Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Vidya Frazier. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Vidya Frazier. Mostrar todas las entradas

martes, febrero 18, 2025

Vidya Frazier - Shifting from Fear to Trust - Feb 18, 2025

There can be no argument that the Shift is finally happening in obvious ways now. So much is occurring in the world, it can make you dizzy, just trying to follow it all.

And so much change is also happening within each of us. This too can be overwhelming.

lunes, enero 06, 2025

Vidya Frazier - Entering 2025 with Excitement — and Grounded Awareness - Jan 6, 2025

So we’re off and running already, as the new year opens with a big bang: a massacre in New Orleans, an explosion in Las Vegas, and bomb scares in a few other US cities.

In Europe and Canada, governments are collapsing. And, sorrowfully, the wars continue on.

martes, diciembre 10, 2024

Vidya Frazier - Are You Ready for the Solar Flash? - Dec 10, 2024

The whole idea of the Solar Flash – and humanity shifting into the Fifth Dimension – may just be a vague idea to you.

Maybe it’s something that sounds good, but it’s somehow not real enough to truly consider. Especially since the world is in such chaos these days, it doesn’t seem a likely possibility.

viernes, noviembre 29, 2024

Vidya Frazier - Keeping Sane During these Transitional Times - Nov 29, 2024

Whoa! These are intense times we’re in, aren’t they?

The holidays may be finally lightening your mood a bit, but the last month or so has been amazingly chaotic for most of us. Between the US election, horrendous hurricanes and flooding, and the escalation of the two wars, it has been quite a ride.

jueves, octubre 24, 2024

Vidya Frazier - Standing Strong in the Eye of the Storm - Oct 24, 2024

I think we can all agree that it feels as if humanity is standing at the edge of a cliff at this point, looking out into an abyss. At times, our future feels totally unknown.

Especially those of us who are Americans may be feeling this, knowing that it is just days before the election that may be the most controversial in all our history. There are so many frightening stories about what might happen – no matter who might supposedly win.

sábado, septiembre 14, 2024

Vidya Frazier - Are You Losing Your Identity? - Sep 8, 2024

Have you been feeling strangely empty lately, like some essential sense of who you are is slipping away?

Maybe roles you used to play in life are no longer so important to you. Old interests and passions are no longer so compelling. And spiritual practices that used to bring so much joy are no longer working.

lunes, julio 22, 2024

Vidya Frazier - Consciously Surfing the Waves of Chaos - Jul 22, 2024

Well, we’ve really entered into the times of intense chaos that have always been predicted for these times, haven’t we?

The US has finally joined the fray in a very obvious way with an assassination attempt on a presidential candidate – which has only intensified the election frenzy that was already underway.

sábado, abril 13, 2024

Vidya Frazier - Something has Shifted – Can You Feel it? - Apr 13, 2024

It’s very subtle. But if you stop a moment and tune in, you can maybe feel it. You can realize that since the Eclipse, something in reality has shifted. Something new has emerged.

And it’s not just that none of the disasters certain sources were predicting didn’t happen on April 8 (or at least not yet or in ways we can see). It’s something more.

miércoles, diciembre 06, 2023

Vidya Frazier - Ascension Weariness - Dec 6, 2023

So many of us are feeling weary these days. Yeah, the holidays can do that. But we all know there’s much more to our weariness at this point that has nothing to do with any of the things that used to tire us out.

We are in completely different times now, experiencing things we’ve never experienced before. And mental, emotional and physical weariness is probably to be expected. In case you are experiencing any self-judgment about your deep tiredness and lack of energy to do what you think you should be doing – think about it for a moment. There are a whole variety of reasons for the sense of weariness you may be experiencing.

lunes, septiembre 25, 2023

Vidya Frazier - We are Living in Two Realities - Sep 24, 2023

During these strange and wild times we’re currently living in, one interesting thing you can discover is that there really are two very different realities available to us now.

Depending on your frequency and how much you choose to be aware, you can notice how very different your experiences can be from day to day, both internally and externally. And that you’re probably actually flip-flopping back and forth between two realities.

domingo, agosto 06, 2023

Vidya Frazier - Ascension Ain’t Easy - August 6, 2023

Remember when the idea of ascension sounded like an exciting and blissful journey in which we’d somehow magically blossom into our true multidimensional selves as we shifted into the Fifth Dimension?

Well, in some ways, it is kind of like this, right? We do have those incredible periods of time in which magical synchronicities occur, joy flows through us, and deeper and deeper spiritual awakening occurs.

sábado, junio 17, 2023

Vidya Frazier - Slipping into the New Reality - June 17, 2023

Have you maybe noticed lately how you’re losing interest in the 3D world around you?

Especially how the political events just don’t grab you so much anymore, and the old irritations and hopes about them just aren’t so pronounced as they once were?

miércoles, mayo 10, 2023

Vidya Frazier - Ascension Blahs - May 10, 2023

The Ascension process can be downright unpleasant at times, especially when a lot of change and loss are rapidly occurring in your life. It can feel as if your whole world is falling apart and nothing will ever feel safe or comfortable again.

martes, abril 18, 2023

Vidya Frazier - Awakening is Happening! - Apr 18, 2023

It’s an interesting phenomenon: Just a few years back, any mention of the term “5D” was only ever made by a small group of people who were seeing that a momentous shift into greater spiritual awakening was beginning to occur on the planet.

Nowadays, everyone’s throwing the term around. Even the most unlikely people are referring to this shift into 5D – like hardcore “truthers” reporting on political events in the world, and relatives and friends who haven’t ever been interested in spiritual phenomena before. It truly does seem that a global awakening is happening.

sábado, mayo 21, 2022

Vidya Frazier - Handling the Intense 5D Energies Now Streaming In - May 21, 2022

If you are noticing a greater intensity in the energies flowing through you lately, you’re perhaps aware that your Ascension process is ramping up in frequency.

It may feel as if you’ve shifted up a gear. Or like you’re suddenly finding yourself on a new moving sidewalk that is hurtling you along much more rapidly than the one you were previously on.

Maybe you’re feeling unusually pressured by uncomfortable emotions due to old unresolved issues that are resurfacing. Or you’re experiencing a sense of overwhelm with too much happening in your external world that needs to be attended to. You may feel ungrounded, depressed, or mind-fogged and anxious.