The calling will be greater than ever before.
The more one resist the call, the more it will persist at this time.
So many allow fears to run their lives, and fears of what would happen, should they finally go out and live that call.
The urgency of the call is now greater than the sum of all the fears, all the excuses, all that is blocking and hindering that call, for in truth there is a COSMIC URGENCY, as all is moving into accelerated ascension.
The old structures, the old forms of life and lviing will disintegrate, and with it, the old systems, which kept it all together, even if acchaic.
Your soul will always be led to the deepest and highest truth within itself! It will remind you, time and again, of your soul contract, you soul calling, mission and purpose, and it will keep at it, until you finally GET IT!
Yes, it is not easy to take leaps of faith in to the unknown. I have been there, gone through it, done it, and still need to take those leaps of faith, daily! Yet, all of this had taught me, that I am never alone, and that I am always carried through, on the wings of angels and the Divine.
The greater the leap of faith, the more and greater the miracles which happen.
This is not a time to shrink away from the Call: - but to heed it and be prepared to dive in deeper and deeper, for we are in massive transformation! We need to transcend the old life and step in to a totally new life!
This the moment!
Seize it!
Judith Kusel