For years I’ve been writing about forgiveness and how it’s
energetic and not emotional, how forgiveness is required to cross the
4th dimensional bridge into higher dimensions, and how it allows us to
release our karmic partners, and close soul contracts and karmic cycles.
But we all get stuck in some part of that process, as we start out with
powerful intentions that fade as we stand face to face with our karmic
partners and re-live the pain of our karma. While we step into these
situations wanting to forgive and release, our emotions take over and we
want redemption, to know that they regret their actions and are willing
to atone for the pain they have caused us. We want to trust them, we
want a new truth about ourselves, which we think they can give us, and
we settle for a trade-off as our forgiveness takes on conditions that
keep us in our karmic cycles.
It is not easy to forgive someone who has hurt us, and release the entire situation without looking back on what could or might have been if they had been different. Depending on how emotionally involved we are, or how much we expect from that person, the line between forgiveness and redemption blurs as we stand in the possibility of forgiveness and want to give them one more chance to ‘do it right’ or take the moral high ground, before we let them go. But we’re doing this for us, not for them, because we want acknowledgement of our own truth — that we deserved better from them.
But this lifetime is like all other lifetimes, where our karmic partners stick to their purpose, to do what needs to be done to create energetic space for our healing and transformation, leading to our releasing the karma through forgiveness. But we ignore this potential because our wounded ego desires validation, wants them to play nice, to be kind, and to show consideration for our feelings. We want to be able to trust them and for that, they need to redeem themselves, to be nice and to not do whatever they did in the past. So we create opportunities for redemption and make our forgiveness conditional on whether someone is willing to change.
The need for redemption is real and powerful, based on our deep wounding and our desire to know that we are worthy of love, kindness, and compassion. We won’t find those things through redemption but we can create healing and release through forgiveness. The polar energy of forgiveness is resentment; the polar energy of redemption is acceptance. If we can build our self love and worthiness to the point where we can be energetically ‘bullet proof’, accept the actions of our karmic partners as their truth, and let ourselves go, the love, joy, peace, kindness, compassion, and validation we seek will be ours, in new relationships with new karma-free partners.
It is not easy to forgive someone who has hurt us, and release the entire situation without looking back on what could or might have been if they had been different. Depending on how emotionally involved we are, or how much we expect from that person, the line between forgiveness and redemption blurs as we stand in the possibility of forgiveness and want to give them one more chance to ‘do it right’ or take the moral high ground, before we let them go. But we’re doing this for us, not for them, because we want acknowledgement of our own truth — that we deserved better from them.
But this lifetime is like all other lifetimes, where our karmic partners stick to their purpose, to do what needs to be done to create energetic space for our healing and transformation, leading to our releasing the karma through forgiveness. But we ignore this potential because our wounded ego desires validation, wants them to play nice, to be kind, and to show consideration for our feelings. We want to be able to trust them and for that, they need to redeem themselves, to be nice and to not do whatever they did in the past. So we create opportunities for redemption and make our forgiveness conditional on whether someone is willing to change.
The need for redemption is real and powerful, based on our deep wounding and our desire to know that we are worthy of love, kindness, and compassion. We won’t find those things through redemption but we can create healing and release through forgiveness. The polar energy of forgiveness is resentment; the polar energy of redemption is acceptance. If we can build our self love and worthiness to the point where we can be energetically ‘bullet proof’, accept the actions of our karmic partners as their truth, and let ourselves go, the love, joy, peace, kindness, compassion, and validation we seek will be ours, in new relationships with new karma-free partners.
Copyright (c) 2014
by Jennifer Hoffman. All rights reserved. You may quote, translate,
reprint or refer to this message if you mention the author name and
include a working link to
El Perdón y la Redención
Por Jennifer Hoffman
16 de Noviembre 2014
Traducción: Marcela Borean Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo
Durante años he estado escribiendosobre el perdón y de como éste es enérgico y no emocional, de como es necesario el perdón para cruzar el puente de 4ª dimensión hacia dimensiones superiores, y de como nos permite liberar a nuestros socios kármicos, y los contratos con almas cercanas y cicloskármicos. Pero todos nos quedamos atascados en algunaparte de ese proceso, ya que comenzamos con intenciones poderosas que se desvanecen cuando nos encontramos cara a cara con nuestros socios kármicos y revivimosel dolor de nuestro karma. A pesar de que entramos en estas situaciones queriendo perdonar yliberar, nuestras emociones se apoderan y queremos la redención, para saber que se arrepienten de sus acciones y están dispuestos a expiarel dolor que nos han causado. Queremos confiar en ellos, queremos una nueva verdad acerca de nosotros mismos, la cual pensamosque ellos nos pueden dar, y nos conformamos con una solución de compromiso mientras nuestro perdón adquiere condiciones que nos mantienen en nuestros ciclos kármicos.
No es fácil perdonar a alguien que nos ha herido, y liberar toda la situación sin mirar hacia atrásen lo que podría haber o hubiera sidosi ellos hubieran sido diferentes. Dependiendo de qué tan involucrado emocionalmente estamos, o lo mucho que esperamos de esa persona, la línea entre el perdón y la redención se desdibuja pues nos paramos en la posibilidad del perdóny queremos darles una oportunidad más para 'hacerlo bien' o adoptar la superioridad moral, antes de dejarlos ir. Pero estamos haciendoesto para nosotros, no para ellos, porque queremos el reconocimiento denuestra propia verdad - que merecíamos de ellos algo mejor.
Pero esta vida es comotodas las otras vidas, donde nuestros socios kármicosse adhieren a su propósito, para hacer lo que haya que hacerse para crear el espacio energético para nuestrasanación y transformación, conduciéndonos a nuestra liberación del karma a través del perdón. Pero ignoramos este potencial porque nuestro ego herido desea validación, quiere que ellos jueguen bien, sean amables, y muestrenconsideración por nuestros sentimientos. Queremos ser capaces de confiar en ellos y por eso, necesitan redimirse, ser agradables y nohacer lo que sea que hicieron en el pasado. Así creamos oportunidades de redención y hacemos nuestro perdón condicionalde si alguien está dispuesto a cambiar.
La necesidad de redención es real y poderosa, basada en nuestra profunda herida y en nuestrodeseo de saber que somos dignos de amor, bondad y compasión. No vamos a encontrar esas cosas a través de la redención, pero podemos crear sanación y liberación a través del perdón. La energía polar del perdón esel resentimiento; la energía polar de la redención es la aceptación. Si somos capaces de construir nuestro amor propio y valía hasta el punto en que podemos ser energéticamente "a prueba de balas”, aceptar las acciones de nuestros socios kármicoscomo su verdad, ydejarnos ir, elamor, la alegría, la paz, la bondad, la compasión, y la validación que buscamos será nuestra, en las nuevas relaciones con nuevos socios libres de karma.
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