Remember that we are in the most intense upgrading this planet has ever undergone, and thus earthquakes, tsunami's, volcanoes erupting, even within the oceans, will become more of a daily occurrence.
I am being shown so much activity: Mother Earth is literally buzzing, and she is buzzing with renewed energy, as she has been reborn into the 5th dimension. It is the dance of someone who is rejuvenated, and is being reinvented into her own Higher Soul Self, and thus given a new material form and body, and she is rejoicing!
I am being shown how the inner earth people and those souls whom I call, The Ancient Ones, are stepping forward to assist this immense rebirthing process, as humanity is going to go through accelerated dimensional shifts, and thus consciousness shifts.
You will not know yourself, in a few months time. It will be as if you have travelled and transformed lightyears, even within a few months.
I am very much aware of this in my own life, since doing the energy work in Greece and Egypt and my seminars there. I have shifted. More than this, I am now constantly working on daily asking for releasing of ancestral karma, country karma and even karma of those countries where I once incarted and lived in, in past lives, as I am being guided to do.
My Higher Cosmic Guides, keep telling me that the window of opportunity has opened, for the first in millions of years, for us to truly allow the karmic residue, those forces which plunged humanity from the 7th dimension, into the 5th and finally into the 3rd, can now be dealt with. We can literally ask that we be given a clean slate, personally and collectively.
Yet, NOTE, and this is very important: - Such karmic cleansing will only be allowed, if you ASK for this with clear intent, and with the intent to truly do the inner work which needs to be done. Paying lip service and not being prepared to change from deep within, and truly commit to the much higher vibrational life, will not do it. Authenticity is the WORD and LIVING IT!
In asking for release, always remember to add; "For the higher good of all concerned." Some souls just are not ready to release their karma, because they still hang onto so much. When they are ready, they will - but so many still are not ready for such a step. They have free will and choice. Allow them this.
Rather concentrate on your own soul and do what you are called upon to do. Listen to your own inner guidance. For if too much of the old karmic stuff is released too fast, your physical body will not be able to adjust as every time we release such, our soul frequency and vibration moves up. Our physical body then needs to adjust and this takes time. Listen to your body.
I often find that just before a I have a huge release, I will have pain in those body parts which were affected in past lives. I then start asking what my body is trying to tell me, and such enough, the soul memory bank will get triggered and then, once forgiveness comes, and once one understands how this all served you in one way or another, healing comes, and with it loving grace.
So, understand, even as the planet earth is cleansing, clearing and rebirthing and assuming her new, and higher Lightbody, so are we!
There is so much to embrace, and to love and appreciate at this time! Some souls, like me have waited for so long for this happen, and finally it is here!
It is New Age of ONENESS, of UNITY, and return to Innocence!
I have tears of gratitude and awe writing this!
Judith Kusel