In Europe and Canada, governments are collapsing. And, sorrowfully, the wars continue on.
The whole idea of the Solar Flash – and humanity shifting into the Fifth Dimension – may just be a vague idea to you.
Maybe it’s something that sounds good, but it’s somehow not real enough to truly consider. Especially since the world is in such chaos these days, it doesn’t seem a likely possibility.
Whoa! These are intense times we’re in, aren’t they?
The holidays may be finally lightening your mood a bit, but the last month or so has been amazingly chaotic for most of us. Between the US election, horrendous hurricanes and flooding, and the escalation of the two wars, it has been quite a ride.
Well, we’ve really entered into the times of intense chaos that have always been predicted for these times, haven’t we?
The US has finally joined the fray in a very obvious way with an assassination attempt on a presidential candidate – which has only intensified the election frenzy that was already underway.
During these strange and wild times we’re currently living in, one interesting thing you can discover is that there really are two very different realities available to us now.
Depending on your frequency and how much you choose to be aware, you can notice how very different your experiences can be from day to day, both internally and externally. And that you’re probably actually flip-flopping back and forth between two realities.
The Ascension process can be downright unpleasant at times, especially when a lot of change and loss are rapidly occurring in your life. It can feel as if your whole world is falling apart and nothing will ever feel safe or comfortable again.
It’s an interesting phenomenon: Just a few years back, any mention of the term “5D” was only ever made by a small group of people who were seeing that a momentous shift into greater spiritual awakening was beginning to occur on the planet.
Nowadays, everyone’s throwing the term around. Even the most unlikely people are referring to this shift into 5D – like hardcore “truthers” reporting on political events in the world, and relatives and friends who haven’t ever been interested in spiritual phenomena before. It truly does seem that a global awakening is happening.