Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Meredith Murphy. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Meredith Murphy. Mostrar todas las entradas
domingo, marzo 13, 2016
Meredith Murphy - Arcángel Miguel - TÚ, EN TU HUMANIDAD, ERES LA CLAVE, Una conciencia pura - 05-03-2016
Hola Divinos Míos: Una conciencia pura, clara, para que puedan usar esta corriente energética de todo lo que ustedes son a fin de recordar y armonizarse a fin de alinearse con su esencia y usar ese alineamiento para crear su vida con ese gozoso flujo.
Gracias por estar con nosotros. Estamos muy entusiasmados por esta conversación de hoy, pues ha llegado el tiempo de conversar de una manera muy directa como no hemos tenido con ustedes.
Recientemente les ofrecimos sugerencias específicas para trabajar con su mente y sus hábitos de pensamiento y patrones de ser a fin de que pudieran abrirse a una mayor capacidad para pensar libremente, y por lo tanto, tener diferentes experiencias desde el interior de su humanidad.
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Ángeles de Crystal

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AA MIguel,
Meredith Murphy
domingo, marzo 06, 2016
Meredith Murphy - Archangel Michael - You, in Your Humanness, Are the Key - 05 March 2016
Hello Divine Ones,
Thank you for being with us. We are quite excited about this conversation today, for the time has come to have a very direct conversation in a way that we have not yet had with you. Recently we have offered specific suggestions for working with your mind and your habits of thought and patterns of being, so that you might open up more capacity to think freely, to feel more open to think freely, and therefore to have different experiences from within your humanity.
This kind of movement is an essential part of your evolution because you, in your humanness, are the key to the ascension of your life. What we mean by this is your soul is not within you to take over and do it all. Your soul is within you, offering you energetic nourishment. Pure, clear consciousness, so that you might use this energetic stream of all that you are to remember and to tune yourself into alignment with your essence and use that alignment to create your life with that joyous flow.
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Ángeles de Crystal

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AA MIguel,
Meredith Murphy
Meredith Murphy - Archangel Michael - Ashira and the Arcturians and the Council of the Golden Dawn Temple - Orienting Message - Eclipse Cycle and the March Equinox - March 6, 2016
Greetings Divine Ones,
As you may be feeling, your energy structure has changed. For many of you what is happening is that you are building great capacity to structurally energize from light and receive the refined light frequencies of the galactic center.
Your conscious evolution is an ongoing process. There are stages in this experience and some have more marked shifts in consciousness and sense of self than others. What many of you are finding now is that your sense of self is increasingly shifting to a soul-based reference point. This is a more distinct aspect of ascension and a wonderful shift to celebrate and unfold.
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Ángeles de Crystal

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AA MIguel,
Meredith Murphy
lunes, febrero 08, 2016
Meredith Murphy - Archangel Michael - Resting in Universal Energies Accelerates Your Evolution - February 8, 2016
Greetings Divine Ones,
We speak to you today with tremendous love and appreciation.
It is easiest for you to hear us when you are in a state of spaciousness. Relaxation softens your field and opens up your energies to let more light enter your human energy system. So please, take a deep breath and close your eyes for a moment. Feel into your body and intend to relax and soften and open so that you might be nourished deeply from all that you are.
When you are making lots of changes in the material you often feel tired. In any given moment you can tap into a far more energized state of being by allowing yourself deep nourishment through the connection with your Soul-self. Right now we invite you to open and receive this renewing energy and to let yourself continue to be refreshed and renewed as we share with you, this communication.
We speak to you today with tremendous love and appreciation.
It is easiest for you to hear us when you are in a state of spaciousness. Relaxation softens your field and opens up your energies to let more light enter your human energy system. So please, take a deep breath and close your eyes for a moment. Feel into your body and intend to relax and soften and open so that you might be nourished deeply from all that you are.
When you are making lots of changes in the material you often feel tired. In any given moment you can tap into a far more energized state of being by allowing yourself deep nourishment through the connection with your Soul-self. Right now we invite you to open and receive this renewing energy and to let yourself continue to be refreshed and renewed as we share with you, this communication.
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Ángeles de Crystal

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AA MIguel,
Meredith Murphy
miércoles, diciembre 30, 2015
Meredith Murphy - Ashira and We are the Arcturians - A New Time-Spell - December 30, 2015
Hello Divine Ones,
As you prepare to enter this new year, what we most want you to know is that there really truly is a new year arising. A new experience of time, in fact. A new time spell for Earth.
What we are calling a time-spell is the experience of life unfolding. The new paradigm that shapes perception has been activated and is available within leading edge frequency resonance, for awakening humans on Earth. This new time-spell puts you into a multidimensional experience in which you realize multiple streams of focus participating in each moment. In a sense, this new time spell shifts you into a different kind of perception of the vibrations within your world.
As you prepare to enter this new year, what we most want you to know is that there really truly is a new year arising. A new experience of time, in fact. A new time spell for Earth.
What we are calling a time-spell is the experience of life unfolding. The new paradigm that shapes perception has been activated and is available within leading edge frequency resonance, for awakening humans on Earth. This new time-spell puts you into a multidimensional experience in which you realize multiple streams of focus participating in each moment. In a sense, this new time spell shifts you into a different kind of perception of the vibrations within your world.
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Ángeles de Crystal

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El Gran Cambio,
Meredith Murphy
jueves, diciembre 03, 2015
Meredith Murphy - A New Platform is Emerging - December 3, 2015
"It is really the dawn of a new age. Your sense of not knowing, your sense of not knowing how to begin, your sense of feeling all the old things don't make sense, your knowing that you cannot plan, must live in the moment, your feeling of your own fullness, all of these are indicators. They are indicators that your old life is over." - Archangel MichaelHello Beautiful,
There is a very big rearranging going on in the ascension experience for those on the leading edge. It's part of a real and profound shift. A new platform is emerging.
By platform, what I mean is a new, elevated state of collective experience that presents in new ways. This new level of experience is resonant with a state of awareness that is more Universal. In essence, it's an expanded experience of Unity or wholeness and the shared experience of life on Earth with others resonant too, with those frequencies.
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Ángeles de Crystal

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El Gran Cambio,
Meredith Murphy
domingo, noviembre 29, 2015
Meredith Murphy - A Way of Life Is Dying. Light Changing Form - 29 November, 2015
Ascending Earth LifeAfter the sun sets there is still an emanating light we see. It is exquisitely beautiful often, as in this photo.
We also know that the light of so many stars is actually coming from
fields long dead and yet in our experience, continuing to shine.
There's a parallel in life right now as a lot of expiring ways of being and systems and belief structures, thought-forms and patterns, still have a charge. They're alluring but they also feel like they don't fit anymore. Have you had this experience?
There's a parallel in life right now as a lot of expiring ways of being and systems and belief structures, thought-forms and patterns, still have a charge. They're alluring but they also feel like they don't fit anymore. Have you had this experience?
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Ángeles de Crystal

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El Gran Cambio,
Meredith Murphy
lunes, noviembre 09, 2015
Meredith Murphy - channeled message from the Arcturians - Who You Are Becoming - Nov 09, 2015
It’s a great joy to connect with you. When we are in this kind of conscious communion, we know more of our wholeness, so we thank you for that.
Today we wish to speak with you about the leading edge of your experience. We offer reflections of your emerging experience to help you to identify with who you are becoming. It’s beneficial for you to learn to see the qualities of your life that are taking on form, for the essence of you, in your embodiment, is always ahead of this and leading you into an increasingly elevated state of blended being.
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Ángeles de Crystal

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jueves, octubre 08, 2015
Meredith Murphy - Return to Wholeness - Oct 8, 2015
Greetings Divine Ones,
We are the Galactic Dragons. We speak to you from the galactic center, bridging transmissions of energy and light within multiple Universes. We are gateway keepers and ambassadors to vast realms of light. We love this role in our co-creation, and we share with you, with great joy.
As you are living on Earth, the energy you experience is opening up for you. As part of this, we now initiate this communication with you. We translate for you the energies within our collective larger wholeness and invite you to feel and participate, consciously, in a more unified, universal sense of community.
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Ángeles de Crystal

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Meredith Murphy
viernes, septiembre 18, 2015
Archangel Michael channeled by Meredith Murphy - Life on Earth, Status Update - September Equinox 2015 - September 18, 2015
Greetings Divine Friends,
The Equinox alignment approaches and you are already feeling the immense possibilities of this energy. Your Divine Self is already facilitating your divine unfolding, in accord with these energies, making use of all that is beneficial for you. Today we share a status update with you, reflecting on Life on Earth as we see it.
First, take a moment now and let yourself orient within to all that you are. Let yourself relax. Close your eyes for a moment and telepathically call upon your Divine Self, the fullness of your being. Invite your Divine Self to be with you as you read this message. Ask your Divine Self to give you a clear and strong sense of inner knowing, letting what is true for you, ring out and strengthen your sense of self and clarity.
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Ángeles de Crystal

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AA MIguel,
Meredith Murphy
viernes, septiembre 11, 2015
Archangel Michael channeled by Meredith Murphy - The Eclipse Cycle Begins - September 11, 2015
Greetings Divine One,
The Eclipse Cycle begins this weekend with a new moon and a partial solar eclipse. We want to offer you some energetic support for this alignment, so if you would like this, please pause for a moment now and go inward. Connect through the center of your chest, your heart chakra, with an openness within you. A calm, quiet stillness. To do this, is to tap into an access-way to all that you are.
The Eclipse Cycle begins this weekend with a new moon and a partial solar eclipse. We want to offer you some energetic support for this alignment, so if you would like this, please pause for a moment now and go inward. Connect through the center of your chest, your heart chakra, with an openness within you. A calm, quiet stillness. To do this, is to tap into an access-way to all that you are.
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Ángeles de Crystal

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AA MIguel,
Meredith Murphy
miércoles, agosto 19, 2015
Meredith Murphy - The Arcturians - Your Highly Sensitive Nature - August 19, 2015
Hello Beautiful Souls,
It is easy for us to see you now, as you have come into a much fuller expression of the truth of your being. We tease you in saying this for we always have been aware of you, but you are lit up now in ways that are quite different from your expression earlier in this lifestream. Do you feel this? Do you claim the conscious creation of this?
We want you to consider today how much you claim what you know and who you are, and encourage you to live at your leading edge with confidence and self-appreciation.
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Ángeles de Crystal

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Canalización Arcturiana,
Meredith Murphy
sábado, agosto 08, 2015
Meredith Murphy - The Arcturians.8-8-8 Techniques for Creating a New World - August 8, 2015
8-8-8 Techniques for Creating a New World
This time in human history is not only unprecedented, it is
unanticipated. There has been so much more awakening than many in the
other realsm of focus, thought possible by this time. We say this with
amusement knowing that so many on Earth feel that things are moving
along more slowly then you might like. From our vantage point, things
are progressing beautifully and we are inspired to see all the changes
you are allowing within your lives and your world.
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Ángeles de Crystal

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martes, agosto 04, 2015
Meredith Murphy - The Arcturians and Ashira - Seeing Yourself More Clearly - 04 August 2015
Greetings Divine Beings of Light,
We are here to speak with you in love, as love, as you are. You and we are so similar in so many ways and yet the form of our field gives you pause to see it that way, or so it may seem to you. Yet it is true. We are in so many ways, simply you refined and refocused in different ways for different experiences of light. So it is.
Let us tell you now, about our being here with you, for it is of great interest to us. We are here to live within your world in and through you so that you might know yourselves more fully. We come here as a unified field of light knowing you in the Divine Self you fundamentally are. We are comprised of an even more expansive wholeness than your Divine Self and yet made up of your Divine Self. We come here to listen and live with you, through you, being in your awareness as the All that is You are, so that you might know yourselves more fully.
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Ángeles de Crystal

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Meredith Murphy
miércoles, junio 17, 2015
Meredith Murphy - The Solstice: Celebrate the Return to Love - Sanat Kumara -17 June 2015
Greetings Beloved Souls,
I am Sanat Kumara and I am here with you in this communication, to
share with you about this time in your world. About the upcoming
Sosltice alignment. About your lives - what is emerging, what is
possible, what is important and what might be the most significant
aspect available to you, in your experience now. The experience of the
return of love.
Love is returning to Earth in wave upon wave of higher frequencies
energies being grounded here. Of course all things are made of divine
light energy which is love, but the higher frequencies of love the
quality of love that you experience as the emotional experience of love,
that is what we speak of when we say, love is returning. Love is
returning to Earth as you increasingly are embodying the higher
frequency aspects of your being.
This is no small thing. It is making life very sweet that all this is happening.
You are living in an amazing configuration. A sphere of experience
in which the arrangements are changing. The correspondence is changing.
The ways of translating vibration are changing. The relationship to
consciousness is changing. All of this is changing in your experience,
in this way, and as it does, love is becoming more available to you and
in this experience of knowing more love, you are feeling more alive.
More hope is available on the Earth, for the sense of potential within
human life is opening up.
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Ángeles de Crystal

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miércoles, junio 03, 2015
Archangel Michael - Aligning with Higher Will. Living in Higher ConsciousnessChanneled by Meredith Murphy - 03 June 2015
Message from Archangel Michael
Channeled by Meredith Murphy
Hello Divine Beings of Love,
Welcome to this beautiful connection in light. We greet you knowing you are changing your lives in subtle, yet substantial ways.
As you allow yourself to look within your heart and feel and get in touch with the deepest reasons why you want what you want, you are aligning with your higher self and with higher will in ways that will powerfully shape your experience.
Upgrading your alignment with higher will taps you into expanded momentums of life. It allows you to flow more energy and higher frequency energy in ways that will allow you to experience more peace, more grounded centeredness and for your life to unfold with more grace.
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Ángeles de Crystal

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AA MIguel,
Meredith Murphy
jueves, mayo 28, 2015
Meredith Murphy - Your New Relationship with Money - Part 3 - May 28, 2015
The Purpose of Money in the Material
Your New Experience of Money (Part 3 of 3)
Hello, beautiful friends.It is with great joy that we reconvene in this moment of shared focus and expansion. We are delighted that you are rethinking your relationship to imagining in response to our invitation yesterday, after having declared your desire to experience a clear state. This desire to experience a clear state beyond all previous knowing of money was very powerful in your imagining yesterday for many of you.
We marveled at how simple your imagining yesterday became more expansive. Learning to imagine that which you have not yet experienced, and feeling tremendously good while you imagine it, is a great gift to yourself. We want you to really take that in. Learning to imagine that which you have not yet experienced, even briefly, and feeling tremendously good while you imagine it, is a great gift to yourself.
You will want this capacity to think of and see in your mind’s eye, and to feel throughout your body and your energy, that which you have not yet known.
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Ángeles de Crystal

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AA MIguel,
Meredith Murphy
domingo, mayo 17, 2015
Meredith Murphy - Archangel Michael - Your New Relationship with Money, Part 2 - 17 May 2015
Message from the Archangel Michael
Channeled by Meredith Murphy
Conscious Focusing is Where It's At -- this New Experience of Money (Part 2 of 3)
Hello Again Beautiful Beings,
We are back to talk more about money. To help you reorient, revise and upgrade your relationship.
The new way you are already beginning to think about money has actually put your body on notice. Do you feel it? It has put those congested energies on notice. You have withdrawn your decision to maintain certain fields in your body. As a result of this you may find you experience drainage. This may have a quite physical manifestation because you'll be draining the energy out of these old patterns because you're not committed to pursuing them any longer. You're not amplifying them with your focus as you allow yourself to truly let yourself let go of these things. Just knowing that by that clear slate decision you made yesterday, you have put all of these parts of your energy field on notice.
You are taking your focus off of old patterns and pathways of consciousness flowing. There will be increasingly more and more space. This wide open spaciousness, which we are so intent upon assisting you in moving into, it is this wide open spaciousness which is truly so native to you. For in this spaciousness you can truly choose freely what you wish to know and experience. The exhilaration of that choosing, and also the joyful experience of connecting to the many demonstrations of these delicious choices, this is what you came here for.
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Ángeles de Crystal

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AA MIguel,
El Gran Cambio,
Meredith Murphy
viernes, mayo 08, 2015
Meredith Murphy - Message from the Archangel Michael - Your New Relationship with Money, Part 1 - May 8, 2015
Your New Relationship with Money, Part 1
Message from the Archangel Michael
Channeled by Meredith Murphy
Declaring Your Intent & Initiating Your Orientation to Money (Part 1 of 3)
Dear Friends,
We are so happy to be with you today.
We are your family of light. We are the angelic realm, with the heavenly host, and I am Archangel Michael. We join with the Council of the Golden Dawn Temple, the specific lineage with which Meredith is affiliated, and you, and your entire entourage, as we like to say, of nonphysical friends and reflections, the reflections of you throughout creation that are connected to you, to create with you this powerful communion of light.
It is this connection within each of us to the Oneness that we are, the source of all that is, the creation awareness, that we ignite this field of light for the purpose of assisting you around what you think of and call and experience as money.
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Ángeles de Crystal

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AA MIguel,
Meredith Murphy
viernes, abril 24, 2015
Archangel Michael channeled by Meredith Murphy - Using Awareness to Create More Freedom - April 24, 2015
Hello Beautiful Souls,
There is great enthusiasm in your non-physical family of light, for the potential for divine embodiment is expanding. It is such a great pleasure to connect in this way. To know you and to participate in this amazing experience you are creating and drawing forth into form, which is, the leading edge of life on Earth.
We in the non-physical, we the Council of the Golden Dawn Temple, we the Angelic, we the Ascended Masters, we your friends in the non-physical, we love this collaboration with you. We are focused upon the perpetual unfolding of Earth and we are invested in this in a profound and substantial way, even if we are not there with you in form, and so we wish to convey to you today, how powerful your choices are, how important your choices are, and how wonderful your freedom is.
It is an amazing thing to be in a realm such as you find yourself and to have the capacity for freedom. Of course the use of this capacity can be impaired by many things.
There is great enthusiasm in your non-physical family of light, for the potential for divine embodiment is expanding. It is such a great pleasure to connect in this way. To know you and to participate in this amazing experience you are creating and drawing forth into form, which is, the leading edge of life on Earth.
We in the non-physical, we the Council of the Golden Dawn Temple, we the Angelic, we the Ascended Masters, we your friends in the non-physical, we love this collaboration with you. We are focused upon the perpetual unfolding of Earth and we are invested in this in a profound and substantial way, even if we are not there with you in form, and so we wish to convey to you today, how powerful your choices are, how important your choices are, and how wonderful your freedom is.
It is an amazing thing to be in a realm such as you find yourself and to have the capacity for freedom. Of course the use of this capacity can be impaired by many things.
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Ángeles de Crystal

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AA MIguel,
Meredith Murphy
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