In this year of Following Your Heart, we are being called to greater heart energies like Love, connection and compassion. These are often blissful and wonderful. Yet they can also spark some resistance within, even unconsciously. It is the moments of clarity within the positive and negative that give rise to more Love here on Earth.
For you to expand and grow with Love, the mind must align choice and action with a path of manifestation that is attuned to the heart. The mind is the linearizer, organizer, focuser. It helps the infinite heart define a path of creation.
The mind is the magnifying glass that the heart looks through into this Earth experience.
The January energies of Connection, especially focused through Gabriel’s horn of infinite touching finite, are assisting your heart/mind balance that expands your knowledge into wisdom. Wisdom comes through experience that expands.
When you Connect opposites in this duality experience, you are no longer polarizing to covet a moment, you are expanding into a new strength, capability and even flexibility for continued growth; the constant change of the physical realm. This is what allows you to expand into resonance with the heart’s infinite desires to create and connect.
February Energies
February calls you to greater Clarity. Are you neutral enough to see beyond the clouded chaos into the synergy changing this world? Are you loving yourself unconditionally enough to allow your change with the fierce grace that only touches the courage be vulnerable to change?
What Clarity do you need to recognize the capability that Life entrusts to you?
The details of life are sometimes confusing. There can be some loud and repetitive evidence to our weaknesses. When the mind alone must overcome, control and denial can be prevalent within the silence. When the heart is allowed its graceful courage, vulnerability is nurtured into a new strength. That is the strength of Love. Do you have the clarity to recognize how strong you are, even in vulnerability?

The mind is how you navigate this experience. It is the gatekeeper to your heart’s entrance into your life. Are you considerate of who and what you let into your sacred space? Honor your unique sacred space. That vulnerability is for you to have the strength to protect.
Do you use barriers or doorways?
The mind and heart are not truly separate, as we move into great connection it is both rather than either. It’s a matter of recognizing what deep information is flowing, rather than just the loud words. You need the mind to recognize your heart, just as you need the heart to energize your mind into new connections.
Subtle Bridge
Your subtle bridge, your thoughts and emotions, are how you communicate directly with Life, the invisible flow of information that builds this world. Your clairsenses, your intuitive impressions (which can include your thoughts and emotions), are how Life communicates with you.
Your clairsenses are to be used with the physical senses, as they are part of your communication system that navigates the blending of your subtle and physical nature. Over- or under-valuing one or the other limits your Clarity. Use your intuitive senses to create a fuller flow of information in addition to the physical senses.
I often see heart opening connected to an increase in the clairsenses, especially empathy. To sustain the increased connection with fuller information, the support of safety and strength are vital. Otherwise, the information gets overwhelming.
When you feel safe to trust yourself, to read the clues of life’s communication and to allow information to form over time, you are allowing your mind to connect to the heart’s subtle whisper of Love forming. Are you strong enough to find Clarity when you don’t have all the answers or you don’t like the answer you’re getting?
Empowered Clarity
It is important to become clear on your intent and the flow of thoughts and emotions that you direct within. This is different than controlling them; it is observing, honoring and reshaping them—which really means reshaping your resonance.

When you align your heart and mind, you are opening your mind to your infinite nature (heart); bringing greater Clarity to your thoughts.
The heart is where your courage to connect with life resides, the mind will look for survival fears first.
That’s not a bad thing in theory, you’re not going to lose that survival skill. But when you are strong enough to perceive fuller information, you are releasing limitations.
Clarity is the difference between real survival needs versus presumed or unconscious fears leading. With empowerment within, you are not avoiding vulnerability or disappointment (etc.).
Vulnerability is often a heart wound that first creates new clarity. When it becomes a new choice, new strength is created within you and your life.
In Summary
February offers you to build on the 2020 energies of Following Your Heart into greater clarity. The heart is your access point to your infinite nature, and the mind is your direction of manifestation. What choices will you make in February to flow your infinite Love into this world?
When you see the immense power of Love that you are, your Clarity is amplified into movement. It’s why you manifested into this realm of separation. To clarify – yourself, this experience and life itself.
Life has given itself to you. Will you give your Love to Life?