martes, enero 28, 2020
Jim Self - Waves and Particles, Part One - January 27, 2020
Uriel: What we are talking about here are energetic components, color radiations and particles, as well as patterns of particles, that are used together and separately. They can be merged together to create a more expansive, larger expression as a wave of color or a wave of vibrations. In that wave, there is a radiational component that continues to alter the electromagnetics in the field.
As you work with these particles and you work with the components of a wave, the Higher Mind must be engaged. You must consciously begin to use the energetic components that are available within the Eye of Horus. The Eye of Horus is a physical expression of a non-physical event that is occurring. Because you reside in a physical body, in a physical world, it is very helpful to have a physical expression of a non-physical event. Or a creation.
Jim: I understand. Can you give me an example?
Uriel: The physical expression that has limitation and structure to it would be a particle. It could be the expression of a waterfall or a flower or a mountain. Something you can experience with your senses in the physical realm. These are series of particles. They are composed of various energetic patterns that can be sensed with the physical body. They are all composed of particles of expression in the physical realm.
When you get into the non-physical state, where there is no limitation. It is very difficult, through the limitedness of languaging, to express that unlimited formatting that is composed within a wave. The wave itself is composed of particles, but the particles are arranged quite differently and are much more fluid and expansive and less rigid.
Jim: Yes. In the last class we used a feeling instead of a physical flower, mountain or waterfall. We used the feeling or the expression of appreciation. Let’s say the result I desire is a state of appreciation, which then brings about into the physical realm “beauty”. Beauty would then bring into the physical the flower, mountain or waterfall. So, is the feeling of appreciation a wave that allows for particles of beauty to then be manifested physically as a flower?
Uriel: That is correct. It also allows a reorganization of the way in which the electromagnetics are held. A more vast expression can then begin to be created within the realm that is not physical. That expression may be experienced within the physical body as states of ecstasy.
So you see, there is much variation here within the mental body (the thinking process). Also components in the emotional body. The variations that are available within that body are expanded just by reorganizing the way in which those energetics are held. Particles can be held very simplistically for basic expressions in the physical realm or they can be more complex and varied. They can be applied to the non-physical and composed within a wave of energy. There is a communication that takes place at both ends of that spectrum, in the physical and the non-physical, as these radiational components are activated.
This is an excerpt from a conversation between Archangel Uriel and Jim Self as they prepare a class together.
We thank Joan Walker for bringing forth Uriel to speak through her. With her collaboration the Mastering Alchemy Level 3 course unfolded.
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Ángeles de Crystal

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AA Uriel,
Jim Self,
Joan Walker