It is I, NO-EYES at your service. Thank you so very much.
Hau ~ Hau~ Hau~ Oh my heavens, in the purification of your light you can fully allow these essences to be within you that you have experienced within this beautiful circle of Light.
In this moment, if you remember what you experiencing, you can bring that essence onto yourself continuously. Yet you must remember to do so. This moon will bring forth quite a bit of emotional charges in individuals. So it is important to have the balance to bring forth those elements that have been secret inside of yourself only to be revealed. Your truth cannot be your truth if it is only within you. You must allow it to expand out of you.
As we have so many individuals walking around keeping their secrets within themselves, it is creating that frequency upon the earth. It cannot arise into the higher levels that way, which is what you are experiencing presently. With your Mind’s Eye, see a beautiful medicine wheel. See within this sacred circle so many beautiful beings sitting here among each other.
This is our truth of the New Earth. This is Gaia’s truth. Yet, her availability to access it is only through each of you. Realize that you truly have many gifts to give, that your lineage is strong, that the power of your energies is not just the Native energies, but the Galactic energies of the Starseed energies, of the Inner Earth energies, of Lemuria and Atlantis, all coming into Oneness.
It is so very important not to hold onto the particles that seem lost and undefined within your consciousness. They are not there for you to accept. They are there for you to remove, so that more can occur for you. I am so very excited that this Earth is becoming the New Earth, and that the changes occurring upon this Earth will allow you live on within the higher energies.
The processes do not evolve because you all just came here as the Lightworkers that you are. You have a role within this pathway to know that you not only came here to assist others. You came to assist yourself. The totality of what you are receiving is beyond the capacity you can comprehend. It is beyond your mind. It is beyond your feelings. It is within you in these moments.
I am happy to be here and to say that during this month, there will be more changes within each of you in order to help you understand yourself on a deeper level. It is because you are here now. You will allow it to be. You will bring forth this essence onto yourself, so that you can assist on a deeper level. You will do so. As I connect with each of you, I see your wisdom, I see your knowledge, I see the power of all that you are.
I extend that mirror onto you right now within these beautiful Flames, within this beautiful wheel of light that we are all connecting with. This is my dream. It has always been my dream to see people coming together in love, in compassion, and in joy. I extend this onto you now. Allow it to expand within you throughout this month. Allow this moon of Taurus to help ground all those energies within you, no matter what emotions you are feeling.
As we move more toward the solstice, it is needed. Changes are coming. The changes that are occurring presently are on a much easier level than they could have been. The defining energy of 2012 could not come to pass fully, so you are getting a portion of that now. It will come in proportional stages.
So to save humanity, to save as many souls as possible, to allow each soul to awaken onto themselves and to see that they are the light. The darkness they feel is only because of what they have been before. Each of you are the Ones that must step forward. You have the hardest task of all to fully ground this essence within yourself, to remove your lower egos about it. What happens when you start tapping into your higher frequencies is that you begin to receive knowledge and gifts. If your Full Body consciousness has not evolved to a point at which you are ready to receive those gifts, the Ego will result in the lower forms.
It is always important to attain the highest level within yourself. Do the cleansing and the purging that is necessary. Utilize the frequencies of the Universe to assist you.
The next six weeks are a very powerful time.
It will depend on each of you; how deep you are willing to go and how far you are willing to see the purification of your light within you.
I see it. It is magnificent. It is beautiful.
I send that essence onto each of you in these moments, to help you envision it for yourself. Do not only envision it, but acknowledge it. You then must accept it to let it become you. Let us initiate those energies, so that you can fully assist yourself and the planet. The time is coming when more is arriving.
I Am No-Eyes, A Native Woman That Sees It All
Hau! Mitakuye Oyasin! – To All my Relations
N0-EYES from the Chippewa Nation was a teacher of Mary Summer Rain as she wrote about her in her many published books. She comes to our monthly Full Moon Ceremony to extend her essence and teachings through Rev. Meleriessee (White Raven). She has been a teacher of Mel’s since the 1990’s when she came to her through the eyes of her cat “Chakra”. She taught Mel how to heal her body with herbs, native remedies and tools along with teaching her the shamanic way so that she could access her native lineage. Their work together has helped many individuals to find their own pathway of light.
©2012-2014 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery by Rev. Christine Meleriessee and Rev. J. Michael Hayden (Ara). Permission to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog is granted as long as you include this copyright statement and the following referral links. Use for commercial websites, blogs and printed or written reproduction requires written permission.
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