Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Sheldan Nidle. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Sheldan Nidle. Mostrar todas las entradas
sábado, mayo 01, 2021
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Ángeles de Crystal

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Energía Fotónica,
Sheldan Nidle,
sábado, noviembre 23, 2019
Colleen - Update on Sheldan's progress - Nov 23, 2019
Greetings from Galactic Heart. . .
The last update on Sheldan I told you that he was in the process of receiving his new implant. He was remembering more and more that had been erased from his memory from the DEWeapon attacks. We both got so excited. Sheldan's Galactic team warned us it would still take some time. Well, you know how us humans please.
The last update on Sheldan I told you that he was in the process of receiving his new implant. He was remembering more and more that had been erased from his memory from the DEWeapon attacks. We both got so excited. Sheldan's Galactic team warned us it would still take some time. Well, you know how us humans please.
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Ángeles de Crystal

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Familia Galáctica,
Sheldan Nidle
sábado, octubre 19, 2019
Galactic Heart - Update on SHELDAN'S RECOVERY - October 19, 2019
Greetings from Galactic Heart . . .
Sheldan's recovery has endured many twists and turns with multiple Dew attacks starting back in March of 2011. Just when Sheldan had recovered sufficiently from his back surgery (two years ago) and was successfully writing updates and preparing to present webinars again, he suffered another attack (last November). That's when it took its biggest toll on me, physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually.
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Corazón Galáctico,
Sheldan Nidle
viernes, agosto 23, 2019
Colleen - Excerpt from Sheldan Nidle's book ~ Selamat Ja! A Guide for Galactic Humans -
Greetings from Galactic Heart . . .
Excerpt from Sheldan Nidle's book ~ Selamat Ja! A Guide for Galactic Humans
"Upon our beloved planet, there have long existed individuals using their energies as well as abilities to aid Gaia, and humanity. Now the time has come for a new beginning that builds on the achievements of those bright souls. And that is where we come in.
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Humanos Galácticos,
Sheldan Nidle
lunes, julio 22, 2019
Colleen - Greetings from Galactic Heart . . .- July 21, 2019
Greetings from Galactic Heart . . .
This morning when Shel and I were chatting about what we had planned for the day, one of Sheldan's guides, Amatura, came in with a message he wanted to share with you today. Needless to say, Shel and I were thrilled to receive this message.
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Ángeles de Crystal

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Corazón Galáctico,
Sheldan Nidle
miércoles, julio 03, 2019
Galactic Heart . . .- A message from Sheldan - July 3, 2019
Greetings from Galactic Heart . . .

Yesterday Sheldan received a beautiful card and message from a long-time PAO member. The heartfelt message brought tears of Love to both me and Sheldan. We have been honored by so many of you during the past months and we want you to know that we appreciate everyone who has supported Sheldan's recovery and who resonates with PAO's mission.
Yesterday Sheldan received a beautiful card and message from a long-time PAO member. The heartfelt message brought tears of Love to both me and Sheldan. We have been honored by so many of you during the past months and we want you to know that we appreciate everyone who has supported Sheldan's recovery and who resonates with PAO's mission.
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Ángeles de Crystal

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Corazón Galáctico,
Sheldan Nidle
jueves, junio 13, 2019
Colleen - Post-Op Update for Sheldan - June 13, 2019
Dear PAO Community...
VICTORY! And we could not have succeeded with such success without all of your loving support, visualizations and healing energies. Our Galactic Community rocks!
We were scheduled to be at the hospital at 5:30am. After doing all the preliminary paper work, Shel was taken to the pre-op room. As I turned I saw Dr. Javidan walking toward us. Unexpectedly my heart expanded, I opened my arms and ran to hug him. The look of surprise on his face was priceless and then he hugged me back. I
VICTORY! And we could not have succeeded with such success without all of your loving support, visualizations and healing energies. Our Galactic Community rocks!
We were scheduled to be at the hospital at 5:30am. After doing all the preliminary paper work, Shel was taken to the pre-op room. As I turned I saw Dr. Javidan walking toward us. Unexpectedly my heart expanded, I opened my arms and ran to hug him. The look of surprise on his face was priceless and then he hugged me back. I
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Ángeles de Crystal

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Sheldan Nidle
lunes, junio 10, 2019
Colleen - An Update on Sheldan's Recovery ~ 6-10-19
Dear PAO Community,
We did what we could with the resources we had to employ as many natural healing supplements, techniques, visualizations, Light infusions, Tachyon chamber sessions, gifted healers, etc to heal Sheldan before time ran out and the alternative is an operation. Sheldan's prostate problem is complicated and in order to avoid further distress to his urinary tract, an operation is in order. As you can imagine, this is not what Sheldan wanted. However, I'm so proud of him. He stayed steadfast in his desire/belief that he could heal himself with the help of so many friends.
We did what we could with the resources we had to employ as many natural healing supplements, techniques, visualizations, Light infusions, Tachyon chamber sessions, gifted healers, etc to heal Sheldan before time ran out and the alternative is an operation. Sheldan's prostate problem is complicated and in order to avoid further distress to his urinary tract, an operation is in order. As you can imagine, this is not what Sheldan wanted. However, I'm so proud of him. He stayed steadfast in his desire/belief that he could heal himself with the help of so many friends.
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Ángeles de Crystal

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Corazón Galáctico,
Sheldan Nidle
martes, febrero 19, 2019
Actualización sobre la recuperación de Sheldan - Feb 17, 2019
En mensajes anteriores, les mencionamos que el ataque DEW (Direct Energy Weapon/Arma de Energía Directa) sobre Sheldan hizo necesario que tuviera una actualización de su implante. Luego, a principios de este mes, se requirió que los galácticos ajustaran aún más el implante de comunicaciones de Sheldan, lo que dio lugar a varios problemas de salud temporales. Aunque las mejoras en los implantes son delicadas y deben realizarse en etapas sutiles, permitirán a Sheldan, a tiempo, comunicarse plenamente con los equipos de la Federación Galáctica.
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Ángeles de Crystal

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Sheldan Nidle
lunes, febrero 18, 2019
An Update on Sheldan's Recovery - Feb 17, 2019
Update on Sheldan's Recovery
In previous messages, we mentioned to you that the DEW attack on Sheldan had made it necessary for him to have an upgrade on his implant. Then, earlier this month, the Galactics were required to further tweak Sheldan's communications implant, which resulted in several temporary health issues. Although the implant enhancements are delicate and must be undertaken in subtle stages, they will enable Sheldan, in time, to fully communicate with the Galactic Federation teams.
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Ángeles de Crystal

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Sheldan Nidle
martes, diciembre 11, 2018
An Update on Sheldan's Recovery and the Updates
An Update on Sheldan's Recovery and the Updates
Many of you are writing PAO inquiring why there have been no recent updates. Sheldan has provided us regular updates from the Galactic Federation for more than 20 years. Why, you ask, have they stopped?
To recap: For just over a year, Sheldan has been recovering from back surgery to help him walk again. He has been doing rehab ever since and now can walk normally again. Unfortunately, the operation triggered the recurrence of a neurological condition caused some time ago by a Dew Weapon.
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Ángeles de Crystal

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Sheldan Nidle
miércoles, noviembre 14, 2018
Colleen - Celebrating Sheldan - Nov 14, 2018
Greetings from Galactic Heart . . .
Since many of you have been missing Sheldan's webinars (me too), I thought I would share a few of his birthday pics.
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Ángeles de Crystal

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Corazón Galáctico,
Sheldan Nidle
miércoles, octubre 31, 2018
Colleen - Actualización sobre la recuperación de Sheldan - Oct 30, 2018
Saludos desde el corazón galáctico...
Vaya 3 semanas agitadas que he soportado. Sí, fue hace 3 semanas (sábado 4 am, 6-10-18) cuando tuve que llevar a Sheldan a la sala de urgencias porque una vez más fue atacado por un arma DEW. Y otra vez de nuevo a la sala de urgencias una semana más tarde. Esto comenzó un nuevo capítulo que tratar con el sistema médico disfuncional. Gracias a Dios por los numerosos diagnósticos y procedimientos de salvamento que ofrecen. Sin embargo, el
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Ángeles de Crystal

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Corazón Galáctico,
Sheldan Nidle
martes, octubre 30, 2018
Colleen - Sheldan's Recovery ~ An Update - Oct 30, 2018
Greetings from Galactic Heart . . .
What a hectic 3 weeks I have endured. Yes it was 3 weeks ago (Saturday 4am, 10-6-18) that I had to rush Sheldan to the emergency room because once again he was attacked by a DEWeapon. Then again to the ER a week later. This started a new chapter of dealing with the dysfunctional medical system. Thank goodness for the many diagnostics and life saving procedures they do offer. However, the paperwork is tedious and getting appointments for follow-up care is a nightmare. And, as we all know, the pharmaceutical practices are just plain wrong. Yes, some of the pharmaceuticals are helpful but the practice of simply ordering one drug after another is not helpful or healthy. There's my rant on that.
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Ángeles de Crystal

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Corazón Galáctico,
Sheldan Nidle
sábado, octubre 20, 2018
PAO necesita vuestra ayuda - Actualización sobre Sheldan - Oct 19, 2018
PAO necesita vuestra ayuda
Actualización sobre Sheldan
En el proceso de recuperación de la crisis médica del año pasado, Sheldan ha intentado, con gran dificultad, continuar con sus actualizaciones periódicas. Aparentemente, eso ha puesto nervioso al lado oscuro porque, a principios de este mes, Sheldan fue atacado una vez más por un arma DEW. En este caso, afortunadamente, el daño a Sheldan fue minimizado por la vigilancia de la Federación Galáctica. El resultado de este reciente ataque ha sido que el implante de Sheldan debe renovarse
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Sheldan Nidle
viernes, octubre 19, 2018
The PAO Needs Your Help - An Update on Sheldan - Oct 19, 2018
The PAO Needs Your Help
An Update on Sheldan
In the process of recovering from last year’s medical crisis, Sheldan has attempted, with great difficulty, to continue his regular updates. Apparently that has made the dark side nervous because, earlier this month, Sheldan was zapped once again by the DEW weapon. In this case, fortunately, damage to Sheldan was minimized by the Galactic Federation’s vigilance. The outcome of this recent attack was that Sheldan’s implant needed urgently to be upgraded. Because the procedure had to be done quickly, the GF could not afford to be gentle and Sheldan was forced to spend a brief time in
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Ángeles de Crystal

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Sheldan Nidle
jueves, octubre 18, 2018
Colleen - Saludos desde el corazón galáctico...- Reporte breve de Sheldan - Oct 17, 2018
Saludos desde el corazón galáctico...
Hoy es martes. Estaba programada la publicación de una actualización de Sheldan y la Federación Galáctica. Casi me olvido de escribir para deciros que no habrá una actualización esta semana. Probablemente ya hayáis imaginado que no habría una actualización hoy. Sheldan se está recuperando de su reciente ataque con un arma DEW. Ha sido confirmado por varias personas que están al tanto de estas cosas y en las que confío. Es desesperante por decir lo menos. Todavía estoy procesando esta información y cómo perdonar.
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Ángeles de Crystal

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Corazón Galáctico,
Sheldan Nidle
miércoles, octubre 17, 2018
Sheldan Nidle - Excerpt from YOUR FIRST CONTACT - Oct 17, 2018
Excerpt from YOUR FIRST CONTACT by Sheldan Nidle
YOUR FIRST CONTACT ~ page 119 ~ Chapter "The Lords of Light"
Let us review, dear Ones, we have described the procedures of physical creation to you and how the manifesting of the divine plan works. We of the Angelic Realms are purposeful managers who regulate the numerous dimensional fluxes as well as the resonance patterns of each reality (super hologram) within each dimension. We do this by moving a portion of information-energy of the Creator's master super hologram (Creation's main model) from one part of physicality to another.
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Ángeles de Crystal

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Federación Galáctica,
Sheldan Nidle
sábado, octubre 13, 2018
Colleen-Galactic Heart - a short update on Sheldan - Oct 13, 2018
Greetings from Galactic Heart . . .
I promised to share with you Sheldan's latest health journey with all the twists and turns and synchronicities, and I will but not today. I've been out of commission for a week now. I need to catch up.
Yep, it was one week ago, last Saturday morning at 4 am that we went to the ER. WOW! and get this. Last night at 3 am we went into the ER again. All is well. Sheldan was having difficulty with relieving himself which is common after having a catheter. As I said, All is well and we are grateful. His body needs time to recuperate (and me too).
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Ángeles de Crystal

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Corazón Galáctico,
Sheldan Nidle
miércoles, octubre 10, 2018
Actualización de la salud de Sheldan - Oct 10, 2018
Saludos desde el corazón galáctico...
Como muchos de ustedes han escuchado, nuestro querido Sheldan fue al hospital alrededor de las 4:30 del sábado por la mañana. Al parecer, sufrió un derrame cerebral, sin embargo, las pruebas no pueden encontrar evidencias de un accidente cerebrovascular o convulsión. Los médicos dicen que es un misterio. No puedo evitar preguntarme si está relacionado con el arma DEW. Hace exactamente un año que ingresó en el hospital la primera vez.
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Ángeles de Crystal

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Sheldan Nidle
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