You RADIATE your frequency as if you are your own cell phone, to your own cell tower, which is your blueprint, back and forth, IN ALL MOMENTS.
Not through your commands and desires, MORE SO YOUR real vibrating NOW FREQUENCY.
SO THERE IS no bypassing reality.
Reality; that is your frequency, is the sum of your conscious and subconscious thoughts, feelings, beliefs, emotions and actions.
The chair is the chair for you and your reality. Your body is part of your frequency reality.
Your Perceptions are your reality and they shift too ~ when the INNER you ( sum total of all that is consciously and subconsciously GOING ON WITHIN YOU) SHIFTS and changes.
When the inner you REALLY changes your mindset and thoughts change also. Which comes first?
The deeper levels clear old patterns that are blocking you from your true awareness of all that is POSSIBLE for you. Which seems as though are worlds away from your current reality.
They are worlds away, the great news is there is NO DISTANCE or time to their access as aligning to your NEW REALITY is a shift that takes place in a moment. IN A NOW moment.
Everything around you is as much a part of the plan as the body that you see. Your arms, your legs. YOUR shoes, your eyes. All part of the reality that you are creating now.
Always love everything that you have created.
Even if you do not LIKE IT.
Love is acceptance and gentle and is the present PRESENCE that always is present within your heart.
IT is that glowing LIGHT, that warm feeling. That part of you that is limitless, which does not make sense to the mind.
Live through this STATE OF NOW ~ so as to know and align with your DIVINE SELF.
IT is ALL the love that you ever desired! IT is more than you can imagine.
IN this the ETERNAL glowing LIGHT and Sacred holy LOVE, we anoint you and bless you now! We are The Divine Council of Overseers, present NOW ~ NOW in the GLORY and PRESENCE of ALL THAT is ~ NOW!
L’Aura Pleiadian (The New Divine Humanity)
copyright L’Aura Pleiadian ~ The New Divine Humanity 2012-2020.