sábado, enero 25, 2020
L’Aura Pleiadian - Awakening Within The New Worlds - Jan 25. 2020
When you WAKE up you will be aware of living through your heart space.
This is the true awareness that exists in UNION with the eternal.
No time, no space.
ALL NOW in the eternal flow of being, which is the eternal God Self.
This is the timeless love and beauty beyond any dreams ever dreamt.
It is the sacred holy of holies, bar-none.
In this the UNION with the Beloved is manifest as the eternal Being of LOVE throughout this Universe.
Sacred breathing, sacred breath.
Sacred life, sacred death.
Born again; as sure as the dream unfolds, in worlds unknown as of now.
We enter these new worlds all in the moment. The heart only knows the way.
Liberation of the mind lives through this awakening. That exists running circles within the endless trying of changing time. Bringing back the past. Living for a future. All obsolete tendencies in a world fraught with its own created dementia of the eternal.
The VERY desired awakening to the truth of being through the HEART, takes back stage to the instant gratification of money, of security, of greed, of wanting.
The forerunner is the surrender to knowing nothing, being nothing. Entering emptiness. Existing and allowing all that is eternal to only be WHAT IS through the heart.
Entering now the Beloved Union, is the true GLORY that awaits it’s PRESENCE known as this ~ THE holy of holies, here on Earth, NOW.
In this we activate YOU now, In love!
L’Aura Pleiadian (The New Divine Humanity)
copyright L’Aura Pleiadian ~ The New Divine Humanity 2012-2020.
Publicado por
Ángeles de Crystal

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