Dear Lightworker friends, I ask that you kindly share this information to any lightworker and other networks that you are a part of. This is an important broadcast and one that needs to have a far reach.
A tremendous amount of mass FEAR is being propagated in the world by forces NOT of the LIGHT that are working against humanity. This is all part of the “If I can’t have it, nobody can” tantrum that these forces are spewing in their final ditch attempt to create mass chaos on Earth as they are forced to exit Planet Earth. The current energies that are coming to Earth no longer support control and domination, and therefore any lower dimensional beings that are used to feeding off others’ energies will no longer be allowed to stay here.
The Corona Virus thrives on FEAR. It attaches to the vibration of Fear, that is how it has been programmed. It cannot touch you if your vibration is high, and your thoughts and actions are positive. That being said, we must take all precaution and avoid infected areas. Awareness is key, with the absence of Fear.
Know that the mainstream media is 100% controlled by dark forces who use it as a tool to spread FEAR to the Unconscious masses. It is safe to question everything when it comes to the news. Controlling the Media is a high priority for these forces because it is the media that is primarily responsible for spreading mass fear and mass panic.
2020 is a CRITICAL year in our Ascension. The vibration that we anchor as a Collective will determine how easily we overcome hurdles along our path over the next few years. Therefore, it is of highest priority that we realize the bigger picture and not succumb to manipulation and fear as these are control tactics to keep us subdued.
The Corona Virus was deliberately injected into our population and China was targeted by the Illuminati because of its high population with a higher chance of spreading to the rest of the world from there.
The real intent behind this virus is to WIPE OUT as much of our POPULATION as possible. The dark forces have not been allowed to use their weapons to start wars as the Galactics have disarmed their weapons and rendered them useless.
WORLD WAR III will simply NOT BE ALLOWED under any circumstances. Any power that tries to start a war will face immediate consequences; therefore, they are moving to secondary tactics by using biological weaponry against mankind as it is easier to slip these attacks past Galactic detection.
WE ASSURE YOU THAT THERE IS NOTHING TO FEAR IN THIS SCENARIO. Yes, there will be some souls exiting Earth due to this attack as well as other future similar attempts to wipe out humanity. However, the souls that are leaving Earth now are the ones who have accepted a Soul Contract to move on as the intensity of this Planet is no longer bearable for them.
The lightworkers of Planet Earth are being advised to KEEP THEIR VIBRATION HIGH and in doing so WILL REMAIN UNAFFECTED.
Source Credit: http://sharonandivo.weebly.com/
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EldoRa Rose
Jan 27 2020