viernes, enero 31, 2020
Rev. Christine Meleriessee - Lord Adama Discourse - Becoming the Torch Bearer with Your Spiritual Intentions - Jan 31, 2020
Lord Adama, High Priest of Telos shares his wisdom and knowledge for Ascension Mastery Training. The Telosians and Agartha Councils of Light realize the importance of bringing forth teachings and wisdom to assist humanity. Rev. Christine Meleriessee Hayden is an Integrative Channel who works exclusively with Lord Adama of Telos and the Agartha Council of Light.
Alunah, Alunah, Alunah,
Greetings, greetings, greetings, I Am Lord Adama High Priest of Telos with the Agarthan Council of Light happy to be connecting with each of you once again.
As we stand in the energies of this new year of 2020, bringing forth a sense of excitement of enthrallment as we are coming into a new part of ourselves.
It is important for each of you to realize that as this Initiate that you are experiencing within your physical walk, that what you experience is directly related to your Higher Bodies of Light to your Higher Self, to your Monad, to all that you are in that source of light, and not just within the personality of your physical self.
This is going to be your greatest challenge.
You must constantly remind yourself through this process all throughout the year that what you are doing in your meditations spiritually is truly the guiding light to assist you in the physical experience. Now many of you may think that you are letting go of your physical world, and this is not true at all. You are integrating, you are allowing your higher levels of vibrational essences to come into your physical body, to walk within those energies to become better, to become more attuned, to become more grounded, to become more part of the realization of whom you are truly becoming.
We call this year, BE THE MASTER, and that means your own mastery.
You are the driver of all of your bodies, you are the driver that takes the pathway, goes to the different directions to experience life. Some of you may have already noticed that when you don’t connect fully within your higher energies, what occurs for you. It can be very detrimental. It can be so challenging and it can cause great grief, but yet if you allow yourself to continually intend to work more fully within your Higher Consciousness with everything that you say, with everything you think, with everything you are in each moment, then you will be able to aspire to more greatness in the physical world.
Some may think that this is just a moment and you are going to be transported to a higher level of existence, not on the earth.
I know we have talked about this previously. Many of the masters have talked about it. You are the TORCH BEARERS.
What happens to a torch? You put into the ground and it shines brightly lighting the way for others. In order for you to be that torch, you must acknowledge that light that is not part of your physical existence to become part of you. Within that process, the journey that you take, the path, the walk that you decide upon must be acknowledged by your Higher Consciousness because if it is not, then you will have to work through the karma of your Etheric Self, your personality will be in charge, and what you experience may not be what you could have experienced.
It is up to you in this point in time if you are going to take the HIGH ROAD or the LOW ROAD. The Low Road would be your physical consciousness.
Now it doesn’t mean that your physical consciousness is not important as it is very, very important but it is a blending of all the Three Minds (Conscious, Sub-Conscious, Super-Conscious), a blending of everything we have talked about throughout the years.
It is a blending of what Ascension Mastery represents, it is a blending of the Love, the Wisdom, and the Power, it is a blending of all those bodies together becoming One within you own consciousness. So it is important to realize that what you are going to be experiencing is not always going to be beautiful, but one that is transforming. That is what you have to look upon.
As you’re setting your Intentions for this year, we want each of you to aspire to the highest vibrational energies to assist you in the process. Your Lower Ego will argue with you, as that is what it is meant to do. It is meant to keep you informed until that Lower Self, the Lower Ego can finally SURRENDER and to LET IT BE of what you are experiencing. To allow all that you are encountering to be Lessons.
It is important for each of you within your consciousness to realize that all that you come across of the challenges and the achievements are LESSONS. When you have a SUCCESS, it represents that energy that you stayed strong within your Higher Consciousness to walk through a New Doorway. That is the greatest part of success.
I employ each of you to work diligently, to let go of the lower self thoughts within your consciousness, the Lower Self that wants to judge, that wants to be right. There is no right or wrong, there is just “WHAT IT IS, AS IT IS”.
Within that representation, it is important for you, as the Initiate, for this year to remind yourself of your Intention, whether you have to write it on a piece of paper, leave it on a space where you can see it, or put it on your phone or computer, to remind you every day and as many moments as you can that this is who you truly want to be.
As you look at those intentions, what is it that you want for yourself?
To be more loving, to be more compassionate, to be accepting, to be more diligent and that’s all for yourself, because that is being that Torch, that Golden Torch, as a Being becoming the Christed Self.
As you go through this process, take those moments when you have truly felt a success to be your own Inspiration.
That is why we chose these words for this first cycle as it is important to hold true in those intentions, and to be that inspiration down the road. Acknowledgement is your key to realize within yourself as Divine Mother Father God (Clarion Temple of Oneness Teaching, January 13, 2020) shared so eloquently the other night about being that Soul that came into this body that was ready to do a job and had no qualms or questions, but just felt the Divine Love as you came into Creation.
So the Creative Process now is to allow your Higher Essence of all the Light Bodies Lady Mahlariessee brought forth previously that represent your I Am Presence Consciousness, all those elements within yourself to be able to walk through the doorway of the challenges.
Sometimes it will be very, very difficult for your Lower Self, but it is not difficult for your Higher Self who understands. This part of you is with you continually and assists you as much as possible. You must remember that you must do your part as the Driver of this four-body system of your consciousness to say “This is what I want; this is who I want to be; this is how I want to feel; this is how I desire to experience my life.”
Great healing will come; health will be better; the vibration will assist you. There may be times that it will be challenging, and you will need to take a break. That is because you need to integrate and that process can be very debilitating as you want to do otherwise.
Remind yourself with your breath with the Higher Energies that you are learning to access within yourself. Utilize the tools that have been given to help you through this process and we, as the Masters walk with you hand-in-hand every moment you allow us to do so.
Alunah, Alunah, Alunah
© 2020 / New Earth Consciousness-Circle of Light: The Golden Etheric Cities; Jan 15th, 2020.
The New Earth Consciousness-Circle of Light is a weekly class in which we journey to one of the 22 Etheric Cities. Included is a teaching from Lord Adama and a special Ascended Being that represents the city. Walking Terra Christa provides many options to participate in their weekly teachings with an affordable rate for all individuals. You can become an Academy Student or participate in our Partner/Membership Program while experiencing the teachings on your own time via the recordings. You can also purchase any of the MP3 downloads separately for the the classes to receive the highest vibrational energies available. Please make sure you state which class you want to purchase in the PayPal link.
ASCEND EARTH ~ CREATE HEALING LIGHT FOR GAIA – Join Walking Terra Christa in this special project to help bring more healing light to the planet and humanity by creating Ascension Columns around the Earth with the assistance of the Unified Whole Galactic and Agartha Alliance. To learn more please use the link.
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Christine Meleriessee,