long blackout period this situation coincidentally began, very small movements, quite an anomalous coincidence…

viernes, octubre 07, 2022
Schumann Resonance Today ⚡️ Power 7 - Oct 7, 2022
Schumann Resonance Today UPDATES
Schumann Resonance Today 7/10 17:00 The condition of high frequencies continues – above the base value – and the oscillations of the Amplitude are reduced to a minimum; the highest value reached today was Power 7 at 2 UTC. Since the long blackout period this situation coincidentally began, very small movements, quite an anomalous coincidence…
Schumann Resonance Today 5/10 17:00 With the Primary Frequency continuing to remain above the base value, even today the Amplitude had minimal fluctuations, the maximum was Power 9 reached at 14:30 UTC.

jueves, octubre 06, 2022
Schumann Resonance Today ⚡️ Power 9 - Oct 6, 2022
Schumann Resonance Today UPDATES
Schumann Resonance Today 5/10 17:00 With the Primary Frequency continuing to remain above the base value, even today the Amplitude had minimal fluctuations, the maximum was Power 9 reached at 14:30 UTC.
Schumann Resonance Today 5/10 17:00 The slight increase in the maximum value reached by the Amplitude, Power 9 at 3 and around 10 UTC, is due to the descent of the Primary Frequency towards the base value. There was also a short blackout at 6 UTC that lasted about 15 minutes.

miércoles, octubre 05, 2022
Schumann Resonance Today ⚡️ Power 9 - Oct 5, 2022
Schumann Resonance Today UPDATES
Schumann Resonance Today 5/10 17:00 The slight increase in the maximum value reached by the Amplitude, Power 9 at 3 and around 10 UTC, is due to the descent of the Primary Frequency towards the base value. There was also a short blackout at 6 UTC that lasted about 15 minutes.
Schumann Resonance Today 4/10 17:00 The lack of activity and the permanence of the Primary Frequency continues, the F 1 has been again almost constantly above the base value, the maximum value reached today by the Amplitude was Power 7 at 2 UTC.

martes, octubre 04, 2022
Schumann Resonance Today ⚡️ Power 7 - Oct 4, 2022
Schumann Resonance Today 4/10 17:00 The lack of activity and the permanence of the Primary Frequency continues, the F 1 has been again almost constantly above the base value, the maximum value reached today by the Amplitude was Power 7 at 2 UTC.
Schumann Resonance Today 3/10 17:00 Power 6 was the maximum value reached by the Amplitude today at 15:30 UTC, the Primary Frequency for the second consecutive day remained above the base value with the exception of a drop to 7.40 Hz which began at 15 UTC.