Greetings from Galactic Heart . . .
This morning when Shel and I were chatting about what we had planned for the day, one of Sheldan's guides, Amatura, came in with a message he wanted to share with you today. Needless to say, Shel and I were thrilled to receive this message.
"Keep your eyes to the sky. The GF is commencing a program entitled "no doubt about it sightings". It is nice to see lights in the sky, however it is time to unveil our ships in greater numbers. People who witness these sightings will be able to draw the craft or take pictures with their smartphones to share with the world. Much is to unfold in the coming months leading to full disclosure. You can count on it."
WhooHoo! I'm so excited. We will see what Patricia Cori has to add to this message during Sunday's webinar. Join us.
Selamat Ja!