jueves, enero 23, 2020
Judith Kusel - All is energetically linked - Jan 22, 2020
All is energetically linked.
Your energy fields are having a ripple effect all around you.
The energy fields of everyone has a ripple effect on your energy fields.
Many souls are very sensitive, and especially children, with regard to energies and the energies of other people, places, and especially crowded areas.
Your energy fields, have sensors, and thus give immediate feedback on whatever that field encounters. It will set off alarm bells if there is an interference with your own energy fields. That is why we sometimes shrink away from people, even though they have not spoken a word. Our sensors read their energies and it is the immediate feedback, which brings out intuitive system into reading the rest.
Some people are energy zappers. They literally drain your energy, because they feed off your energy. They may not intentionally do this, but subconsciously, but it still happens.
I have often watched little children doing this in shops or shopping malls. The parents do not understand why the child is suddenly playing up. The more sensitive a child is, the more it will pick up the energies and vibes of all around it, and often the children do not know how to cope with this.
It is good policy to teach children to "bubble" up from the word go. This means to teach them to call in their angels and ask them to put a protective bubble of golden angelic light around their energy fields, which will filter out all which is not of the angelic frequency band. Kids will love this and they once they learn to do this, teach them to use this as often as they like.
This applies to adults as well.
I teach me students this, and they find it life changing, for many are very sensitive, like me. I so often step into a room full of people and will immediately pick up who is angry, who is sad, etc. I literally "read" the people in the room, in a few seconds, because I am so very sensitive to energy and energy fields. I have noticed that so many children are too. They just do not know how to handle this. They need help.
As the vibrational frequencies rise, and with it the immense shifts, and as we further assume our more light-filled crystalline higher frequency bodies, we will become ultra sensitive to energies and energy fields. Thus simple techniques, like the Bubble up technique, can help us to cope. (There are other techniques I have not gone into here).
Let us become aware, that we need to navigate now, through immense energetic shifts and thus need to be especially diligent and consciously aware of how other people, buildings, places etc. have a ripple effect on our own energy fields. Some places, like sacred places amplify and enhance our own energy fields, and some places literally distort it. Some sound frequencies and vibration can literally tear holes in your energy fields, and some people too.
Our own energy fields needs to be cleansed and cleared every single day, so that we can assume vibrant health and vitality in all our energy bodies, not just the physical one.
Judith Kusel
Publicado por
Ángeles de Crystal

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Judith Kusel