Aluna, Aluna, Aluna.
It is so nice to be here with each of you once again. I am very happy we are all together here.
I ask each of you to open up your hearts, and feel all those energies Meleriessee brought in. Allow them to be activated within you. Call upon your highest potential. That is what I would like to talk about today.
This city of Honlontonneash represents that highest potential and ability to be within Divine Love and Divine Power. It means there is no Lower Mind and no Lower Self, although they are in the physical self. The integration has taken place and you allow those essences to fully be within you.
How does an initiate get to the point at which it is consistently within that concept?
Again, I am going to state that each of you is living on the Upper Earth, where some places are 3rd dimensional, other places are 4th dimensional, so it does not support that energy to constantly be in that space. You do have to work much harder than coming to Telos and being able to actualize it. It takes a lot more strength and courage. What you are going through is to be faced with situations in your life consistently to go deeper within yourself, to look at yourself, to understand what you are feeling. When it does not feel or look right to you, then you have to change it.
I know that this is the most challenging part. It feels like you are constantly hitting brick walls. You are not fully able to walk through all these doorways as quickly as you would like to. Everything must come in its own time.
Your greatest potential is a statement that represents your highest essence. As you go through the challenges of your initiations, within the lower initiations, that highest potential is not going to be the same that it can be on a much higher level, such as someone on the 8th initiation for instance. Within the lower initiations, you are going through those doorways that make you look at yourself on a deeper level. You still work within your 3rd dimensional construct, although intentionally you are working with your 5th dimensional self.
Yet, how much of that is grounded?
How much are you accessing through your physical self?
It is like any other school you go through. You have to relearn your experiences. The only way you can stay within that process is to learn your lessons and accepting those lessons. When a situation occurs again, you say to yourself “I am not going to do it the way I have before”.
This is what you are going through. Your highest potential coming into consciousness is not going to be on the level of a high initiate; one that has acquired mastery. Even then it can be a challenge, depending on your consciousness, depending on what your subconscious is still holding within you, depending on what your Supe-Conscious wants to bring forth that rules your full Conscious mind.
This is why I speak of reflection so often, what it truly means and why we need to reflect on who we have been previously. It is the only way we can work on what we have done before to see the difference and who we have become. The more you bring this essence within your Physical Body, the more you will accelerate and allow it to be grounded. Then your highest potential changes. It will get broader. It will change onto a higher level.
The more you practice utilizing the Rays of God, the more you bring in that energetic field within your body and the more you will be able to hold. You have to remember that your Physical Body cannot hold these frequencies. One of the major components of that is your environment; where you are living, the lands you are walking upon, the debris that is upon the Earth, the souls that are still stuck there, affects you tremendously. This is why we ask you to do the cleansing showers and baths. It is only a tool for you to help yourself connect to that higher essence that you are within your potentiality. When you do so, you will feel a difference, even if it is only slight. We want the best for each of you, to be able to hold this energy within yourselves, to hold it within your entire structure, not just your Physical Body, but to allow it to go into your Earth Star, to allow that Earth Star to spin with these frequencies of light. That is your highest potential. That is the ability to fully accept your Divine Love and Divine Power.
It is ready to enfold within you.
It is everything else you have been dealing with of becoming the multi-dimensional self that stops you from having that potential. It is a challenge as this road has many different pathways you can go into. It is important for you to always acknowledge within yourself who you are, what you are in this moment.
So I ask you in this moment, how do you feel about your energy?
How do you feel about your emotions?
How do you feel about your mental thoughts and the full totality of your existence?
If you can tune into yourself to see that your body is transparent and that you are just light infractions coming in and through you, you would understand it more easily. Yet what happens is that the Concrete Mind, the physical mind, does not see it as that. A training process has to occur. You have to remember that you are the Divine Light. You are this Divine Essence. You are the vibrational level of bringing forth the frequency within yourself. Let it spin through you and ground it through your feet. Let it be in your Earth Star so that it can become you.
We know that each time you listen to one of these teachings, in the moment it feels absolutely beautiful. Yet afterwards, you can slip away and not fully feel everything you desire to have in your world. The role of becoming a multi-dimensional self is truly quite enormous. It is not only about ascension. It is not only about feeling the higher energies. It is about becoming all those elements that you ever have and to be able to change the elements within yourself that do not fit.
This is why I suggest for individuals every month to sit and make a mission statement, a paragraph of what you would like to achieve within that month spiritually, mentally, and emotionally. That way it can blend within you physically. The more you intertwine your highest essence within your physical creation, the more you will be able to accept what you are receiving. Everything that happens to you is a direct result of what is going on inside of you.
I know each of you knows this. You see it occurring within you, but then you are concerned about why it is happening a certain way.
Why am I not getting my way, my wish, my desire?
You have to take that statement and turn it inside yourself. Ask that question. Why are you not getting it? The layers of debris, some call it the onion peeling, to get to the core essence could take years to unravel. With the frequencies of light and the changes we are presently experiencing upon the Earth, it can go much quicker. What happens to each of you is that it becomes more of a challenge energetically, emotionally, or mentally. Sometimes you do not have time to relax in between the adjusting energies that are coming into the planet.
At this time, it is a perfect opportunity to do so. Fully take the elements you are receiving and allow them to come into your consciousness and into what you are experiencing. See what needs to change. Use these frequencies of light to assist yourself with moving into the direction you desire. If it is peace and solitude, you ask for that. If it is serenity, you ask for that. If it is movement, you ask for that. You do not go backwards. That is the most important element.
When you travel backwards, you are only going back in linear time to what you have been before. This causes great distress within your psyche, within your higher consciousness, within your Physical Body. It is very important to be reflective without taking on those energies and be the old self once again. I know sometimes that can be very difficult in this process, as you may feel you are becoming the old self. Yet in truth what is occurring is that the layers are being peeled away so that you can find the inner core. Within that essence it may feel very raw, because it will be new. That is allowing yourself to receive your highest potential.
Tonight is going to be a very powerful exchange of energies with Lord Metatron, as he is going to assist you. Think about what you have received in the classes of the Solar Angelic Body. Think about the attunement you have received. What has it done for you? Have you relistened and made some notes to yourself about what areas may need to be addressed?
As we go through these attunements, it brings up unpleasant elements and it brings up beautiful elements. The role of those frequencies is to assist you to remove the unpleasant thoughts and emotions, and to change them so that you can become that potential.
I would like to thank Lord Metatron for giving forth this teaching through the process. As I know, it will assist each of you on a much deeper level. We look forward to having him come back and continue the process with the keys and the Metatronic Light.
Many blessings to each of you,
I AM Lord Adama, High Priest of Telos
Always At Your Service
Extracted from the New Earth Consciousness-Circle of Light class, October 19th, 2014.
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