Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Karen Doonan. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Karen Doonan. Mostrar todas las entradas
viernes, diciembre 26, 2014
Karen Dover - Anchoring TRUTH to the CORE of the Human vehicle - December 26, 2014
As the energies now begin to dissolve the illusion that has wrapped the human race in veils the need to anchor TRUTH deep within the core of our human vehicles is NOW. This is the direct connection to SOURCE and GOD. It is important to recognize that human language has been distorted and that the actual frequency of human language has been deliberately altered. Many utter words that have a frequency other than the word IMPLIES. So it is with the word GOD where many trigger and instantly assume that GOD is the same frequency that is taught within the various religions that are available across the planet. The war of words around “God” and who’s “God” is better than the others has raged for eternity and this is DELIBERATE for in the DEBATING the actual connection to and experience of, the frequency of GOD has been manipulated.
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Ángeles de Crystal

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El Gran Cambio,
Karen Doonan
martes, diciembre 23, 2014
Karen Dover - Embracing the fear that is LOVE in TRUTH - December 23, 2014 |
Many of us at this moment are rushing about trying to prove to those around us how much we love them without an awareness of what we are doing. A world that is taught to fear love will continually search for said fear in order to find it and slay it. This sentence may make little sense until we look at what we as a race have been taught love is.
At certain “times” of the year this fear is triggered by the reality that we were born into. At this time of year it is highly triggered over and over by mass advertising. If we as a race were not triggered there would be no interaction at the levels that are seen. Everyone trying to get ahead in preparation for the one day a year the human race are allowed to feel peace. A created day that has much energetic significance but not for the reason given. Jesus was not born and did not die at this time of year yet we are repeatedly shown that he was.
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Ángeles de Crystal

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El Gran Cambio,
Karen Doonan
domingo, diciembre 21, 2014
Karen Dover - Conclusion of the “Separation of Worlds” in TRUTH - December 21, 2014
As the energies now begin to find their balance, many of us in our human form are now beginning to process that which we have walked. Huge energetic shifts will now see vast changes to our outer waking reality. No longer bound by the lower dimensional frequencies of the old 3D earth created construct manifestation of the higher frequencies into an altered outer reality will rapidly unfold.
It is not that the old 3D earth created construct will just vanish overnight, it will no longer trigger and therefore place a pause or hold on expansive movement. At a human conscious waking mind level this sees the “struggle” effectively dissolved for no triggering means that the walk upon planet earth comes with ease and grace and no longer worry about whether you will be accepted or not.
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Ángeles de Crystal

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El Gran Cambio,
Karen Doonan
miércoles, diciembre 17, 2014
Karen Dover - Exaggeration of energetic fields in preparation for the SHIFT - December 17, 2014
Many of us may be forgiven for wondering when we can actually walk fully in these New Earth energies for any “length of time” and as these energies are now expanding rapidly we are having to find balance over and over again. These next few linear days are the “exaggeration of energetic fields in preparation for the SHIFT”. This is our energy signature aligning fully with the New Earth frequency realities whilst still observing the old 3D earth created construct. THIS is what is changing at an energy level. It is not that those who exist in a lower frequency will physically disappear, it is that we will become observers only to their actions with no energetic connection at all. Thus there are two worlds that exist and we walk through one whilst living and aligning with the New Earth as it physically anchors.
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Ángeles de Crystal

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El Gran Cambio,
Karen Doonan
martes, diciembre 16, 2014
Karen Dover - Closure of the “corridor” between worlds - December 16, 2014

Many of us have walked a path that seems to have been never-ending and yet this is not TRUTH for everything is energy and energy continually moves and shifts. It is not possible for energy to remain static and yet the old 3D earth created reality tried to teach us this over and over again. Looking out onto the world at the moment shows a breaking down of “society”, a breaking down of “reality” and this is part of the unfolding in TRUTH. For in order to birth a “New Earth” the heavily structured and re-enforced construct had to begin to dissolve fully. This has allowed for an expansion which is the “corridor” between worlds.
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Ángeles de Crystal

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Karen Doonan
lunes, diciembre 15, 2014
Karen Dover - Physical reactions to the higher energetic frequencies - December 15, 2014
We in our human form have been kept out of the “evolutionary” cycle that expands ALL life within the universe in TRUTH, this has seen our human form kept within a vibratory frequency loop that has started to feed on itself. The human vehicle was never designed to “break down” and it is the result of the anchoring of the lower dimensional frequencies that many human vehicles do begin to break down. ALL is frequency in the universe, so the emotions that you are taught to keep tight hold of begin to work AGAINST the human vehicle which is designed to allow the FLOW of energy through, around and within.
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Ángeles de Crystal

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El Gran Cambio,
Karen Doonan
domingo, diciembre 14, 2014
Karen Dover - “Sovereignty” versus the “I AM” - December 14, 2014
Today’s energies are increasing dramatically and mirroring that
which resides deep within us at a very cellular level. Intense dreaming
may help us also “decode” as it were that which is playing out
“unconsciously” within our human life experience. For within the old 3D
earth created construct the human logical mind filters out that we
incarnated into a body that was ALREADY CODED prior to our arrival
energetically within it. Within the old 3D earth created construct the
ENERGY that YOU ARE in TRUTH has no say over the cellular structure of
the human vehicle that is grown within the human female. (This changes
within the New Earth). So many of us are filtering out the base
cellular programming that is trying to re-establish itself within this
our human life experience.
I have blogged about the “I AM” being a construct, this construct supports the construct that is termed “SOUL” and was created only for us to make sense of the outer waking reality that we were BORN INTO. This reality is akin to a box, the human race is born into said “box” and the human vehicle is programmed via the “SOUL” to remain within the confines of said “box”.
I have blogged about the “I AM” being a construct, this construct supports the construct that is termed “SOUL” and was created only for us to make sense of the outer waking reality that we were BORN INTO. This reality is akin to a box, the human race is born into said “box” and the human vehicle is programmed via the “SOUL” to remain within the confines of said “box”.
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Ángeles de Crystal

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El Gran Cambio,
Karen Doonan
viernes, diciembre 12, 2014
Karen Dover - The Anchoring of TRINITY / Christ Consciousness in TRUTH - December 12, 2014
The old 3D earth created construct was created out of the lower dimensional frequency bandwidths that seek to teach POLARITY and DUALITY, this has seen us in our human form anchor the concepts of “high/low”, “left/right”, “hot/cold” etc. This has also led us to accept the concept of the human SOUL as being all that we need to align with in order to co-create with the universe. This is not TRUTH and is not supported in the New Earth frequency realities.
There is much talk about the return of “Christ Consciousness” and the birthing of the New Earth, indeed it is not possible to co-create without ANCHORING Christ Consciousness within our heart space. For those of use who have chosen to walk the path of the “unknown” the route to the return of TRINITY has often times been one that appeared challenging. Many of us have turned our backs on the “religious” teachings of the old 3d earth created construct without understanding that we need not make the “either/or” choice. It is not “religion” or “no religion”, for CHRIST is TRUTH, he is the connector if you will to GOD, the TRINITY is the GOD/JESUS/ENERGY in TRUTH.
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Ángeles de Crystal

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El Gran Cambio,
Karen Doonan
miércoles, diciembre 10, 2014
Karen Dover - Blending and finding balance in TRINITY - December 10, 2014
The energies of the last linear 24 hours have increased dramatically and many of us are finding that our relationships are changing rapidly. The balance that is required at this time is to balance the duality that we have been taught to live within with the LOVE that IS in TRUTH, this brings us into TRINITY, this is one plus one equals 3. Within the old 3D earth created reality there is polarity of duality, this is to say that we are taught black or white, left or right, hot or cold etc. There is a BALANCE to be found that can only be found when anchoring the LOVE that IS that brings us into TRINITY, human plus the LOVE that IS equals creation.
In the Universe of 3 all is BALANCE and the duality of the old 3D earth created reality will attempt to hide this balance from us. Many of us at this time are finding that we are not supported by the universe in an “either/or” decision and this is due to TRINITY and the BALANCE that is achieved at this frequency.
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Ángeles de Crystal

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El Gran Cambio,
Karen Doonan
lunes, diciembre 08, 2014
Karen Dover - Entering the New Earth in the LOVE that IS -: December 8, 2014
As many of you are now FEELing the New Earth energies are increasing rapidly, they are allowing all that we have been taught as a race to be shown to us. As I have always blogged ALL that is not TRUTH will dissolve and ALL that IS will strengthen. The foundation of the New Earth is the LOVE that IS in TRUTH which is not to be confused with the concept of “love” that is taught within the old 3D earth created construct. Within the old 3D earth created construct we are taught to segment our human lives, to place people, places and events into categories, to place relationships into categories based on how they serve our PERCEIVED needs and therein lies the illusion. For LOVE JUST IS, it sees no color, no race, no gender etc and it is this that is now anchoring within our human life experience.
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Ángeles de Crystal

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El Gran Cambio,
Karen Doonan
viernes, diciembre 05, 2014
Karen Dover - The dissolving of the “I AM” construct in TRUTH - December 5, 2014
Many of you are aware of the old 3D earth created construct teachings that seek to promote the “I AM”, you are taught repeatedly that the “I AM” is in the SOULAR plexus and that it must be aligned with at all moments of all moments. It is to be noted that the human PERCEPTION of the wording of “teachings” is what is used to confuse, to contain and to frustrate the human race. It is your perception of what is stated that seeks to teach you other than what is being presented. This is especially so when it comes to the wider universal energies. Many of you at this time are FEELing the huge tugs on your SOULAR plexus, many of you may be experiencing stomach upsets, pains etc and this is the very physical response of the frequencies that are seeking to be RELEASED at this time.
You cannot have UNITY with “I AM” for the teaching seeks to have you state that you are other than that which YOU ARE in TRUTH. ALL are ONE but all are not the same, each human vehicle upon this earth is a reflection of SOURCE and as such is unique and individual. Therefore the “I AM” teaching seeks to promote separation where there CANNOT be separation. You may be in a human form but you are not separate from SOURCE for YOU ARE SOURCE.
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Ángeles de Crystal

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El Gran Cambio,
Karen Doonan
domingo, noviembre 30, 2014
Karen Dover - The release of “separation” in TRUTH - Nov 30, 2014
The human race has been taught since the beginning of its creation that it is separate, within the human race the human male and the human female are taught repeatedly that they are “different”, with emphasis placed on the differences at all moments. Yet a human baby has to LEARN and ANCHOR difference. Until a human child reaches the age of around 2/3 yrs old they see no separation, a child this age looking in a mirror does not see “self” it sees a human being standing in front of it. It does not align with the reflection until it begins processing the 3rd chakra which in human form you are taught is the “I AM”, the SOULAR plexus.
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Ángeles de Crystal

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El Gran Cambio,
Karen Doonan
jueves, noviembre 27, 2014
Karen Dover - Moving into expansion and REALIZATION -- November 27, 2014
For those of you who listened to the Beyond the Looking Glass Radio Show last night, you will have heard me explain that the whole of the human life experience is now moving into expansion. It is not about who has what or who knows who, its not about “controlling” the human life experience of those whom we share this planet. The evolution of the human race is about moving into an EXPANDED AWARENESS of the universe whilst in a human form.
The ability that unfolds within you to decode the frequencies that are around you intensifies, many of you at this time may be trying to balance the expansion of being able to FEEL the world around you with what you have been taught to believe about the world. Human interaction is changing as each human vehicle is expanding in its capacity to decode the frequencies that are now flooding this planet.
To move into evolution you must ALLOW the expansion that is now seeking an expression within you, you must allow SELF to let go and allow yourself to experience the “human experience”. For many of you at this time it is an intensely emotional experience. If the universe has you in a space where there are not many people, you are not being “punished” by being somehow “kept away” from the human race, indeed you are in a transition period as you adapt to the new expansive dimensional space into which the human race are now walking.
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Ángeles de Crystal

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El Gran Cambio,
Karen Doonan
miércoles, noviembre 26, 2014
Karen Dover - Breaking of the “mold” of being “human” - November 26, 2014
The old 3D earth created construct served to “mold” the human life experience into a variety of patterns and therefore “experiences”, it is vital to understand that all experience within the old 3D earth created construct was a result of the frequencies that were anchored and not the other way around. All is a mirror and when you look into a mirror it is a reflection that has to be turned around, everything is back to front.
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Ángeles de Crystal

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El Gran Cambio,
Karen Doonan
martes, noviembre 25, 2014
Karen Dover - Separation of worlds - November 25, 2014
I have long blogged about the personal and unique realities that each human being upon the planet lives within. The old 3D earth created construct will try to teach you at all moments of all moments that you share a reality with those around you but this is not TRUTH. How you perceive the world is personal and unique. Please view this youtube video by a dear friend which perfectly illustrates how humans interpret information.
The New Earth frequency realities are the supportive dimensional spaces in which you co-create with the Universe of 3. You populate these dimensional spaces with that which you wish to experience in TRUTH here in your human form upon the planet. The separation of worlds is merely the separation from the influence of the old 3D earth created construct and its corresponding frequencies.
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Ángeles de Crystal

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El Gran Cambio,
Karen Doonan
lunes, noviembre 24, 2014
Karen Dover - Entering into the corridor of TRUTH - November 24, 2014
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Ángeles de Crystal

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El Gran Cambio,
Karen Doonan
lunes, noviembre 17, 2014
Karen Dover - AA Michael message to humanity 17th November 2014 - November 17, 2014
Beloved ones I am the energies that are referenced to you as AA Michael and I am here with you as you now move out of the containment of the old 3D earth constraint and into the expansion of ALL THAT IS in TRUTH. For many of you this may be a time of confusion and bewilderment as you begin to anchor that life on this planet is not as you have been TAUGHT to believe. The movement of the world around you may push you into the places that you have been TAUGHT to fear and this is to help you understand from SOURCE level that ALL JUST IS and that what you have been TAUGHT is fear is but a dark shadow that has no substance.
For some of you this time will expand dramatically and will see you move into arenas that you have never before walked, for others it is a time of opening of the energy centers of the human vehicle as you begin to download the coding that is required in order to access the expanded dimensional spaces of the New Earth frequency realities.
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Ángeles de Crystal

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AA MIguel,
El Gran Cambio,
Karen Doonan
jueves, noviembre 13, 2014
Karen Dover - Meditation to walk the bridge to JOY in TRUTH - November 13, 2014
I am guided to share this meditation as an aid to walking out of the darkness and further into the LIGHT of TRUTH. This meditation can be done at any moment that you wish and as often or as little as you wish.
Find somewhere you will not be disturbed and lie down comfortably. Take your focus to your breathing and allow your breath to settle into a slow and steady rhythm. Then take your attention to your HEART space and visualise your HEART as a doorway. When you are ready walk towards the doorway and open the door.
You will find yourself on a path next to a river. Take a few moments to walk along this path, you may notice that you pass people or that you are alone on this path. Continue to walk alongside the river until you come to a bridge. This bridge is the bridge between the GRIEF that you are walking through and the release of the grief which lies on the other side.
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Ángeles de Crystal

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El Gran Cambio,
Karen Doonan,
miércoles, noviembre 12, 2014
Karen Dover - AA Michael message to humanity 12th November 2014
Beloved ones I am the energies that are referenced to you as AA Michael and I am here to guide and to support as the changes that are now anchoring at a frequency level within your human vehicle begin to take effect. Those of you who have walked in the darkness are now fully comprehending and understanding said darkness, the way out of the darkness beloved ones is to shine the LIGHT of TRUTH as brightly as you can to illuminate your way home.
HOME is where the HEART is and this phrase has been distorted within the old 3D earth created construct, the human logical mind preferring to try to teach you that the “home” is a physical place where in TRUTH it is within the HEART space. For the HEART KNOWS TRUTH and now you are being shown all that is not TRUTH. As you now step out of the illusion that has been presented to you by your human eyes you are now moving into the HEART and beginning to understand the vastness of your BEing. To understand that LOVE IS YOU in TRUTH and that you are able to change and alter your outer waking reality at will.
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Ángeles de Crystal

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AA MIguel,
El Gran Cambio,
Karen Doonan
domingo, noviembre 09, 2014
Karen Dover - Releasing patterns of GRIEF in TRUTH - November 9, 2014
As many of you are now feeling intensely the energies are now deepening and expanding, all that is not TRUTH will begin to arise within you, these at a human conscious waking mind level are emotions and emotional “patterning”. It is no co-incidence that this influx of energies “coincides” with the “remembrance” of those who have fought in wars. This seeks to trigger that which is ALREADY WITHIN the human vehicle, that is GRIEF. The patterning is already there at a cellular level, it will have been lived out repeatedly over lifetimes on this planet in human form. It is EXTERNALISED in the process of remembering, that is it is related to an event which has passed and is being remembered. This takes you OUT of the NOW moment and seeks to have you reference this as an event that has already PASSED. This is not TRUTH for grief is repeatedly triggered over and over again within the old 3D earth created construct. As ALL happens in the NOW moment then the GRIEF is always present until it has been released.
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Ángeles de Crystal

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El Gran Cambio,
Karen Doonan
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