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Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Dinero. Mostrar todas las entradas

jueves, enero 16, 2025

Judith Kusel - Abundance Consciousness - Jan 16, 2025

Abundance Consciousness

As we ascend further into higher dimensions, let us become aware that in truth there is always more than enough.

Yet I see so many souls still struggling with the concept that there is lack. Indeed, on Universal and Omni-Versal levels such a thing as “lack” is unknown.

miércoles, abril 01, 2020

Final Wakeup Call: The Money Changers

The Money Changers
Money made on the backs of the populace

Boom and bust cycles are made to happen

History and Origin of our Debt Slavery

The union, in 2000 BC, between Babylonian religions, Babylonian banking and Babylonian law has put the world into serfdom. – Shortly before the birth of Jesus Christ also named Yeshua Messiah; The Romans set-up a “Puppet Regime” in Israel, so-as-to more effectively mask the harsh reality that the Israelites were a Conquered Folk. And, because “Law” was frequently administered by a “Priesthood” in these ancient cultures, a group of priests known as “Pharisees” among them joint with the Romans to Deceive, Confuse, Plunder, and Enslave the common Israelite

viernes, agosto 25, 2017

Laura Pleiadian - Global Financial Reset ~ It is ALL Consciousness - Aug 26, 2017

You may be wondering…will it happen? When?

You may be waiting…hoping…not knowing what to trust.

You may not even know what you truly believe.

Believe in ~ as ~ the state of your subconscious mind. That is, what really is going on within your memories. Your programs. Your Blueprint. The WHY you function as you do.

How do you hope for something that is not tangible or visible in the concrete world of consciousness?

martes, agosto 23, 2016

Caroline Oceana Ryan - Excerpt from Abundance For All - Chapter 5 - On Releasing the "Hard Work and Struggle" Programming - August 23, 2016

Excerpt from Abundance For All

Chapter 5 - On Releasing the "Hard Work and Struggle" Programming

[Question] I seem to be in a cycle of creating wealth, then struggle, then wealth, then struggle again. It's exhausting!

How do we create lasting abundance?

[The Collective] This is an excellent question, and one that reaches further into the nature of your reality than most understand.

You speak of creating abundance, and “create” is a beautiful word here. Note that you do not say “earn” abundance! For it cannot be “earned.” It simply is. And when you create, you are drawing into your energy field an outer manifestation of something you have called forth and claimed as both your inner and outer reality.

This energy, this vibrational frequency of abundance, is not a matter of what sort of neighborhood you were raised in. It is not a matter of how many university degrees or certifications you possess, what you studied or when or where, what you are doing now for your daily work, or the value that others place on that work.

domingo, mayo 17, 2015

Meredith Murphy - Archangel Michael - Your New Relationship with Money, Part 2 - 17 May 2015

Money Soar Fest from Expect Wonderful
Message from the Archangel Michael
Channeled by Meredith Murphy

Conscious Focusing is Where It's At -- this New Experience of Money (Part 2 of 3)

Hello Again Beautiful Beings,
We are back to talk more about money. To help you reorient, revise and upgrade your relationship.
The new way you are already beginning to think about money has actually put your body on notice. Do you feel it? It has put those congested energies on notice. You have withdrawn your decision to maintain certain fields in your body. As a result of this you may find you experience drainage. This may have a quite physical manifestation because you'll be draining the energy out of these old patterns because you're not committed to pursuing them any longer. You're not amplifying them with your focus as you allow yourself to truly let yourself let go of these things. Just knowing that by that clear slate decision you made yesterday, you have put all of these parts of your energy field on notice.
You are taking your focus off of old patterns and pathways of consciousness flowing. There will be increasingly more and more space. This wide open spaciousness, which we are so intent upon assisting you in moving into, it is this wide open spaciousness which is truly so native to you. For in this spaciousness you can truly choose freely what you wish to know and experience. The exhilaration of that choosing, and also the joyful experience of connecting to the many demonstrations of these delicious choices, this is what you came here for.

lunes, febrero 16, 2015

Los Dioses del Dinero y su Proyecto del Nuevo Orden Mundial: El Juego Final ha Comenzado

David Jones | New Dawn Magazine
Traducido por elnuevodespertar
Déjenme emitir y controlar el dinero de una nación y no me importará quién escriba las leyes.
- Mayer Amschel Rothschild (1744-1812), fundador de la Casa de los Rothschild
Quizás la cosa más importante a saber sobre el poder en el mundo de hoy es que la mayoría de las naciones no tienen control sobre sus propias monedas. En cambio la propiedad privada, los bancos centrales con fines de lucro – como el Sistema de la Reserva Federal de EE.UU. – crean dinero de la nada y luego lo prestan con intereses a sus respectivos gobiernos. Se trata de una estafa muy rentable, pero eso no es lo peor de todo.
No sólo los bancos centrales tienen el poder de crear dinero de forma gratuita, también tienen la facultad de fijar las tasas de interés, para decidir cuánto crédito se emitirá, y decidir cuánto dinero se pone en circulación. Con este poder los bancos centrales pueden – y lo hacen – orquestar los ciclos de auge y caída, permitiendo a los propietarios súper-ricos de los bancos a sacar provecho de las inversiones durante los auges y comprar activos a precios de ganga durante los bustos. Y esta aún no es toda la historia.
La más rentable de todas las actividades de los bancos centrales ha sido la financiación de grandes guerras, especialmente las dos guerras mundiales. Cuando las naciones se dedican a la guerra, con su supervivencia en juego, los gobiernos estiran sus recursos hasta el límite en el concurso de prevalecer. La lucha para conseguir más financiación llega a ser tan importante como la competencia en el campo de batalla. A los prestamistas les encanta un prestatario desesperado, y se han hecho grandes fortunas mediante la extensión de crédito a las dos partes en los conflictos: cuanto más tiempo dure una guerra, más ganancias para los bancos centrales.

martes, noviembre 04, 2014

Foster Gamble - Is the Value of your Money About to Change?

Audio Transcription

Foster: Hi Folks. Foster and Kimberly here.
The question that we’re being asked most by our network, even more than Ebola, Ukraine, and Isis (which we will be addressing in the future) is “What’s really going on with the economy?” “Are we really in a recovery? Are we on the verge of some even greater catastrophe? Or, is it perhaps something else entirely?” With the current launch of our new ThriveTogether subscription option, we decided to share the following as a sample of the type of in process thinking that we’ll now be sharing with our subscribers. So, I’ll start in and then hand it off to Kimberly.
Regarding the global economy… What we’re actually seeing is unprecedented developments leading toward a possible complete global economic transformation. We see, very probably, a new, more humble, more peaceful role for the United States, a new role for the dollar, and, possibly, new roles for you and me. Here are some facts about a few recent developments that can provide critical background:
First, the BRICS countries (Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa) have launched what they call the New Development Bank with a $100 billion gold backing and another $100 billion in reserve. The Chinese, who hold $1.3 trillion of US debt of U.S. debt, second only to the Federal Reserve itself, have begun selling rather than buying U.S. Bonds. So has Russia. So, America is running out of lenders to borrow from. For the first time in 70 years, the Chinese and Russians have created over 40 deals, including oil purchases totaling close to $1 trillion, and they’re doing this in their own currencies and gold, no longer agreeing to U.S. dollar supremacy. For anyone who doesn’t know, in 1944 (the end of World War II) the Bretton Woods Conference was held where the IMF and the World Bank were created and then soon after, the dollar was declared the only international exchange currency — basically, a global economic system primarily under U.S. control. These new deals and others like them around the world are a very significant move. The Chinese have also launched the Shanghai gold exchange to try to bring integrity to international gold pricing after recent revelations of market-rigging by the West. The BRICS countries have also created a new rating agency, the UCRG (Universal Credit Rating Group) that will compete with the cabal’s services (Fitch, Moody’s, the S & P) whose corrupt bestowing of AAA ratings upon junk investments was exposed in the 2008 crash. The BRICS alliance is also working (understandably) on an alternate Internet to avoid the predations of the NSA. The BRICS countries have been patiently check-mating the corrupt cabal that has been destroying the global economy and the environment and now this BRICS group is creating (as far as we can tell) a more transparent, honest, inclusive, and sustainable alternative.
I want to tell you a real story that might sound like a fiction thriller, but which I’m saying publicly now because I believe the evidence is strong enough now to support its validity. In addition to these BRICS developments, there is an alliance of spiritual elders (often referred to as the “Dragon Families”). They represent China, Japan, Philippines, Indonesia, and Viet Nam, at least and they are stewards of the largest off-the-book gold troves in the world. It represents most of the wealth on the planet and is sometimes called “Yamashita’s Gold”. This is fully documented in a 2005 book called “The Gold Warriors”, which we highly recommend that you read. Gold has been the most trusted medium of exchange and storehouse of wealth throughout history and we’re being told that these families want to use the vast resource, collected over centuries, to support debt relief, humanitarian projects, and transformative innovations and inventions. They apparently would be willing to provide the gold to back the dollar and keep America in the game, but the Western banking cabal needs to end their scam of creating money out of nothing and bankrupting other countries and then move to an honest, asset-backed system. We’ve also been made aware that there are many individuals in the armed services and in the intelligence agencies who are horrified at the deceptive and destructive agenda of the Washington Consensus and the military industrial complex. And they are not only unwilling to support more U.S. imperialist agendas, but are working hard and at great risk to correct the situation. In addition to The Oathkeepers and Veterans Against War, there’s a committed group who call themselves the White Hats who apparently have been brokering a pending, peaceful resolution — a deal between the Asian Elders and the Banking Cabal — and there are a lot of reports that these new negotiations are now reaching completion, though success is obviously not guaranteed.
You might be asking yourself, as I did, “Why would the banking cabal go along with all this?” To answer that, let’s look back at some relevant history because the relationship between the Elders and the cabal goes back centuries, but a hint of this dynamic is revealed by a few little-known occurrences. First, the Central Banking, debt-based money scam goes back several centuries to the founding of the Bank of England and the spread through Europe of the Rothschild family. U.S. President Andrew Jackson fought off assassination attempts for trying to prevent fiat money central banking in the U.S. Abraham Lincoln was assassinated shortly after he tried to get rid of fiat money. Fast forward to 1913, the Federal Reserve and the IRS are created in the same year and one century later, the purchasing power of the dollar has collapsed by more than 97%. In 1933, President Roosevelt confiscated the gold of all Americans to help repay secret debts to European central bankers. We’re being told that the Bretton Woods system itself was backed by borrowing from the Chinese against these vast gold holdings and repayment of these loans is greatly overdue. In 1963, President Kennedy issued Executive Order 11110 to issue dollars outside the Federal Reserve system and at the same time, he agreed to a deal with President Sukarno of Indonesia to use Asian gold troves to help stabilize the U.S. economy and to develop Asia and Africa. Shortly thereafter, as you know, he was assassinated. 1971 — President Nixon took away the gold backing of the dollar and now allowed money to be printed without anything real backing it and now the U.S. debt is almost $18 trillion. After the 2008 financial collapse in the first (for a long time) partial audit of the Fed it was discovered that they covertly gave away at least $16 trillion to domestic and foreign banks. For comparison, the entire US Gross Domestic Product last year was $16.2 trillion. Currently, the too-big-to-fail banks globally are carrying over $700 trillion in derivatives debt and the Federal Reserve has been printing tens of billions of dollars a month in fake money, putting the burden of repayment on us and on generations to come and calling it by the lovely name of “Quantitiative Easing”. This is exactly the kind of thing that the Elders don’t want to happen all over the world.
China is buying huge amounts of gold in addition to the troves I mentioned earlier. The U.S. is usually indebted to China and Japan and with nuclear weapons and millions of soldiers, China can’t be pushed around like so many other countries that the U.S. has bullied. Countries around the world are beginning to reject the use of the U.S. dollars, backed by nothing but the promise of a broke, heavily indebted imperialist country. And, interestingly enough, repayments of hundreds of tons of gold that China had moved to the US for safekeeping is 15 years overdue and the first shipment of gold back to China was due on September 12, 2001. Yes, the day after 9/11, when the offices that were handling the pay arrangements in the Twin Towers and the Pentagon were destroyed. Bottom line: audits of Fort Knox and the New York Fed (our gold depositories in the U.S.) aren’t allowed. When Germany demanded their loan gold back recently, the U.S. refused. America apparently does not have enough gold to join the world in backing their currency. The Elders are offering a way out of this doomsday reality.
Based on these facts and on our educated speculation, let’s look now at possible scenarios. In a worst case (let’s call this one Plan B), the U.S. and the banking cabal resist the offer of the Elders to provide gold to back U.S. currency and they reject joining the rest of the world’s new asset-backed system and the associated humanitarian relief. America would be isolated, the war hawks try to stay imperialistic, they try to create false-flag events leading to World War III, and they continue to try to impose their police state to their last dying breath. The big banks and the U.S. government are broke, so this would mean the collapse of the dollar and complete social breakdown in the U.S. Not a pretty sight.
Or, more likely in my opinion, but certainly not guaranteed, Plan A. The Western cabal reluctantly agrees and goes along with the release of ample, historic funds for honest asset-backed money, currency resets, debt relief, and historic humanitarian projects. The dollar may still devalue and most likely there would be major transitional challenges, but in the long run, a much more stable economy without fake money and the Global Domination Agenda is cast out to the trash heap of history at last. In the U.S., there would be a switch from Federal Reserve Notes (debt notes) to asset-backed TRNs (Treasury Reserve Notes), which we’re being told are already being printed, and prosperity based on real money begins to be restored. Of course, in this scenario, we need to be alert to be a truly free and empowering world of equal rights for everyone and not just wind up under the thumb of some new world regime in some sort of global, royal hierarchy or communist tyranny. The Elders must be held carefully to their spoken covenant to use these vast gold troves to reboot the world for humanitarian benefit. Also, soon the fractional reserve banking system will need to disappear along with fiat money because they are both illegitimate partners in crime. I’m told by some who have visited with them that the Elders are truly profound beings, enlightened enough to know that most of this gold is not truly theirs — that in fact, much of it represents the plunder of centuries of war and that they’re just stewarding its careful return to the people of the world. I’m told that their core commitment, as opposed to controlling greed, is to the spiritual legacy of their families, their people, and to the peoples of the world and I hope that it’s true. This is not the People’s Republic of China. This is a separate entity.
What’s really going to happen? That depends on what the cabal does and what the Elders do and, in the long run, what people like you and I do. With all that’s going on that is so insidious, why would I think that this Plan A is more likely? Because there are very well informed insiders working on this with whom we’re in contact. These are not just some rumors on the Internet for us. These same people forewarned us about the coming of the BRICS bank, the revelations of the Libor interest rate and gold price-fixing scandals, the new TRNs and much more. The timing of this type of unfolding event is understandably uncertain, but confirmations of key intel just keep showing up. The BRICS alliance is a hugely significant move and the Asian gold troves, which the CIA has been trying to locate and steal for decades, are real. I know it can seem strange to open to the possibility of such vast and beneficial global transformation, but there is a lot of evidence that the world is re-organizing around the fundamental pattern of restoring the wholeness of natural systems. We’ve been studying these emerging global and economic changes intensely for the last three years and now it finally seems like the time to bring this conversation out into the light because so many of the verifiable predictions are now actually happening.
When we were making THRIVE, I used to think if a genie gave me three personal wishes, what would I wish for? The first one was that the film would be safely finished. We used encrypted communications and stayed under the radar, we went global in a day in 10 languages, and obviously THRIVE came out safely. My second wish was that there would still be an open Internet to spread THRIVE’s message worldwide. That too happened, especially with the help of anonymous computer whizzes and activists everywhere. My third wish, which seemed really outrageous at the time, was that there would be a force in the world powerful enough to checkmate and transcend the Global Domination Agenda of the Western banking cabal that we laid out in our film. I am amazed and encouraged that this too seems to be coming true.
Kimberly: I think one of the reasons that Foster and I are so optimistic is because of the exposure we get. THRIVE is out in so many languages now that we are exposed to people and movements from every continent. As a result, I feel like what happens is we’re able to see a pattern and the pattern that emerges is informed by specific incidences, but it’s a vantage that allows us to see that a new paradigm really is emerging. We see signs of that all the time.
Since THRIVE came out, we have been contacted by over 400 different inventors of breakthrough technologies in power and water purification and decontamination and agricultural efficiency and healing technologies. It’s not because these are easy things to be developing at this stage of the game. It’s because they know that as this old system crumbles, we are not going to be starting from scratch on solutions. These things, once fully empowered, are going to be able to get out all around the world and we’re really going to be able to hit the road running on this. It’s true of so many things that we see.
So what are some other signs that inform the pattern that creates the hopefulness for us, but also informs our solutions strategies? In just a few years, more than 55 countries have either banned or seriously restricted GMOs. That’s almost entirely from grass roots activists organizing. Many attempts to suppress the Internet by the government and corporations have been successfully averted. (People are staying awake on that one.) There are more than a dozen countries that have pro-actively released their UFO-related files. People have organized to effectively resist the mandatory tracking RFID chips and national ID cards. Over a million people around the world have officially said “No” to smart meters and have informed the utility companies that they’re not going for it. The whole toxic aerial spraying and climate geo-engineering is really coming into people’s attention and they’re organizing to figure out what’s really going on and get the truth about that and organizing to stop it. The non-pharmaceutically-controlled cancer cures are becoming much more available to people. For sure, the medical cannabis, but also others. There’s one I’ve been working with recently called GcMAF. (You can check it out at I’m super-excited about that one.) Big banks have been fined now for market-rigging and fraud and sure, the amount they have been fined is insufficient and the individuals haven’t been held accountable, but nonetheless, I think it’s significant because it takes this whole fraud and market-rigging out of conspiracy theory and into official acknowledgment and I think there’s going to be a lot more of that coming down the pike.
The other thing that I know warms my optimism is that the whole consciousness and activist movements are really coming together and sharing the wisdom and the experience of each. Another thing I love is that young people, in particular, are getting their news from different sources and are not getting bogged down by the mainstream distraction. I think that is related to something that I see with people all over, which is that I think we are increasingly questioning the accuracy of the image that we’ve been led to believe about ourselves. We’re really finding each other and those who recognize and believe in and are helping to manifest something different.
A lot of people can feel it, especially those who are engaged in helping to make things happen, and it’s the reason I’m so excited for ThriveTogether because our network is so intelligent. Each country is at a different stage in this evolutionary process so we can really learn from each other and we’ll be informed by the topics that you want us to address and your experience and insights and as well, we’ll be engaged in those that we’ve been studying and are engaged in right now and opening up our real-time research process with you. In addition to the topics that you suggest, we will also be covering more of everything that Foster’s talked about today and the whole changing role of the United States in global affairs. Also, we’ll have people on who disagree, who have different worldviews and perspectives, but we’ll have a forum where we can speak respectfully and intelligently with one another on topics like climate change so that we can really figure out what is going on so that we can be prepared for whatever that is. We are going to be talking about the fact that the United States is actually a corporation and what are the ramifications of that. We’ll be talking about new science and free energy and the other innovations that we’re connected to. We’ll get people in who are really informed about the whole UFO disclosure around the world and what’s going on with that and, also, the whole history and justification for authoritarian rule. How did the government and the cabal get the power that they have and how does the liberty perspective inform our understanding of that. And, also, our solutions. I’m really excited to unpack that one together. It’s the root of all of this that I think we really need to look at and I’m excited to.
The idea is that we’re going to get real-time interaction with you so that together we can develop a roadmap for transformation and really get specific, implementable stages of action and the principles behind them so that we can actually, together, get from where we are to where we need and want to be.
Foster: In addition to this type of sharing, we’re excited and eager for our real-time interactive calls with you and also to be addressing your questions and hearing your insights. Below this video, we’ll put a link to another clip that describes our new ThriveTogether initiative. So, we invite you to join with us in the conversation, connect the dots on current events, and co-create with us the transition to true freedom and prosperity.

This sample blog represents the kind of casual, in-process discovery we are offering in ThriveTogetherSubscribeand add your voice to join interactive live events that will take this and other compelling conversations further.

lunes, marzo 31, 2014

RT - Two Men Caught With $4.1tn Fake Bonds At Vatican Bank – 31 March 2014

RT logoPolice have caught two men allegedly trying to deposit trillions of fake euro bonds in the Vatican bank.
A middle aged American and a Dutch citizen approached the main gate of the Vatican on March 11 carrying a briefcase full of fake bonds with a face value of $4.1 trillion, claiming they had an appointment with bank officials, say police.
Davide Cardia of the Italian Financial Police said the smartly dressed fraudsters tried to convince the Swiss guards at the gate that cardinals were expecting them. With suspicions aroused the two men were detained.
When we arrived, the Vatican police had opened the men’s briefcase to find bond certificates valued in US and Hong Kong dollars, as well as euro, worth €3 trillion,” said Lt Col Davide Cardia.
Read the full story at: / link to original article

viernes, diciembre 27, 2013

Humans Are Free - Exposing The Shadow “Elite” Controlling The World – 27 December 2013

So who really controls the world? The Illuminati? Freemasons? The Bilderberg Group?Or are these all red herrings to distract your prying eyes from the real global elite? The answer, like most topics worth exploring, is not quite so simple. Have no doubt, there are secretive global powers whose only goal is to keep and grow that power. But it really may not be as secretive as you would think. And that is what makes it even more nefarious.But don’t take my word for it, we have both science and insider testimony to back it up.
new world order diagram bilderberg
We are going to break this down into three categories: Financial, Political and Media. This is a harder task than you may imagine, since they all work in concert by design.

miércoles, noviembre 13, 2013

Zerohedge.Stocks In Furious Melt Up To Fresh Records – 13 November 2013

ZeroHedgeTreasuries rallied 4-6bps on the day (with the POMO-driven belly outperforming). The USD dumped back its knee-jerk gains on Europeans trying desparately to talk down the EUR early on. High yield credit banged higher into the close. VIX was man-handled back under 12.5% (despite being bid early). Oh – and every US equity market malted up in an insane intrday swing which seems to be pinned on the back of expctations Yellen will open her shirt tomorrow showing a big red “S” on it. So while every flow-driven market banged higher in a mad scramble of un-tapery goodness, gold went sideways and silver was monkey-hammered (-4.5% on the week). The last 3 days have seen “most shorted” names double the market’s performance. Nasdaq’s swing from low to high is the largest positive intraday move for the index in 5 months!

ok – you had your fun…
See al the charts and read the whole article at : link to original article

lunes, noviembre 11, 2013

Philippines Gold : Typhoons USED in Futile attempt to recover the WW2 gold : Ferdinand Marcos title papers released : Karen Hudes Comments added - Nov 11, 2013

Goin coin

Lets stick to the facts first and Foremost :
Comments Updated 10:00am EST 12th Nov 2013 due to further advise offered from Karen Hudes today:
Added Ferdinand Marcos Last Will and Testament: and excerpt:
Here we shall cover basic History which is unknown in the Philippines let alone the rest of the world:
As always in these gold coins The Vatican and The Pontiff have everything to do with the poverty in the Philippines strangling the place for every last cent: Corrupting the Nation with false spiritual promises as the most evil empire on the planet only knows too well how to perform>