miércoles, enero 08, 2025
"ENJOY YOUR FINAL FEW DAYS..." | The Pleiadians Solar Flash Moving to the New Earth Timeline (13)

martes, diciembre 10, 2024
Vidya Frazier - Are You Ready for the Solar Flash? - Dec 10, 2024
The whole idea of the Solar Flash – and humanity shifting into the Fifth Dimension – may just be a vague idea to you.
Maybe it’s something that sounds good, but it’s somehow not real enough to truly consider. Especially since the world is in such chaos these days, it doesn’t seem a likely possibility.

martes, noviembre 12, 2024
Patricia Cota -Robles - EL DESTELLO SOLAR - Noviembre 1, 2024
Patricia Cota -Robles
Noviembre 1, 2024
Traducción: Alicia Virelli
La Compañía del Cielo ha solicitado la oportunidad de aclarar cierta información muy importante que está fluyendo desde los Reinos de la Verdad Iluminada hacia los estratos mentales y emocionales de la Madre Tierra. Se nos dice que debido al Despertar, la activación y la elevación que ha tenido lugar recientemente dentro de la Conciencia de las masas de la Humanidad, la gente por todas partes está comenzando a aprovechar esta información. A través de los muchos niveles diferentes de conciencia, la gente está tratando de interpretar qué es exactamente el evento transformador de Vida que se está llamando "El Destello Solar" y cómo y cuándo se manifestará en el mundo físico de la forma.

viernes, noviembre 01, 2024
Patricia Cota-Robles - THE SOLAR FLASH - Nov 1, 2024
The Company of Heaven has asked for the opportunity to clarify some very important information that is flowing from the Realms of Illumined Truth into the mental and emotional strata of Mother Earth. We are being told that because of the awakening, activation and elevation that has recently taken place within the mass Consciousness of Humanity, people everywhere are beginning to tap into this information. Through many different levels of awareness, people are trying to interpret just what the Life-transforming event that is being called “The Solar Flash” is, and how and when it will manifest in the physical world of form.

viernes, junio 14, 2024
martes, septiembre 26, 2023
viernes, septiembre 01, 2023
lunes, agosto 28, 2023
Humanity's Turning Point: The Spectacular Approach of the Great Solar Flash

sábado, agosto 19, 2023
domingo, julio 16, 2023
viernes, junio 16, 2023
Aurora Ray - The Great Solar Flash: Illuminating the Path Towards a New Earth - June 16, 2023

Over the years, I have come across many prophecies and predictions about the coming great awakening or shift in consciousness event, but none have captured my imagination quite like The Great Solar Flash.
In this post, we will explore what the Great Solar Flash is, how it is connected to the shift in consciousness on Earth, and what we can do to prepare for it.

lunes, junio 12, 2023
Aurora Ray - The Countdown to the Solar Flash: Are You Prepared for the Event That Will Change the World Forever? - June 12, 2023

I can feel it deep in my bones. The Great Solar Flash Event is coming, and it's going to be the most incredible thing we've ever experienced!
Some people might be scared or skeptical, but I know it's real. I've done my research, I've talked to the Galactic Federation, and I've seen the signs. This isn't some conspiracy theory or wild speculation. This is the truth!

lunes, junio 05, 2023
sábado, febrero 18, 2023
Aurora Ray - A Great Event Is Upon Us - Feb 18, 2023

Dear ones,
I am glad to announce to you that, as confirmed by our beloved Galactic Federation, major events will occur soon that will change humanity's fate.
For many years now, I have been receiving messages from our Galactic Federation on subjects related to personal growth and consciousness expansion. Recently, these messages have become more frequent and more urgent: There is something very important coming soon that you need to know about!

lunes, enero 16, 2023
Aurora Ray - The Great Solar Flash: A Celebration Of Earth's Ascension - Jan 16, 2023

We've been watching the Sun for centuries.
We've seen it grow, and we've seen its beauty, but we never thought it could be something so powerful. The Sun is so much more than a star we usually look at in the sky. It is our life force, and without it… what would Earth Cauldron look like?
The Sun is the main provider of energy on our planet. Energy efficiency will be the key to ensuring that this is maintained and we continue to enjoy the benefits that it has provided to us over time.

sábado, julio 16, 2022
Aurora Ray - The Great Solar Flash: A Few Facts - July 16, 2022

The Great Solar Flash is a unique event that will take place very shortly on our planet!
For many years, people have been looking for this event. It has been called a "phantom" event by some, but it is real. It has been recorded in history since at least AD 778.
The Flash would be a powerful burst of cosmic light that would leave you feeling as if you had been reborn, as every cell of your being was recharged with new energy. The Flash of light that will be seen for miles as it illuminates the sky.

jueves, junio 16, 2022
Aurora Ray - What Qualities Can Help You Integrate the Solar Flash? What qualities can help you build a better space within yourself for the event? - June 16, 2022

What Qualities Can Help You Integrate the Solar Flash? What qualities can help you build a better space within yourself for the event?
The event is a rebirth of awareness and a total shift in consciousness.
We have been using the term "the Event" for many years now to describe the solar flash that will raise humanity from its current state into a new and more aware state of being.
This solar flash is not just about the activation of DNA; it is also about shifting your perception so that you can truly understand what unconditional love means.

viernes, abril 29, 2022
Valerie Donner - Straight from the Heart - April 29, 2022
April 29, 2022
Early for May 2022
Dear Ground Crew:
Here’s the latest message from Apollo:” We greet you today on our special mission of peace. The turmoil on planet earth is creating crisis and chaos throughout your planetary system and other places too. This cannot be tolerated any longer. Special forces of light are in place redirecting the dark and negative energies that invaded the earth throughout eons of time. It is necessary to embark upon this most important Mission to resurrect the earth and return her to the light. Everything is in place for this impending shift. You are already beginning to feel these energies. You may feel unbalanced, nervous, strange, overly tired, indecisive, and like a stranger in a strange land. You may be hungrier than usual, or not hungry at all. You may feel more inwardly and like you want to get rid of things. You may have also noticed the fast pace of time. There is much going on behind the scenes and much to attend to in your own lives. It is advisable to reconcile situations in your lives that have been unattended too. Procrastination will become something of the past. If possible, attempt to clean up what you can. Ask us for help if you need it. We are with you.”

lunes, mayo 31, 2021
Celia Fenn - The Big Shift of 2021 - May 31, 2021
The Big Shift of 2021
How is everyone today?
Personally I am vibrating and buzzing up to my eyelashes. Lol!
On this last day of May 2021 we are still integrating the powerful energy waves from the recent Galactic discharge/Solar Storm and Lunar Eclipse.
Yes, a big one, that is activating major shifts within our physical body as we upgrade into the 8th and 9th dimensions (Solar and Galactic levels) if we have chosen that path. Some have not.

lunes, octubre 19, 2020
James McConnell - Sananda and One Who Serves - Hold The Line - Oct 4, 2020
SANANDA (Channeled by James McConnell)
I am Sananda. I come at this time, in this opportune time, these times that are approaching now.
You have heard of announcements. You have heard of many changes that are coming, many positive changes.
But before the positive changes, the seemingly positive changes, come, there must first be those things that bring the awakening forward, that bring the knowing of the third-dimensional frequencies as you have become aware of. See that coming down. See the establishment coming down. See the various laws, and rules, and all of that coming down. See that happening.