I am guided to share this meditation as an aid to walking out of the darkness and further into the LIGHT of TRUTH. This meditation can be done at any moment that you wish and as often or as little as you wish.
Find somewhere you will not be disturbed and lie down comfortably. Take your focus to your breathing and allow your breath to settle into a slow and steady rhythm. Then take your attention to your HEART space and visualise your HEART as a doorway. When you are ready walk towards the doorway and open the door.
You will find yourself on a path next to a river. Take a few moments to walk along this path, you may notice that you pass people or that you are alone on this path. Continue to walk alongside the river until you come to a bridge. This bridge is the bridge between the GRIEF that you are walking through and the release of the grief which lies on the other side.
Walk towards the bridge holding the intention that you will release all that no longer serves and slowly attempt to walk across the bridge. As you begin to walk you will have those whom you are holding on to appear in the middle of the bridge. They cannot let you pass until you converse with them. Know that they will converse with you in SYMBOLS for they are the human expressions in this human life experience but you have carried this pattern of grief through ALL of your human life experiences. Symbols transcend human language and can help you release from ALL dimensional timelines, not only human ones.
Ask for each person (if there is more than one) to step forward and ask them for the symbol that they wish to share with you at this time. Then when they have handed the symbol to you hand them a WHITE DOVE which is the universal symbol for peace. Continue with this until you are once more standing alone in the middle of the bridge.
You will then be joined by the Angel of PEACE who will walk with you across the bridge to the other side. Please hand all the symbols that you have been given (by those on the bridge) to the Angel of Peace who will then show you the meanings of the symbols by showing you the patterns of grief that you have been holding on to in this your human form. The Angel may have words to share with you. Allow this to be shared and when the Angel indicates to you then walk forward with the Angel at your side.
It may be that the first time you attempt this exercise / meditation that you cannot reach the other side of the bridge, if this is the case then work with the Angel of Peace until you reach the other side of the bridge where you will be given another symbol by the Angel of Peace. This symbol is your gateway to JOY and will be explained and shown to you when your frequency reaches the level that is required by the ENERGY that YOU ARE in TRUTH.
You may repeat this meditation as often or as little as you FEEL guided to.
Please note that this is not a “quick fix”, please be gentle on yourself at all moments of all moments as work done at this level is then processed by your human vehicle and may take some linear days to move through. Tears are healing and death is an illusion, for ENERGY never dies, it simply transforms.
“LOVE is the answer, no matter the question”.